
The cows, who always have an inferiority complex about their intelligence, have a new guessing game to sharpen their brains.

A designated 'Hay Cow' hides behind the barn and creates N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000,000) uniquely-sized stacks (conveniently numbered 1..N) of hay bales, each with 1..1,000,000,000 bales of hay.

The other cows then ask the Hay Cow a series of Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 25,000) questions about the the stacks, all having the same form:

What is the smallest number of bales of any stack in the range of stack numbers Ql..Qh (1 ≤ Ql ≤ NQl ≤ Qh ≤ N)?

The Hay Cow answers each of these queries with a single integer A whose truthfulness is not guaranteed.

Help the other cows determine if the answers given by the Hay Cow are self-consistent or if certain answers contradict others.


* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and Q
* Lines 2..Q+1: Each line contains three space-separated integers that represent a single query and its reply: QlQh, and A


有一串长度为n(1 ≤ n ≤ 1,000,000) 的数串(其中每个数字只出现一次)。有Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 25,000) 个命令,每个命令格式为:li ri ai.


* Line 1: Print the single integer 0 if there are no inconsistencies among the replies (i.e., if there exists a valid realization of the hay stacks that agrees with all Q queries). Otherwise, print the index from 1..Q of the earliest query whose answer is inconsistent with the answers to the queries before it.

Sample Input

20 4
1 10 7
5 19 7
3 12 8
11 15 12

Sample Output









但n很大,所以要离散,将所给区间端点从小到大排序即可。但要注意 一个问题,离散化后的相邻的两个值可能离散化前不相邻,那么覆盖了这两个端点后其实没有覆盖这个区间。


using namespace std;
int n,m;
struct wen {int l,r,v;} q[25002]/*命令描述*/,now[25002]/*命令排序*/;
struct dian {int v,id;} d[50002];/*离散用的*/
struct shu {int l,r;bool g;} tr[650002];/*线段树*/
bool cmp(const dian &x,const dian &y)   {return x.v<y.v;}/*点排序*/bool kp(const wen &x,const wen &y)   {return x.v>y.v;}/*命令排序*/void build(int w,int b,int e)//建树
{tr[w].l=b; tr[w].r=e; tr[w].g=0;if(b==e) return;int mid=(b+e)>>1;build(w<<1,b,mid);build((w<<1)+1,mid+1,e);
void init()//输入并处理
{for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){scanf("%d%d%d",&q[i].l,&q[i].r,&q[i].v);if(q[i].l>q[i].r) swap(q[i].l,q[i].r);d[i*2].v=q[i].l; d[i*2].id=i*2;d[i*2+1].v=q[i].r; d[i*2+1].id=i*2+1;}sort(d+2,d+m+m+2,cmp);d[1].v=-0x7fffffff;int lon=0;for(int i=2;i<=m+m+1;i++){if(d[i].v!=d[i-1].v){lon++;if(d[i].v!=d[i-1].v+1) lon++;//为了避免题解中提到的离散中的问题 }if(d[i].id&1) q[d[i].id/2].r=lon;else q[d[i].id/2].l=lon;}
void down(int w)
{if(tr[w].g==1) {tr[w<<1].g=tr[(w<<1)+1].g=1;}
bool ask(int w,int b,int e)
{if(tr[w].l==b&&tr[w].r==e) return tr[w].g;int mid=(tr[w].l+tr[w].r)>>1;down(w);if(e<=mid) return ask(w<<1,b,e);else if(mid+1<=b) return ask((w<<1)+1,b,e);else{bool fla=1;if(ask(w<<1,b,mid)==0) fla=0;if(ask((w<<1)+1,mid+1,e)==0) fla=0;return fla;}
}void insert(int w,int b,int e)
{if(tr[w].l==b&&tr[w].r==e){tr[w].g=1;return ;}down(w);int mid=(tr[w].l+tr[w].r)>>1;if(e<=mid) insert(w<<1,b,e);else if(mid+1<=b) insert((w<<1)+1,b,e);else {insert(w<<1,b,mid);insert((w<<1)+1,mid+1,e);}if(tr[w<<1].g&&tr[(w<<1)+1].g) tr[w].g=1;else tr[w].g=0;
}bool check(int wz)
{for(int i=1;i<=wz;i++) now[i]=q[i];sort(now+1,now+wz+1,kp);build(1,1,m<<2);int ll,rr;for(int i=1,j;i<=wz;i=j){ll=now[i].l; rr=now[i].r;j=i+1;while(j<=wz&&now[j].v==now[i].v)//因为每个数只出现一次 {if(ll>now[j].r||now[j].l>rr) return false;ll=max(ll,now[j].l);rr=min(rr,now[j].r);j++;}if(ask(1,ll,rr)) return false;for(int k=i;k<j;k++)insert(1,now[k].l,now[k].r);}return true;
void erf()//二分 ,格式吵了标程
{int ll=1,rr=m,mid;while(ll<rr){mid=(ll+rr)>>1;if(check(mid)) ll=mid+1;else rr=mid;}if(ll==m&&check(ll)) printf("0\n");else printf("%d\n",ll);
int main()
{while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){init(); erf();}return 0;

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