Getting Started With FOSRestBundle


Installation is a quick (I promise!) 1 step process:


  1. Setting up the bundle(安装功能包)

Bundle usage(功能包用法)

Before you start using the bundle it is advised you run a quick look over the 5 sections listed below.This bundle contains many features that are loosly coupled so you may or may not need to use all ofthem. This bundle is just a tool to help you in the job of creating a REST API with Symfony2.


FOSRestBundle provides several tools to assist in building REST applications:


  • The view layer

  • 视图层

  • Listener support

  • 监听器支持

  • ExceptionController support

  • 异常控制器支持

  • Automatic route generation: single RESTful controller (for simple resources)

  • 自动路由生成:单个REST风格的控制器(针对单个资源)

  • Automatic route generation: multiple RESTful controllers (for resources with child/subresources)

  • 自动路由生成:多个REST风格的控制器(针对有着子资源的资源)

Config reference(配置参考)

Check out the configuration reference for a reference on the available configuration options.


Example application(s)(应用示例)

The following bundles/applications use the FOSRestBundle and can be used as aguideline:


  • The LiipHelloBundle provides several examples for the RestBundle:

  • LiipHelloBundle功能包提供了几种使用FOSRestBundle的示例:

  • There is also a fork of the Symfony2 Standard Edition that is configured toshow the LiipHelloBundle examples:

  • 这里有一个Symfony2标准版的分支,来于展示LiipHelloBundle的配置示例:

  • The FOSCommentBundle uses FOSRestBundle for its api:

  • FOSCommentBundle功能包使用FOSRestBundle生成API:

本文转自 firehare 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者


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