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I was introduced to design in a serpentine fashion. I don’t have any formal training. Instead, I’ve learned everything through the Web, books, and by interacting with designers daily.

我被介绍为蛇形设计。 我没有任何正规的培训。 取而代之的是,我已经通过网络,书籍以及每天与设计师的互动来学习一切。

Since my skills have been a continual work in progress, I’m always looking for ways to improve. In retrospect, I know that typography has had the greatest impact on me not only as a designer but also as an individual.

由于我的技能是不断进步的,所以我一直在寻找改善的方法。 回想起来,我知道字体设计不仅对设计师而且对我个人影响最大。

Typefaces are everywhere. A nice example is the New York City subway, which communicates mostly in Helvetica; the Swiss typeface has been used for the signage since 1989.

字体无处不在。 纽约地铁是一个很好的例子,该地铁主要在Helvetica进行通信。 自1989年以来,瑞士的字样就一直用作标牌。


Understanding how hierarchy, rhythm, line height, grids, case, italicizing, capitalization, etc. come together to formulate a type will help communicate your messages more efficiently.


A simple yet overlooked example is the resume. A resume is meant to be concise and communicate your background, skills, and accomplishments in less than 30 seconds. The moment a hiring manager starts squinting, it’s likely to induce a negative perception.

一个简单但被忽视的例子是简历。 简历应简明扼要,并在30秒内传达您的背景,技能和成就。 招聘经理开始起眼睛的那一刻,很可能会引起负面的看法。

Below is an excellent template that uses several typography techniques to create a vertical rhythm, highlighting the important bits of information.


Standard Resume标准简历恢复模板

People are always looking for ways to optimize their learning curves. One of the reasons I prefer articles and newsletters over podcasts is that I like to consume my information quickly.

人们一直在寻找优化学习曲线的方法。 我喜欢文章和新闻通讯而不是播客的原因之一是,我喜欢快速消费自己的信息。

To consume information quickly, it’s important to be able to skim the text, line-by-line. When text is small, extra line spacing becomes important. This makes it easier for your eyes to find the next line where the text wraps.

为了快速消费信息,重要的是能够逐行浏览文本。 当文本较小时,多余的行间距变得很重要。 这使您的眼睛更容易找到文本换行的下一行。

As text gets larger, your eyes don’t need as much help. Knowing when to use such techniques will help curate content for different device types.

随着文本变大,您的眼睛不需要太多帮助。 知道何时使用此类技术将有助于整理不同设备类型的内容。

Typography is a craft that you’ll continually hone as you go along. All you have to do is being mindful of how different entities leverage typography for their respective use cases.

印刷术是一种您会不断磨练的Craft.io。 您需要做的就是牢记不同实体如何在各自的用例中利用排版。

Good typography offers readability. Great typography offers readability but is also visually pleasing.

好的排版可以提高可读性。 出色的字体不仅可读性强,而且在视觉上也令人愉悦。

Circular — Lineto.com通函— Lineto.com

Content matters, but so does the medium through which the content is served.


When drawing analogies between typography and music, we could say that typography is similar to sound quality. You can think of the content as the song or album. And, you can think of the different types as the headphone brands.

当在印刷术和音乐之间进行类比时,我们可以说印刷术类似于音质。 您可以将内容视为歌曲或专辑。 并且,您可以将不同的类型视为耳机品牌。

A high-quality font, for example, will likely represent Bose’s noise-canceling headphones.

例如,高质量的字体很可能代表Bose的降噪耳机 。

Typography is so important that many large tech companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Dropbox, etc. have designed/commissioned custom styles.

字体排版非常重要,以至于许多大型科技公司,例如Netflix , Airbnb , Dropbox等,都设计/委托了自定义样式。

Strive to learn concepts that will help communicate content more efficiently and beautifully.


By applying basic typographic principles, the information will become more organized and easier to digest, greatly improving communication.


Here are three bible-like tomes for learning typography that I highly recommend:


  • The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst

    罗伯特·布林赫斯特(Robert Bringhurst)的版式风格要素

  • Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton

    艾伦·拉普顿(Ellen Lupton) 与类型思考

  • On Web Typography by Jason Santa Maria

    贾森·圣玛丽亚(Jason Santa Maria)的网络排版

As you start paying closer attention to typography on well-designed sites, it’s not long before you feel comfortable assessing a typeface.


UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/why-typography-is-the-best-skill-you-can-learn-f4d22c92028c




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