
  • 1. 简介
  • 2. 创建工程
  • 3. 命令行解析
    • 3.1 引用`clap`库
    • 3.2 创建`Config`结构
    • 3.3 调整`main`代码
    • 3.4 测试效果
  • 4. 版本号识别
    • 4.1 eclipse版本号
    • 4.2 `Version`实现
    • 4.3 模块声明
  • 5. 插件识别
    • 5.1 `Plugin`结构
    • 5.2 解析插件
    • 5.3 插件操作
  • 6. 插件清理
    • 6.1 插件扫描
    • 6.2 执行清理
  • 7. 总结

1. 简介



git clone https://github.com/leexgone/ecleaner.git
cd ./ecleaner
cargo build --release


  • 清理eclipse插件目录并将清理插件备份:
eclean c:/eclipse e:/backup/eclipse
  • 检测eclipse目录下是否含有可清理的插件:
eclean -t c:/eclipse
  • 更多使用命令查阅:
eclean --help

2. 创建工程

使用cargo new elean创建工程,调整Cargo.toml内容并在src目录下创建lib.rs文件。

3. 命令行解析



3.1 引用clap


clap = "2.33.3"

3.2 创建Config结构


use std::{collections::HashMap, error::Error, fs, io::{self, ErrorKind}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, usize};
use std::fmt::Display;use clap::{App, Arg};pub struct Config {dir: String,backup: String,verbose: bool,test: bool,force: bool,
}impl Display for Config {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {write!(f, "[dir = {}, backup = {}, verbose = {}, test = {}, force = {}]", self.dir, self.backup, self.verbose, self.test, self.force)}
}impl Config {pub fn new() -> Result<Config, String> {let matches = App::new("eclean").version("1.1.0").author("Steven Lee <leexgone@163.com>").about("Clean up the duplicated plugins in eclipse plugins directory.").arg(Arg::with_name("DIR").help("The eclipse root directory to be cleaned. The `/plugins` directory should be under this directory.").required(true).index(1)).arg(Arg::with_name("BACKUP").help("Specify a backup directory to store the removed plugins.").required_unless("test").index(2)).arg(Arg::with_name("verbose").short("v").long("verbose").help("Use verbose output")).arg(Arg::with_name("test").short("t").long("test").help("Scan and find the duplicated plugins, but do nothing")).arg(Arg::with_name("force").short("f").long("force").help("Clean up the duplicated plugins automatically. Never prompt.")).get_matches();let dir = matches.value_of("DIR").unwrap();let backup = matches.value_of("BACKUP").unwrap_or("");let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose");let test = matches.is_present("test");let force = matches.is_present("force");let root_path = Path::new(dir);if !root_path.is_dir() {let msg = format!("DIR '{}' does not exist", dir);return Err(msg);}if !test {let backup_path = Path::new(backup);if !backup_path.is_dir() {let msg = format!("BACKUP dir '{}' does not exist", backup);return Err(msg);}}Ok(Config {dir: String::from(dir),backup: String::from(backup),verbose,test,force,})}


  • dir:eclipse目录(必须)
  • backup: 清理插件备份目录(必须,在test模式下可以忽略)
  • verbose:输出详细日志
  • test:仅检测eclipse插件目录,不执行清理操作
  • force:不询问用户强制清理插件


3.3 调整main代码


use std::process;use eclean::Config;fn main() {let  config = Config::new().unwrap_or_else(|err| {eprintln!("Error when parsing arguments: {}.", err);process::exit(1);});// ...

3.4 测试效果

PS E:\GitHub\ecleaner> cargo buildFinished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.14s
PS E:\GitHub\ecleaner> .\target\debug\eclean.exe --help
eclean 1.1.0
Steven Lee <leexgone@163.com>
Clean up the duplicated plugins in eclipse plugins directory.USAGE:eclean.exe [FLAGS] <DIR> <BACKUP>FLAGS:-h, --help       Prints help information-t, --test       Scan and find the duplicated plugins, but do nothing-V, --version    Prints version information-v, --verbose    Use verbose outputARGS:<DIR>       The eclipse root directory to be cleaned. The `/plugins` directory should be under this directory.<BACKUP>    Specify a backup directory to store the removed plugins.
PS E:\GitHub\ecleaner> .\target\debug\eclean.exe d:/eclipse
error: The following required arguments were not provided:<BACKUP>USAGE:eclean.exe [FLAGS] <DIR> <BACKUP>For more information try --help
PS E:\GitHub\ecleaner>

4. 版本号识别

4.1 eclipse版本号


  • major:主版本号
  • minor:次版本号
  • patch: 补丁版本号
  • build:构建版本号,可忽略



pub struct Version {pub major: usize,pub minor: usize,pub patch: usize,pub build: Option<String>,

4.2 Version实现





use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};#[derive(Debug)]
pub struct Version {pub major: usize,pub minor: usize,pub patch: usize,pub build: Option<String>,
}impl Version {pub fn new(major: usize, minor: usize, patch: usize, build: Option<&str>) -> Version {Version {major,minor,patch,build: if let Some(text) = build {Some(String::from(text))} else {None}}}pub fn parse(expr: &str) -> Result<Version, Box<dyn Error>> {let mut version = Version {major: 0,minor: 0,patch: 0,build: None,};for (i, val) in expr.split('.').enumerate() {match i {0 => {version.major = val.parse()?;}1 => {version.minor = val.parse()?;}2 => {version.patch = val.parse()?;}3 => {version.build = Some(String::from(val));}_ => {}}};Ok(version)}
}impl Display for Version {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {if let Some(suffix) = self.build.as_ref() {write!(f, "{}.{}.{}.{}", self.major, self.minor, self.patch, suffix)} else {write!(f, "{}.{}.{}", self.major, self.minor, self.patch)}}
}impl Ord for Version {fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {let ret = self.major.cmp(&other.major);if ret != std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {return ret;}let ret = self.minor.cmp(&other.minor);if ret != std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {return ret;}let ret = self.build.cmp(&other.build);if ret != std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {return ret;}let self_build = if let Some(build) = self.build.as_ref() {build} else {""};let other_build = if let Some(build) = other.build.as_ref() {build} else {""};self_build.cmp(other_build)}
}impl PartialOrd for Version {fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {Some(self.cmp(other))}
}impl PartialEq for Version {fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {self.cmp(other) == std::cmp::Ordering::Equal}

4.3 模块声明


mod version;

5. 插件识别


  • 以目录形式打包的插件,目录名类似org.apache.ant_1.10.9.v20201106-1946
  • 以JAR包形式打包的插件,文件名类似org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.20.0.v20201027-1526.jar


5.1 Plugin结构


pub struct Plugin {pub path: PathBuf,pub name: String,pub version: Version,


mod plugin;

5.2 解析插件



regex = "1.4.3"


use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display, fs, io::ErrorKind, path::PathBuf, usize};use regex::Regex;use super::version::Version;#[derive(Debug)]
pub struct Plugin {pub path: PathBuf,pub name: String,pub version: Version,
}impl Display for Plugin {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {write!(f, "{}({})", self.name, self.version)}
}macro_rules! return_err {($msg:expr) => {{let e = std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, $msg);return Err(Box::new(e));}}
}impl Plugin {pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Plugin, Box<dyn Error>> {let filename: String;let name = if path.is_file() {path.file_stem()} else {path.file_name()};match name {Some(stem) => {filename = String::from(stem.to_str().unwrap());},None => {return_err!(format!("Error parsing plugin: {}", path.display()));}}let regex = Regex::new("_\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+")?;let (name, version) = if let Some(m) = regex.find(&filename) { let plugin_name = &filename[0..m.start()];let version_expr = &filename[m.start() + 1..];match Version::parse(version_expr) {Ok(version) => {(String::from(plugin_name),version,)},Err(e) => {return_err!(format!("Error parsings plugin `{}`: {}", path.display(), e));}}} else {(filename, Version::new(0, 0, 0, None))};Ok(Plugin {path,name,version})}


5.3 插件操作


impl Plugin {pub fn move_to(&self, target: &PathBuf) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn Error>> {let count = Plugin::copy_all(&self.path, target)?;self.remove()?;Ok(count)}fn copy_all(root: &PathBuf, target: &PathBuf) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn Error>> {let mut count: usize = 0;let mut dest_path = target.clone();dest_path.push(root.file_name().unwrap());if root.is_file() {fs::copy(&root, &dest_path)?;count += 1;} else if root.is_dir() {if !dest_path.exists() {fs::create_dir(&dest_path)?;}for entry in root.read_dir()? {let entry = entry?;let sub_path = entry.path();count += Plugin::copy_all(&sub_path, &dest_path)?;}}Ok(count)}fn remove(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {if self.path.is_file() {fs::remove_file(&self.path)?;} else if self.path.is_dir() {fs::remove_dir_all(&self.path)?;}Ok(())}

6. 插件清理

6.1 插件扫描



macro_rules! log {($enabled:expr) => {{if $enabled { println!(); }}};($enabled:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => {{if $enabled { println!($($arg)*); }}};
struct PluginSet {plugins: HashMap<String, Vec<Plugin>>,
}impl PluginSet {fn new(dir: &str, verbose: bool) -> Result<PluginSet, Box<dyn Error>> {let plugin_path = PathBuf::from(format!("{}/plugins", dir));if !plugin_path.is_dir() { let e = std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("Can not find `plugins` dir under `{}` dir", dir));return Err(Box::new(e));}let mut plugins: HashMap<String, Vec<Plugin>> = HashMap::new();log!(verbose, "Search plugins under dir `{}`...", plugin_path.display());for entry in plugin_path.read_dir()? {let entry = entry?;let path = entry.path();let plugin = Plugin::new(path)?;log!(verbose, ">> {}", plugin);if let Some(list) = plugins.get_mut(&plugin.name) {list.push(plugin);} else {plugins.insert(plugin.name.clone(), vec![plugin]);}}for list in plugins.values_mut() {list.sort_by(|a, b| a.version.cmp(&b.version));}Ok(PluginSet { plugins })}fn find_duplicates(&self) -> Vec<&Vec<Plugin>> {self.plugins.values().filter(|list| list.len() > 1).collect()}fn print_dupicates(duplicates: &Vec<&Vec<Plugin>>) {println!("{} duplicated plugins found:", duplicates.len());for (i, list) in duplicates.iter().enumerate() {let id = i + 1;let plugins = *list;let keep = plugins.last().unwrap();print!("  {}\t{} [KEEP: {}; DISCARD: ", id, keep.name, keep.version);for (p, plugin) in plugins.iter().enumerate() {if p == plugins.len() - 1 {break;}if p > 0 {print!(", ");}print!("{}", plugin.version);}println!("]");}}fn remove_duplicates(duplicates: &Vec<&Vec<Plugin>>, backup: &str, verbose: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {let backup_path: PathBuf = [backup, "plugins"].iter().collect();if !backup_path.exists() {fs::create_dir(&backup_path)?;log!(verbose, "Create backup dir: {}", backup_path.display());}let mut count = 0;for list in duplicates {let plugins = *list;let keep = plugins.last().unwrap();log!(verbose, "Cleaning up `{}`, lastest: v{}...", keep.name, keep.version);for (i, plugin) in plugins.iter().enumerate() {if i == plugins.len() - 1 {break;}let file_count = plugin.move_to(&backup_path)?;log!(verbose, "  remove version v{}, {} files deleted.", plugin.version, file_count);count += 1;}}println!("{} plugins have been cleaned up successfully!", count);Ok(())}


  • new()方法扫描指定的eclipse目录,识别所有插件并创建PluginSet
  • find_duplicates()方法过滤存在重复版本的插件列表
  • print_dupicates()方法打印存在重复版本的插件信息
  • remove_duplicates()方法执行清理,将旧版本插件移动到备份目录中

6.2 执行清理


pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {let plugin_set = PluginSet::new(&config.dir, config.verbose)?;let duplicates = plugin_set.find_duplicates();if duplicates.is_empty() {println!("There are no duplidated plugins.")} else {PluginSet::print_dupicates(&duplicates);if !config.test {if config.force || prompt(duplicates.len()) {PluginSet::remove_duplicates(&duplicates, &config.backup, config.verbose)?;}}}Ok(())
}fn prompt(size: usize) -> bool {println!("{} plugins will be removed to the backup dir. Continue to remove these plugins? [Y/n] ", size);let mut answer = String::new();io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer).expect("Invalidate input");let answer = answer.trim();"Y".eq_ignore_ascii_case(answer) || "YES".eq_ignore_ascii_case(answer)


use std::process;use eclean::Config;fn main() {let  config = Config::new().unwrap_or_else(|err| {eprintln!("Error when parsing arguments: {}.", err);process::exit(1);});if let Err(e) = eclean::run(config) {eprintln!("Error when cleaning up: {}", e);process::exit(2);}

7. 总结




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