Substring with Concatenation of All Words

class Solution(object):def findSubstring(self, s, words):""":type s: str:type words: List[str]:rtype: List[int]"""ls = len(s)lw = len(words)if not ls or not lw:return -1wl = len(words[0])res = []dic = {}for word in words:if not dic.has_key(word):dic[word] = 1else :dic[word] += 1i = 0 while i + wl <= ls:if s[i: i+wl] not in words:i += 1else :tdic = {}tdic[s[i: i+wl]] = 1j = 1while i + j * wl + wl <= ls:if s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl] not in words:#i = i + 1breakelse :if not tdic.has_key(s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl]):tdic [s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl]] = 1j += 1else :if tdic[s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl]] < dic[s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl]]:tdic [s[i + j * wl: i + j * wl + wl]] += 1j += 1else :breakflag = 0for key in dic:if not tdic.has_key(key):flag = 1breakelif tdic[key] != dic[key]:flag = 1breakif not flag :res += [i]i += 1return res


class Solution(object):def findSubstring(self, s, words):""":type s: str:type words: List[str]:rtype: List[int]"""if not s or not words or not words[0]:return []n = len(s)k = len(words[0])t = len(words) * kreq = {}for w in words:req[w] = req[w] + 1 if w in req else 1ans = []for i in range(min(k, n - t + 1)):self._findSubstring(i, i, n, k, t, s, req, ans)return ansdef _findSubstring(self, l, r, n, k, t, s, req, ans):curr = {}while r + k <= n:w = s[r:r + k]r += kif w not in req:l = rcurr.clear()else:curr[w] = curr[w] + 1 if w in curr else 1while curr[w] > req[w]:curr[s[l:l + k]] -= 1l += kif r - l == t:ans.append(l)




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