Abbreviated biography of Jon Claerbout "Claerbout教授的简历"



Education= (M.I.T., B.S. physics, 1960; M.S. 1963 geophysics; Ph.D. 1967, geophysics)

  • 本科:物理学;
  • 硕士:地球物理学
  • 论文:
  • 博士:地球物理学
  • 论文:
  • 视频:


Professor at Stanford University 1967-present (emeritus 2008). Consulted with Chevron (1967-73). Founded the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) in 1973. “1967年至今,在斯坦福大学任教,于2008年退休,师从Chevron。成立了SEP项目。”


  • Best Presentation Award from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) for his paper, "Extrapolation of Wave Fields." “《波场外推》论文,使得Claerbout教授获得了SEG颁发的最佳演讲荣誉。”
  • Honorary member and SEG Fessenden Award. “SEG的荣誉会员”
  • Elected a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. “美国地球物理联盟研究员”
  • Elected to the National Academy of Engineering. “美国国家工程院院士”
  • SEG's highest award, the Maurice Ewing Medal. “SEG最高奖项Maurice Ewing Medal
  • Honorary Member of the European Assn. of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE). “欧洲地球物理学家和工程师协会荣誉会员”
  • EAGE's highest recognition, the Erasmus Award.“EAGE最高认可度的Erasmus Award


Authored five and a half geophysics books all free on the internet (two translated to Russian and Chinese) and four published commercially. All now free in PDF here. “在互联网上发表了所有免费的五本半地球物理学书籍(两本翻译成俄文和中文),四本商业出版。 现在所有在这里免费的PDF。”

  • FGDP: "Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing," 1976
  • IEI: "Imaging the Earth's Interior," 1985
  • PVI: "Earth Soundings Analysis: Processing versus Inversion," 1992
  • BEI: "Basic Earth Imaging," (internet only)
  • GIEE: "Geophysical Image Estimation by Example," 2014
  • NST: "Nonstationary Signal Tutorial (2018 beta)," 2018

Jon Claerbout's Classroom

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