cortana 无法使用

You’ve created a local account in Windows and you want to use Cortana. However, you need a Microsoft account to activate and use Cortana, but you don’t want to convert your local account to a Microsoft one. What a dilemma.

您已经在Windows中创建了本地帐户,并且想要使用Cortana。 但是,您需要一个Microsoft帐户来激活和使用Cortana,但又不想将本地帐户转换为Microsoft帐户。 真是两难。

Cortana uses and stores information about you through your Microsoft account. And, thanks to the recent Windows 10 update in November, there is a way to log in to your Microsoft account for Cortana only, while preserving your local Windows 10 account. You don’t need to convert your local Windows account to a Microsoft one.

Cortana通过您的Microsoft帐户使用和存储有关您的信息。 而且,由于11月的Windows 10最新更新,在保留本地Windows 10帐户的同时,您可以仅登录Cortana的Microsoft帐户。 您无需将本地Windows帐户转换为Microsoft帐户。

That means you’ll still have to use a Microsoft account, but you won’t have to use it system-wide. It isn’t a perfect solution, but it’ll do.

这意味着您仍然必须使用Microsoft帐户,但不必在系统范围内使用它。 这不是一个完美的解决方案,但可以。

To log in to your Microsoft account for Cortana only, click in the Cortana search box on the Taskbar.


Click on the “Cortana can do much more” box at the bottom of the Cortana search panel.

单击Cortana搜索面板底部的“ Cortana可以做更多的事情”框。

Cortana tells you what type of information about you will be collected and used. Click “Sure” if you still want to let Cortana use your Microsoft account to customize searches for you.

Cortana会告诉您将收集和使用有关您的信息的类型。 如果您仍然希望让Cortana使用您的Microsoft帐户为您自定义搜索,请单击“确定”。

Then, click “Sign in”.


If you originally created your Windows account as a Microsoft account and then reverted to a local account, you’ll see the following dialog box with your Microsoft email account listed. Click on your account to automatically log in for Cortana. This will not convert your local account back to a Microsoft account.

如果最初将Windows帐户创建为Microsoft帐户,然后又还原为本地帐户,则会看到以下对话框,其中列出了Microsoft电子邮件帐户。 单击您的帐户以自动登录Cortana。 这不会将您的本地帐户转换回Microsoft帐户。

If you originally created your Windows 10 account as a local account, the Add your Microsoft account dialog box displays. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, click “Create one” and follow the instructions on the dialog box. Otherwise, enter your Microsoft email address and password in the boxes and click “Sign in”.

如果您最初将Windows 10帐户创建为本地帐户,则会显示“添加Microsoft帐户”对话框。 如果您没有Microsoft帐户,请单击“创建一个”,然后按照对话框上的说明进行操作。 否则,请在框中输入您的Microsoft电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击“登录”。

Microsoft will try to convince you to convert your local Windows 10 account to a Microsoft account. You don’t have to do this to use Cortana. Instead of entering your current Windows password, click the “Sign in to just this app instead” link below the box. This dialog box will automatically close and you will be signed into your Microsoft account only for Cortana. Your Microsoft account will not be used by any other app or feature and your local account will stay local.

Microsoft将尝试说服您将本地Windows 10帐户转换为Microsoft帐户。 您无需执行此操作即可使用Cortana。 无需输入当前的Windows密码,而是单击框下方的“登录到该应用程序”链接。 该对话框将自动关闭,您将仅登录Cortana的Microsoft帐户。 您的Microsoft帐户不会被任何其他应用程序或功能使用,并且您的本地帐户将保持本地状态。

Once you’re signed in, Cortana may try to convince you to get Cortana on your phone. If you don’t want to do that right now, click “Not now” at the bottom of the Cortana pane.

登录后,Cortana可能会尝试说服您在手机上安装Cortana。 如果您不想立即执行此操作,请在“ Cortana”窗格底部单击“不立即”。

Now, you’re ready to use Cortana to not only search your apps and files on your computer but also search the web, create reminders and events, track flights, and more.


Cortana can be useful, but if you don’t want the personal information about you to remain stored on your PC or in your Bing account, you can clear it. If you don’t want to use Cortana at all, you can disable it.

Cortana很有用,但是如果您不希望将有关您的个人信息存储在PC或Bing帐户中,则可以清除它 。 如果您根本不想使用Cortana, 可以将其禁用 。


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