When you think of adidas and Zebra, the New Yeezys Boost 350 probably comes to mind, but the brand plans on doing more with the pattern. Shown is the adidas NMD R1 Primeknit ‘Zebra’ Pack which is releasing soon. The two new adidas NMD releases come dressed in White and Black. One features a Black base while the other is done in White with the Zebra print done in the reverse shade. Constructed with Primeknit across the upper, the two feature a White Boost midsole and White across the outsole. Jon Wexler who is the VP of adidas Global Entertainment and Influencer Marketing shared a preview of what’s in his sneaker closet. While you can probably imagine the amount of insane adidas models he has, we can actually view a portion. The showcasing took place on his Instagram and as most of you expected, it was full of Yeezys, Ultra Boosts and of course NMDs. He also had on display both colorways of the recently released adidas Tennis Hu. As for the new Yeezys 2017, he has the V1, V2 and 750 in various colorways. At the time of writing, a release date for the adidas NMD R1 Primeknit Zebra Pack has yet to be announced. However the two are expected to arrive at select adidas Originals retailers as well as adidas.com soon. Once we have more information, we will make sure to update you. Below you can check out a few more images which will give you a better look.


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