by Prosper Otemuyiwa

通过Prosper Otemuyiwa

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)-编程的查克·诺里斯(Chuck Norris) (Jon Skeet — The Chuck Norris of Programming)

Yesterday, I was on a tweeting spree about Jon Skeet Facts and it occurred to me that putting every thing in just one post would make sense for someone to read, digest & knock his head off laughing than scrolling through my monstrous Twitter timeline.

昨天,我在关于Jon Skeet Facts的一条微博上大发雷霆,但我突然发现,将所有内容放到一个帖子中,对于某个人来说,阅读,消化和嘲笑自己的头颅比滚动浏览我那可怕的Twitter时间轴更有意义。

First, Who the hell is Jon Skeet and Why is he so famous?


The answer is simple, Jon Skeet is a senior software engineer currently at Google. He is a C# legend, won the Microsoft MVP award several times and also a Java developer, he actually writes Java at Google.

答案很简单,乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)是Google当前的高级软件工程师。 他是C#的传奇人物,曾多次获得Microsoft MVP奖,也是Java开发人员,实际上他在Google编写Java。

Jon Skeet became famous on StackOverflow (#1 programmer resource for finding solutions to problems) and he has maintained the position of being the all-time #1 answerer to programming questions asked on StackOverflow. He has helped millions of programmers by providing quality, descriptive answers to their programming challenges.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)在StackOverflow (用于查找问题解决方案的排名第一的程序员资源)上成名,并且一直保持着对StackOverflow上编程问题的始终排名第一的回答者的地位。 通过为他们的编程挑战提供高质量的描述性答案,他已经帮助了数百万程序员。

One thing that actually struck me about Jon Skeet is that he’s actually a full-time developer employed at an organization, yet takes time out of his busy schedule to share his knowledge and help other programmers. So, we have decided to recognize him for his knowledge, passion and willingness to help fellow programmers get better at their craft by labeling him the Chuck Norris of programming.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)真正令我震惊的是,他实际上是某个组织的全职开发人员,但是却抽出了一些忙碌的时间来分享自己的知识并帮助其他程序员。 因此,我们决定表彰他的知识,热情和意愿,通过给他贴上编程的Chuck Norris来帮助其他程序员更好地提高自己的技能

Now, let’s get to it. I’ll ask a second time.

现在,让我们开始吧。 我再问一次。

Who the hell is Jon Skeet? — asked by a Programmer on StackOverflow.

乔恩·斯基特到底是谁? —由程序员在StackOverflow上询问。

The answers that followed were exhilarating, hilarious, humorous, and chucklesome. Brace up for a long ride of dying, choking & resurrecting several times on this very long list of responses.

随之而来的答案是令人振奋,搞笑,幽默和轻笑。 在这个非常长的响应列表上,准备好几次死去,窒息和复活。

  1. Jon Skeet’s code doesn’t follow a coding convention. It is the coding convention.Jon Skeet的代码未遵循编码约定。 这是编码约定。
  2. Users don’t mark Jon Skeet’s answers as accepted. The universe accepts them out of a sense of truth and justice.用户不要将Jon Skeet的答案标记为已接受。 宇宙出于真理和正义感接受它们。
  3. Jon Skeet can divide by Zero.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)可以除以零。
  4. Jon Skeet’s SO reputation is only as modest as it is because of integer overflow (SQL Server does not have a datatype large enough).由于整数溢出(SQL Server没有足够大的数据类型),乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)的SO名声仅是适度的。
  5. Jon Skeet is the only top 100 SO user who is human. The others are bots that he coded to pass the time between questions.Jon Skeet是人类中唯一的前100名SO用户。 其他人则是他编写的机器人程序,用于在问题之间打发时间。
  6. Jon Skeet coded his last project entirely in Microsoft Paint, just for the challenge.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)完全用Microsoft Paint编写了他的最后一个项目,只是为了应对挑战。
  7. Jon Skeet does not use exceptions when programming. He has not been able to identify any of his code that is not exceptional.编程时,Jon Skeet不使用异常。 他无法识别出任何非同寻常的代码。
  8. When Jon Skeet’s code fails to compile, the compiler apologizes.当Jon Skeet的代码无法编译时,编译器会道歉。
  9. Jon Skeet does not use revision control software. None of his code has ever needed revision.Jon Skeet不使用版本控制软件。 他的代码都不需要修改。
  10. When you search for “guru” on Google it says “Did you mean Jon Skeet?”

    当您在Google 搜索“专家”时 ,它会显示“您是说乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)吗?”

  11. There are two types of programmers: good programmers, and those who are not Jon Skeet.程序员有两种类型:好的程序员和那些不是Jon Skeet的程序员。
  12. When Jon Skeet points to null, null quakes in fear.当乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)指向虚无时,虚无就会恐惧。
  13. Jon Skeet is the traveling salesman. Only he knows the shortest route.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)是旅行推销员。 只有他知道最短的路线。
  14. Jon Skeet took the red pill and the blue pill, and can phase-shift in and out of the Matrix at will.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)服用了红色药丸和蓝色药丸,可以随意移入和移出Matrix。
  15. When Jon pushes a value onto a stack, it stays pushed.当乔恩将值压入堆栈时,它将保持压入状态。
  16. When invoking one of Jon’s callbacks, the runtime adds “please”.当调用Jon的回调之一时,运行时将添加“ please”。
  17. Drivers think twice before they dare interrupt Jon’s code.驾驶员在敢于中断Jon的代码之前三思而后行。
  18. Jon Skeet does not sleep…. He waits.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)没有睡觉……。 他在等。
  19. Jon Skeet does not recognize anonymous types in .NET .. he knows everyone of them and where they live.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)无法识别.NET中的匿名类型。他了解每个人以及他们的住处。
  20. Jon Skeet doesn’t answer questions on SO.. he stares them down till they answer themselves.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)不回答有关SO的问题。他凝视着他们,直到他们回答自己为止。
  21. Jon Skeet can stop an infinite loop just by thinking about it.只要考虑一下,乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)就能停止无限循环。
  22. Jon Skeet doesn’t need a debugger, he just stares down the bug until the code confesses.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)不需要调试器,他只是盯着bug直到代码承认为止。
  23. There is no ‘CTRL’ button on Jon Skeet’s computer. Jon Skeet is always in control.Jon Skeet的计算机上没有“ CTRL”按钮。 乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)始终处于控制之中。
  24. Jon Skeet won the “Hello World in less than 20 bytes” contest by developing a single byte program.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)通过开发一个单字节程序赢得了“少于20个字节的Hello World”竞赛。
  25. Jon Skeet does not resolve software problems. The problems resolve themselves the moment he walks into the office.Jon Skeet不能解决软件问题。 他走进办公室的那一刻,问题就解决了。
  26. Jon Skeet can answer a question well before it is asked and then get several up-votes whilst he has yet to finish typing the solution.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)可以在提出问题之前就很好地回答问题,然后在还没有完成解决方案的输入之前就得到了几次投票。
  27. The Jon Skeet badge is awarded for posting a better answer than Jon Skeet. Only Jon Skeet can earn this badge.Jon Skeet徽章被授予比Jon Skeet更好的答案。 只有Jon Skeet可以赢得此徽章。
  28. God said: ‘Let there be light,’ only so he could see what Jon Skeet was up to.上帝说:“让光来吧”,只有这样他才能看到乔恩·斯基特在做什么。
  29. Jon Skeet’s keyboard doesn’t have F1 key, the computer asks for help from him.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)的键盘没有F1键,计算机向他寻求帮助。
  30. When Jon Skeet presses Ctrl+Alt+Delete, a worldwide computer restart is initiated. The same goes for format.

    当Jon Skeet按下Ctrl + Alt + Delete时 ,将启动全球计算机重新启动。 格式也一样。

  31. Jon Skeet uses Visual Studio to burn CDs.Jon Skeet使用Visual Studio刻录CD。
  32. Jon Skeet is not close to perfection, perfection is close to Jon Skeet.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)离完美不近,完美与乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)接近。
  33. God didn’t really create the world in six days, because Jon Skeet optimized it to one.上帝并没有在六天内创造出真正的世界,因为乔恩·斯基特将世界优化为一个世界。
  34. Jon Skeet dreams in ones and zeros. When two shows up, it is a nightmare. But again that’s only in theory. Two doesn’t exist for Jon.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)梦想成零。 当两个人出现时,这就是一场噩梦。 但这只是理论上的。 乔恩不存在两个。
  35. Seventh normal form (7NF) for database normalization is Jon Skeet.用于数据库规范化的第七范式(7NF)是Jon Skeet。
  36. When Jon Skeet solves an equation, the variables become constants.当乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)解方程时,变量变为常数。
  37. If anyone writes delete JonSkeet; in C, the Apocalypse will come.

    如果有人写,则删除JonSkeet; 在C语言中,启示录将到来。

  38. Once Jon Skeet went to the library… Since then the library was dynamically linked.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)进入图书馆后……从那时起图书馆就被动态链接了。
  39. Jon Skeet has the key to Open Source. He just doesn’t want to close it.Jon Skeet具有开放源代码的关键。 他只是不想关闭它。
  40. Compatibility doesn’t exist in Jon Skeet’s dictionary. He can easily work in Microsoft Office in Linux on a Mac.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)的字典中不存在兼容性。 他可以轻松地在Mac上的Linux中的Microsoft Office中工作。
  41. When Jon Skeet is programming, the Garbage Collector rests. The objects know when to destroy themselves.当Jon Skeet进行编程时,垃圾收集器将休息。 这些对象知道何时自毁。
  42. If the Internet is the web, then Jon Skeet is the spider.如果说Internet是网络,那么Jon Skeet就是蜘蛛。
  43. When Jon Skeet is on a diet and doesn’t eat fast food, all hard disks change from FAT to NTFS.

    当Jon Skeet节食并且不吃快餐时,所有硬盘都从FAT变为NTFS。

  44. Jon Skeet has written the best programming language. Its source has just one command… void JonSkeet();

    乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)编写了最好的编程语言。 它的源只有一个命令…… void JonSkeet();

  45. Jon Skeet doesn’t use #include. He thinks of it as cheating.

    Jon Skeet不使用#include 他认为这是作弊。

  46. When a null reference exception goes to sleep, it checks under the bed for Jon Skeet.当空引用异常进入睡眠状态时,它将在床下检查Jon Skeet。
  47. Jon Skeet doesn’t need delegates, he does all the work himself.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)不需要代表,他可以自己完成所有工作。
  48. Jon Skeet doesn’t call a background worker, background workers call Jon Skeet.乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)不称呼后台工作者,后台工作者称乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)。
  49. Jon Skeet doesn’t write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)不会写书,这些单词出于恐惧而自我组装。
  50. When Jon Skeet throws an exception, nothing can catch it.当乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)引发异常时,没有任何东西可以捕捉到它。
  51. .NET uses Just-In-Time compilation because every instruction must first be approved by Jon Skeet..NET使用即时编译,因为每条指令都必须首先由Jon Skeet批准。
  52. Jon Skeet is beyond Turing-complete; he is Turing-invincible.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)超越了图灵。 他是图灵无敌的。
  53. There is simply no Halting Problem within a 10-meter radius of John Skeet, because computers ALWAYS halt in his presence.在John Skeet的10米半径内根本没有停止问题,因为计算机始终在他在场的情况下停止。
  54. Jon Skeet doesn’t look for reputation. Reputation looks for Jon Skeet.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)并不寻求声誉。 名声在寻找乔恩·斯基特。
  55. Jon Skeet can do pair programming with himself.Jon Skeet可以自己进行配对编程。
  56. When Jon installed Visual Studio he opted not to install the debugger.当乔恩安装Visual Studio时,他选择不安装调试器。
  57. When Jon saves a file, the file thanks him.当乔恩保存文件时,文件感谢他。
  58. Jon Skeet is immutable. If something’s going to change, it’s going to have to be the rest of the universe.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)是一成不变的。 如果某些事情要改变,那么它将必须是宇宙的其余部分。
  59. Jon Skeet’s addition operator doesn’t commute; it teleports to where he needs it to be.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)的加法运算符不会上下班; 它会传送到他需要的位置。
  60. Anonymous methods and anonymous types are really all called Jon Skeet. They just don’t like to boast.匿名方法和匿名类型实际上全称为Jon Skeet。 他们只是不喜欢自夸。
  61. Jon Skeet doesn’t have performance bottlenecks. He just makes the universe wait its turn.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)没有性能瓶颈。 他只是让宇宙轮流等待。
  62. Jeff Atwood bought a monster GPU just to calculate John Skeet’s rep on Stack Overflow. CPUs don’t cut it anymore.杰夫·阿特伍德(Jeff Atwood)购买了一个怪兽GPU,只是为了计算John Skeet在Stack Overflow上的代表。 CPU不再削减它。
  63. When John Skeet does a search on Google.. the only result is “I’ll be right back”.当John Skeet在Google上进行搜索时,唯一的结果是“我马上回来”。
  64. John Skeet returned IntelliSense and got his money back!

    约翰·斯凯特(John Skeet)返回了IntelliSense,并收回了他的钱!

  65. Norman Bates lives a normal life today… John Skeet fixed the unwanted callbacks and rewrote Mother.Dispose().诺曼·贝茨(Norman Bates)今天过着正常的生活……约翰·斯凯特(John Skeet)修复了不需要的回调,并重写了Mother.Dispose()。
  66. When John Skeet presses F5, the Garbage collector collects itself.. there is no other garbage.当John Skeet按下F5时,垃圾收集器将自己收集..没有其他垃圾了。
  67. Jon Skeet once wrote an entire operating system in his sleep on a Treo with no battery, powered only by the force of his will.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)曾经在Treo的睡眠中编写了一个完整的操作系统,没有电池,仅靠他的意志力提供动力。
  68. The only time Jon Skeet was wrong was when he thought he had made a mistake.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)唯一的错误是在他认为自己犯了一个错误时。
  69. If you have 10000 reputation points and Jon Skeet has 10000 reputation points, Jon Skeet has more reputation than you.如果您有10000点信誉点,而Jon Skeet有10000点信誉点,那么Jon Skeet的信誉就比您高。
  70. Jon Skeet does not run his programs. He just whispers “you better run”. And it runs.Jon Skeet没有运行他的程序。 他只是低声说“你最好跑步”。 它运行。
  71. Jon Skeet was once second in rank, behind Jon Skeet.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)排名第二,仅次于乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)。
  72. Jon Skeet codes only with final sealed methods. No one has ever needed to override any of Jon Skeet’s code.Jon Skeet仅使用最终密封方法进行编码。 从来没有人需要重写Jon Skeet的任何代码。
  73. Jon Skeet is IntelliSense.

    乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)是IntelliSense。

  74. Jon Skeet’s heart rate is 5 GHz.乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)的心率是5 GHz。
  75. .NET Jon Skeet Special Edition has an improved implementation of JIT compilation, called ‘Just-In-Case’ compilation..NET Jon Skeet特别版对JIT编译进行了改进,称为“ Just-In-Case”编译。
  76. Private methods in other libraries become public automatically once required in Jon Skeet’s code.一旦Jon Skeet的代码要求,其他库中的私有方法将自动变为公共。
  77. When Yoda needs advice, he calls Jon Skeet.当Yoda需要建议时,他会打电话给Jon Skeet。
  78. Only Jon Skeet earned the coveted “Jon Skeet” badge.

    只有乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)赢得了令人垂涎的“乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)”徽章。

  79. Skeeted: The act of attempting to answer a Stack Overflow question only to find out that Jon Skeet has already answered it definitively and better than you would have ever done.

    Skeeted:试图回答Stack Overflow问题的举动只是发现Jon Skeet已经确定地回答了这个问题,比您做过的要好。

  80. If Jon Skeet posts a duplicate question on StackOverflow, the original question will be closed as a duplicate.

    如果Jon Skeet在StackOverflow上发布了重复的问题, 则原始问题将作为重复的问题被关闭

Jon Skeet’s Facts are on StackOverflow. We also have the Jeff Dean Facts on Quora. If you love this post, please click the recommend button so that others can discover & laugh their ass off.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet)的事实在StackOverflow上 。 我们还有关于QuoraJeff Dean事实 。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请单击“推荐”按钮,以便其他人可以发现并嘲笑自己。

Let me know which of the statements got your brain memory in a Stack Overflow of Laughter and also add your own Jon Skeet Facts in the comments section!

让我知道哪些语句使您的大脑记忆在笑声中,并在评论部分添加了您自己的Jon Skeet事实


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