
  • Word Preparation
    • service: 服务
    • savings account: 存款账户
    • checking account: 活期账户
    • take ... out:把(钱)取出来
    • interest: 利息
  • Grammar
    • require的用法

Word Preparation

service: 服务

help and assistance given by someone who works there

How may I be of service?

The service at this restaurant is so good.

savings account: 存款账户

a place where money is stored for a long time and you can’t move it.

I have some money left in my savings account.

I should put it in my savings account. It will stop me from spending it.

checking account: 活期账户

a place where money is stored and can be used anytime

I might have some money left in my checking account.

Have you looked in your checking account?

take … out:把(钱)取出来

to move money out of somewhere; to withdraw

I need to take some money out.

You need to take your savings out for buying that car.

interest: 利息

the cost of borrowing and what you get for saving

How much interest do you get from that account?

I need to pay so much interest on the money I borrowed.



  1. require + n. / pron.,表示 “需要 …”
  2. require + * V-ing (gerund)*, 表示 “该…了”,“需要 …”
  3. require sb. to do sth.,表示 “要求某人做某事” ,常用被动
  • Beijing a teacher requires care and patience.
  • Do you require anything else?
  • You hair requires cutting.
  • We required him to keep it a secret.
  • The students are required to hand in their homework at once.

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