


  • map_server node:读取地图信息,并作为ROS service 为其余节点提供地图数据
  • .map_saver node:保存地图数据到地图文件



  • /map :代表地图中栅格内容。 
  • /map_metadata: 表示地图描述信息如长、宽、分辨率。 


time map_load_time
float32 resolution
uint32 width
uint32 height
geometry_msgs/Pose origin


std_msgs/Header header
nav_msgs/MapMetaData info
int8[] data



image: map.pgm  #文件名
resolution: 0.050000  #地图分辨率 单位:米/像素
origin: [-49.0286, -107.401, 0.0]   #图像左下角在地图坐标下的坐标
negate: 0    #是否应该颠倒 白:自由/黑:的语义(阈值的解释不受影响)
occupied_thresh: 0.65   #占用概率大于此阈值的像素被认为已完全占用
free_thresh: 0.196   #用率小于此阈值的像素被认为是完全空闲的

则占用概率occ = (255-255)/255=0, 没有被占据。



enum MapMode {TRINARY, SCALE, RAW};


  • TRINARY:占据(像素100表示),free(像素0表示),未知(像素-1)
  • Raw:所有像素用[0, 255]表示
  • SCALE:未知用(0,100)表示,value >= occ_th,大于占有阈值表示占有,像素值用100表示 value <=





  • –occ //设置占有概率阈值
  • –free //设置自由空间阈值
  • -f //地图保存名称

4.2 map_saver程序说明


class MapGenerator {public:MapGenerator(const std::string &mapname, int threshold_occupied,int threshold_free): mapname_(mapname), saved_map_(false),threshold_occupied_(threshold_occupied),threshold_free_(threshold_free) {ros::NodeHandle n;ROS_INFO("Waiting for the map");map_sub_ = n.subscribe("map", 1, &MapGenerator::mapCallback, this);}void mapCallback(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr &map) {ROS_INFO("Received a %d X %d map @ %.3f m/pix", map->info.width,map->info.height, map->info.resolution);// Step:1保存地图pgm文件std::string mapdatafile = mapname_ + ".pgm";ROS_INFO("Writing map occupancy data to %s", mapdatafile.c_str());FILE *out = fopen(mapdatafile.c_str(), "w");if (!out) {ROS_ERROR("Couldn't save map file to %s", mapdatafile.c_str());return;}fprintf(out, "P5\n# CREATOR: map_saver.cpp %.3f m/pix\n%d %d\n255\n",map->info.resolution, map->info.width, map->info.height);for (unsigned int y = 0; y < map->info.height; y++) {for (unsigned int x = 0; x < map->info.width; x++) {unsigned int i = x + (map->info.height - y - 1) * map->info.width;if (map->data[i] >= 0 && map->data[i] <= threshold_free_) { // [0,free)fputc(254, out);//小于自由阈值 设置为白色} else if (map->data[i] >= threshold_occupied_) { // (occ,255]fputc(000, out); //大于占有阈值 设置为黑色} else { // occ [0.25,0.65]fputc(205, out); //在占有与自由阈值之间,设置为未知-灰色}}}fclose(out);// Step:2保存yaml文件std::string mapmetadatafile = mapname_ + ".yaml";ROS_INFO("Writing map occupancy data to %s", mapmetadatafile.c_str());FILE *yaml = fopen(mapmetadatafile.c_str(), "w");/*yaml文件样例:
resolution: 0.100000
origin: [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196*/geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation = map->info.origin.orientation;tf2::Matrix3x3 mat(tf2::Quaternion(orientation.x, orientation.y,orientation.z, orientation.w));double yaw, pitch, roll;mat.getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll);//使用fprintf输出配置信息到yaml文件fprintf(yaml,"image: %s\nresolution: %f\norigin: [%f, %f, %f]\nnegate: ""0\noccupied_thresh: 0.65\nfree_thresh: 0.196\n\n",mapdatafile.c_str(), map->info.resolution,map->info.origin.position.x, map->info.origin.position.y, yaw);fclose(yaml);ROS_INFO("Done\n");saved_map_ = true;}std::string mapname_;ros::Subscriber map_sub_;bool saved_map_;int threshold_occupied_;int threshold_free_;


5.1 功能说明

读取地图信息,并作为ROS service 为其余节点提供地图数据。

#define USAGE                                                                  \"\nUSAGE: map_server <map.yaml>\n"                                           \"  map.yaml: map description file\n"                                         \"DEPRECATED USAGE: map_server <map> <resolution>\n"                          \"  map: image file to load\n"                                                \"  resolution: map resolution [meters/pixel]"


rosrun map_server map_server mymap.yaml


5.2 主要程序说明


  1. 在main函数中定义了一个MapServer对象。在该对象的构造函数中,通过描述文件和ROS参数服务器获得地图相应参数后,调用[image_loader动态库][image_loader动态库]中的loadMapFromFile函数将地图加载到私有成员nav_msgs::GetMap::Response map_resp_中。
  2. 然后提供一个名为static_map的服务,回调函数是MapServer::mapCallback
  3. 接着发布一个内容为nav_msgs::MapMetaData,名为map_metadata的话题


int main(int argc, char **argv) {ros::init(argc, argv, "map_server", ros::init_options::AnonymousName);// step 1 : 检查rosrun map_server的命令是否正确ros::NodeHandle nh("~");if (argc != 3 && argc != 2) {ROS_ERROR("%s", USAGE);exit(-1);}if (argc != 2) {ROS_WARN("Using deprecated map server interface. Please switch to new ""interface.");}std::string fname(argv[1]);//把参数str所指向的字符串转换为一个浮点数double res = (argc == 2) ? 0.0 : atof(argv[2]);// step 2: 创建MapServer类对象ms,运行MapServer构造函数try {MapServer ms(fname, res);ros::spin();} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {ROS_ERROR("map_server exception: %s", e.what());return -1;}return 0;


  MapServer(const std::string &fname, double res) {std::string mapfname = "";double origin[3];int negate;double occ_th, free_th;MapMode mode = TRINARY;ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~");private_nh.param("frame_id", frame_id_, std::string("map"));// 请求后返回当前地图的复制get_map_service_ =nh_.advertiseService("static_map", &MapServer::mapCallback, this);// 改变当前发布的地图change_map_srv_ =nh_.advertiseService("change_map", &MapServer::changeMapCallback, this);// 发布地图的描述信息metadata_pub_ =nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::MapMetaData>("map_metadata", 1, true);// 发布锁存的地图消息map_pub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>("map", 1, true);



//从给定路径下的yaml文件获取读取参数bool loadMapFromYaml(std::string path_to_yaml) {std::string mapfname;MapMode mode;double res;int negate;double occ_th;double free_th;double origin[3];std::ifstream fin(path_to_yaml.c_str());if (fin.fail()) {ROS_ERROR("Map_server could not open %s.", path_to_yaml.c_str());return false;}
#ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_GT_0_5_0// The document loading process changed in yaml-cpp 0.5.YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load(fin);
#elseYAML::Parser parser(fin);YAML::Node doc;parser.GetNextDocument(doc);
#endif// 检查各个参数是否包含try {doc["resolution"] >> res;} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain a resolution tag or it is invalid.");return false;}try {doc["negate"] >> negate;} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain a negate tag or it is invalid.");return false;}try {doc["occupied_thresh"] >> occ_th;} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain an occupied_thresh tag or it is invalid.");return false;}try {doc["free_thresh"] >> free_th;} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain a free_thresh tag or it is invalid.");return false;}try {std::string modeS = "";doc["mode"] >> modeS;if (modeS == "trinary")mode = TRINARY;else if (modeS == "scale")mode = SCALE;else if (modeS == "raw")mode = RAW;else {ROS_ERROR("Invalid mode tag \"%s\".", modeS.c_str());return false;}} catch (YAML::Exception &) {ROS_DEBUG("The map does not contain a mode tag or it is invalid... ""assuming Trinary");mode = TRINARY;}try {doc["origin"][0] >> origin[0];doc["origin"][1] >> origin[1];doc["origin"][2] >> origin[2];} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain an origin tag or it is invalid.");return false;}try {doc["image"] >> mapfname;// TODO: make this path-handling more robustif (mapfname.size() == 0) {ROS_ERROR("The image tag cannot be an empty string.");return false;}// is_absolute获取文件的绝对路径,如果yaml文件中,设置的不是绝对路径,//则进行路径拼接boost::filesystem::path mapfpath(mapfname);if (!mapfpath.is_absolute()) {// yaml文件的路径boost::filesystem::path dir(path_to_yaml);//获取父目录dir = dir.parent_path();mapfpath = dir / mapfpath;mapfname = mapfpath.string();}} catch (YAML::InvalidScalar &) {ROS_ERROR("The map does not contain an image tag or it is invalid.");return false;}//将地图信息发布出去return loadMapFromValues(mapfname, res, negate, occ_th, free_th, origin,mode);}


该结构的表示形式,上面已有说明,{TRINARY, SCALE, RAW}
Raw:所有像素用[0, 255]表示

void loadMapFromFile(nav_msgs::GetMap::Response *resp, const char *fname,double res, bool negate, double occ_th, double free_th,double *origin, MapMode mode) {SDL_Surface *img;unsigned char *pixels;unsigned char *p;unsigned char value;int rowstride, n_channels, avg_channels;unsigned int i, j;int k;double occ;int alpha;int color_sum;double color_avg;// Load the image using SDL.  If we get NULL back, the image load failed.if (!(img = IMG_Load(fname))) {std::string errmsg = std::string("failed to open image file \"") +std::string(fname) + std::string("\": ") +IMG_GetError();throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);}// Copy the image data into the map structureresp->map.info.width = img->w;                    //图像的宽度resp->map.info.height = img->h;                   //图像的高度resp->map.info.resolution = res;                  //图像的分辨率resp->map.info.origin.position.x = *(origin);     //地图原点xresp->map.info.origin.position.y = *(origin + 1); //地图坐标原点xresp->map.info.origin.position.z = 0.0; // z值默认填充0(二维地图)btQuaternion q;// setEulerZYX(yaw, pitch, roll)q.setEulerZYX(*(origin + 2), 0, 0); //地图原点角度r,转换成四元素resp->map.info.origin.orientation.x = q.x();resp->map.info.origin.orientation.y = q.y();resp->map.info.origin.orientation.z = q.z();resp->map.info.origin.orientation.w = q.w();// Allocate space to hold the dataresp->map.data.resize(resp->map.info.width * resp->map.info.height);// Get values that we'll need to iterate through the pixelsrowstride = img->pitch;n_channels = img->format->BytesPerPixel;// NOTE: Trinary mode still overrides here to preserve existing behavior.// Alpha will be averaged in with color channels when using trinary mode.//?: 使用trinary模式时,Alpha为color的通道值if (mode == TRINARY || !img->format->Amask)avg_channels = n_channels;elseavg_channels = n_channels - 1;// Copy pixel data into the map structurepixels = (unsigned char *)(img->pixels);for (j = 0; j < resp->map.info.height; j++) {for (i = 0; i < resp->map.info.width; i++) {// Compute mean of RGB for this pixel//计算该像素的RGB均值p = pixels + j * rowstride + i * n_channels;color_sum = 0;for (k = 0; k < avg_channels; k++)color_sum += *(p + (k));color_avg = color_sum / (double)avg_channels;if (n_channels == 1)alpha = 1;elsealpha = *(p + n_channels - 1);//这里判断一下是否需要黑白颠倒,即:白色->障碍物if (negate)color_avg = 255 - color_avg;//如果是按原始模式,就直接设置[0,255]像素原始值if (mode == RAW) {value = color_avg;resp->map.data[MAP_IDX(resp->map.info.width, i,resp->map.info.height - j - 1)] = value;continue;}// If negate is true, we consider blacker pixels free, and whiter// pixels occupied.  Otherwise, it's vice versa.//计算该像素的占有概率,如当没有障碍物占据时,白色RGB值为255occ = (255 - color_avg) / 255.0;// Apply thresholds to RGB means to determine occupancy values for// map.  Note that we invert the graphics-ordering of the pixels to// produce a map with cell (0,0) in the lower-left corner.if (occ > occ_th)value = +100; //占据else if (occ < free_th)value = 0; //自由else if (mode == TRINARY || alpha < 1.0)value = -1; //未知,TRINARY模式else {double ratio = (occ - free_th) / (occ_th - free_th);value = 1 + 98 * ratio; //未知(0,100) 占据和自由阈值之间}//更新到map中对应像素点数据resp->map.data[MAP_IDX(resp->map.info.width, i,resp->map.info.height - j - 1)] = value;}}SDL_FreeSurface(img);


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