
Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx Computer Science Dept. of Computer College, Northeast Normal University. Courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of compiling, principle of computers, operating systems, C , Java, computer architecture, computer networks, VB.net, photoshop

Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx No.1 Middle School of Qingyuan City, Guangdong

Computer Abilities

A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.

Have hands-on experience in PC operation.

Database programming and (networking knowledge)or (knowledge of networks.)

Good at computer operation of Windows. =? ("computer operation of windows"=? Guess: Good at computers operating with Windows.)

Knowledge of php and asp programming.

English Skills

Have a good command on both spoken and written English; passed CET-4.

Scholarship and rewards

xxxx-6 won the third place in Jilin's in "challenge cup " competition of scientifical and technological works ( competition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. Jilin's "Challenge cup" for science and technology competition among university students. (Not clear as to what the "works" are. What is the name of that competition in Chinese ?)

xxxx-5 won the title of Excellent League Member in the university.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent president in the dept.

xxxx-9 won the first place in Jilin in college student in national of math model compentition (If this is a national competition, it cannot be a "Jilian prize") --> won first place in the National Math Model competition as the college student representative from Jilin.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent Leader in dept.

xxxx-1 Awarded the “an Excellent Learner” scholarship from the university


xxxx-now Leader of a web studio in the university

xxxx-now leader of a web studio in the dept.

xxxx-xxxx class president

xxxx Vice President of English club in the university

xxxx president of a volunteer association in Computer Science dept.

xxxx won the third place in web design contest from school

Work Experiences

xxxx-9—now work as a administratorin the Job Direction Center of University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used Asp Access to design a web page for the Physics College of Physics

xxxx-10—xxxx-12 used Php Mysql to design a web for The Student Office of the University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used php Mysql to design a web for The Job Direction Center of the University

References will be supplied upon request.



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