
root@linaro-alip:~# docker run hello-world[ 872.422633] device vethe3c202c entered promiscuous mode[ 872.429088] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): vethe3c202c: link is not ready[ 872.599253] IPVS: Creating netns size=1592 id=10[ 872.728377] docker0: port 1(vethe3c202c) entered disabled state[ 872.739491] device vethe3c202c left promiscuous mode[ 872.744606] docker0: port 1(vethe3c202c) entered disabled statedocker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting \\\"mqueue\\\" to rootfs \\\"/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/a8ba4cb8ee4d172961ab433e41af1725c1aab76fc9123d4908303022e70d4230\\\" at \\\"/dev/mqueue\\\" caused \\\"no such device\\\"\"": unknown.

分析:没有 /dev/mqueue模块

解决:编译内核时选择支持 mqueue

Symbol: POSIX_MQUEUE [=n]                                                                      │  │ Type  : boolean                                                                                │  │ Prompt: POSIX Message Queues                                                                   │  │   Location:                                                                                    │  │ (1) -> General setup                                                                           │  │   Defined at init/Kconfig:252                                                                  │  │   Depends on: NET [=y]                                                                         │  │                                                                                                │  │                                                                                                │  │ Symbol: POSIX_MQUEUE_SYSCTL [=n]                                                               │  │ Type  : boolean                                                                                │  │   Defined at init/Kconfig:268                                                                  │  │   Depends on: POSIX_MQUEUE [=n] && SYSCTL [=y]

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