Unit 3

Text 1

1.Match each of the words or phrases with their Chinese meaning.

disk 磁盘

modem 调制解调器

driver 驱动器

printer 打印机

display 显示器

mouse 鼠标

keyboard 键盘

computer 计算机

2.Fill a correct word learned in this text in each of the blanks.

The display of the computer is also called______.


The function of a ____ is to print the information or data on a piece of paper.


The keyboard is one of the _____devices.


A modem plays an important role when you want to use the ______.




I am a computer programmer.


What is a electronic computer?


I have a keyboard

It costs me 4000 Yuan to buy a computer.


I am now finding a file that was deleted by mistake.


There was some problems with my mouse,Maybe it’s not clean.


Reading material

Read the above passages carefully and answer the questions.

According to passage A,why can’t A find his file?

Because he can not remember where his file was saved.

To find A’s file,what is necessary?

The name of the file.

How can A find his file that he can’t find?

A can use the,find” function on the,begin” menu.

According to passage B,what is energy saver mode?

It is a mode in which it turns off the monitor if the processor hasn’t received any input for a certain period of time.

Text 2

Fill a correct word in each of the blanks.

A computer system includes ________ and software.


Software refers to ________.


A mouse is a(n) _______device.


A program consists of many ________.


Disk Operating System is also called ________by computer users.


A keyboard is mainly made up of ________ functional groups.


There are also three important special functional keys on the keyboard,They are _____,______,_______.


Choose the best answer for each of the blanks.

Password (密码) is a(n) 1 series of characters that enables a user 2 a file,computer or program,On multi-user systems,3 user must enter his or her password 4 the computer will respond to commands,The password helps ensure that unauthorized (未授权的) users do not access the computer,In addition,data files and programs may require a password.

Ideally,the password should be something 5 could guess,In practice,most people choose a password that is 6 to remember,such as their name or their initials (首字母),This is one reason it is relatively easy to break 7 most computer system.








D,to access












D,most people










Reading material

After reading these passages,answer the following questions.

How much RAM should you have at least if you want to run Windows 2003 smoothly?


What is the result if your RAM is too little?

The computer becomes very slow.

In Passage B,how can A speed up his internet connection?

Change his modem.

In Passage C,why can’t A’s mouse work properly?

It is a little dirty.

Text three

Match each of the words with their correct Chinese meanings.

mainframe 大型机

desktop 台式电脑

command 命令

workstation 工作站

synonym 同义词

multi-user 多用户

parallel 平行的

multi-functional 多功能的

laptop 膝上型电脑

Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

A computer is a multi-functional electronic data processing machine and is made up of electronic components,(T)

The computer can do nothing without a program,(T)

A microcomputer,also called personal computer,is a computer designed for an individual,(T)

According to computers’ power and size,we have desktop,laptop and handheld PCs.( F )

In its more general usage,a personal computer is a computer designed for using by one person at a time,(F )

Computers can be classified into microcomputer,mainframe and supercomputer by its program,( F )

Workstation is a multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously,(T)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

____ are electronic machines that is made up of electronic components and can be programmed to do a number of different tasks.


Information can be ____ into the computer through input device by people.


_______ are designed to process very complex scientific applications.


The computer must be given ________,which tell it how to handle information or data.


Data flow from the computer as _________.


Reading material

Choose the best answer for each of the blanks according to the passage.

Small as it is,a personal computer can perform the same program instructions as ( ).

A,larger computers B,human beings C,typewriter D,printers

Hardware components are used for the purpose of ( ).

A,input B,output C,central processing D,all of the above

The largest and fastest computers are ( ).

A,mainframe computers B,supercomputers C,hand-held PCs D,workstations

All computers can perform basic machine operations under the control of ( ).

A,instructions B,commands C,operations D,programs

The larger the system of the computer,the greater its ( ).

A,processing speed B,storage capacity C,both A and B D,neither A nor B


Text four

Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

The idea of binary arithmetic,random access and stored programs are still in use in today,( )T

The introduction of ENIAC-vacuum tubes meant the start of the second generation of computers,( )F

Portable radios signaled the start of the second generation of computer,( )F

The integrated circuit was an important technological breakthrough in electronics for the third generation of computer,( )T

The fourth generation began with the introduction of LSI in the early 1970s,( )T

The microprocessor is also considered as the most important symbol for the fourth generation,( )T


Match the words or phrases with their Chinese meanings.

binary 二进制

transistor 晶体管

integrated circuit 集成电路

silicon chip 硅片

arithmetic 算术

budget 预算

random 随机的

vacuum tube 真空管

Fill a correct word or a phrase in each of the blanks,

The development of computer has experienced four ______ till now.


________ was the main feature of the first generation of computer。

ENIAC-vacuum tubes

To those in the data processing business,transistor signaled the start of the ______ generation of computer.


The third generation of computer was characterized by the _______ or IC (集成电路),

integrated circuits

One of the most significant contributions of the fourth generation of computer is the _____.


Reading material

Read the passages carefully and answer the questions below.

What is the advantage if you have a UPS for your computer?

You can still keep and save the data or information even if the power is off.

How long can a UPS last if the electricity power is off?

5-20 minutes.

What kind of equipment should be plugged into a UPS?

Your most important equipments.

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