
1、____ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.

A,Software B,Hardware C,Hardship D,Instruction

2、primary memory which is stored on chips located ____.

A,on the motherboard B,outside

C,inside the processor D,on the CPU

3、The display screen is the most common ____ device used to show you what the computer is doing.

A,input B,printing C,output D,electronic

4、Windows gives you more control over the ____ you work.

A,operation B,way C,energy D,power

5、The most important program on any computer is ____.

A,Operating System B,Virus C,software D,Office 2000

6、There are ____ separate products that form the Windows 2000。

A,only one B,two C,three D,four

7、C might best be ____ as a 'medium-level language'.

A,developed B,decoded C,programmed D,described

8、Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ____ your computer's memory and disk devices.

A,deleting B,changing C,scanning D,replacing

9、Multimedia will become increasingly ____ throughout every aspect of our lives.

A,pass B,precise C,permit D,pervasive

10、Communication through the Internet,the____ performs the reverse function,

A,A station controller (STACO)B,DTE

C,Data communications equipment (DCE) D,CRT


1、The girl I saw ____ brown hair and blue eyes.

A,had sheB,she hadC,herD,had

2、I didn't hear the phone last night,I ____ asleep.

A,must beB,must have beenC,should be?D,should have been

3、He was glad to find the fire ____ brightly.

A,burningB,burnedC,to bumD,have bum

4、Though ____ by what he said,she didn't believe in him.

A,attractingB,she attracted?C,attractedD,have been attracted

5、____ that,I could do it much better.

A,If I doB,If I were doC,Were I to doD,Were I do

6、It was in this very place ____ I bought the laser printer.

A,whereB,whenC,in which?D,that

7、He is old enough to tell right ____ wrong.


8、____ he did was quite wrong.


9、____,we missed our plane.

A,The train being lateB,To be lateC,The train is being late?D,The train which is late

10、I wish that I ____ the concert last night.

A,couldB,have attendedC,could have attended?D,attended


1、Windows 2000 is ____,

a,new lease of Windowsc,the same as Windows NT

b,an inventive technologyd,used for building a scalable network

2、C++ is ____,

a,object-orientedc,extended from C

b,procedure-oriented?d,a superset of C

3、Office automation is ____.

a,the application of computerc,communications technology

b,the computer? d,used to improve the productivity of people

4、Microsoft Office Professional 2000 include ____.

a,Word 2000c,Excel 2000

b,PowerPoint 2000d,Outlook 2000

5、Types of media include?____,


b,full-motion videod,audio

6、Modem is?____.

a,a modulatorc,a modulator/demodulator

b,a demodulator d,a data set

7、The Internet is?____,

a,as a common internet? c,constrained by a set of IP suite

b,a specific kind of internetd,defined as the network of networks

8、Viruses can delay their attack for ____.


9、The attributes of the stack are ____,


b,LIFO?d,built into their circuitry

10、With an Internet connection you can get some of the basic services available are:

a,E-mailb,Telnetc,FTPd,Usenet news


Computers have often been thought of as (? 1? ) machines,but this is a very narrow view of their (? 2? ),A computer has no known limit on the kinds of things (? 3? ) can do; (? 3? ) versatility(多功能性) is limited only by the imagination of those (? 5? ) it.

1、A,add B,adding C,to add D,added

2、A,hardware B,software C,calculation D,functions

3、A,its B,their C,it D,they

4、A,its B,they C,you D,it′s

5、A,use B,to using C,using D,used


1、A processor can do everything without a program to provide control. ( )

2、Operating systems are unique to their manufacturers. ( )

3、One of the functions of an operating system is memory management. ( )

4、Programs were thought of as a series of procedures. ( )

5、Office 2000 is an incredible set of business tools. ( )

6、Multimedia is just two media,sound and pictures. ( )

7、The network architecture is a layer-based. ( )

8、In the e-mail a user needs a message transfer agent. ( )

9、All virus scanners can kill most known viruses. ( )

10、Data communications equipment (DCE) accepts the serial data stream from the DTE,( )


The main tasks of a computer programmer are first,to write programs to solve problems; second,to write them on time as they are needed; and third,to write them clearly by fully documenting them so that other programmers can understand them,The kinds of problems that are tackled(解决)depend on whether the programmer is working for a computer manufacturer(制造商) or user,The former needs such programs as compilers,assemblers,executives,operating systems,and utility routines,These programs are intermediaries(中间者) between the machine and the commercial programs which are written in one of the high-level languages,They are about the system,and therefore programmers who write them are called system programmers,If the programmer is working for computer users,however,his or her programs may deal with either scientific or commercial problems.

51 A computer programmer should undertake ( ) main tasks.


52 The word they' in Line 2 of this paragraph refers to ( ).


53 ( ) kinds of system programs are mentioned in the paragraph.

A,5B,6C,less than 5D,more than 6

54 ( ) is written in one of the high-level languages.

A,MachineB,System programC,Intermediary D,Commercial program

55 Scientific or commercial programs are useful for ( ).

A,programmersB,computer usersC,manufacturersD,computers、

七、单句翻译 (每题2分,共10分)

1、Computer systems use many devices for input purpose.

2、The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might also be a queue,

3、In the electronic message world,they identify the sending and receiving mailboxes.

4、You don' t have to be a passive recipient with multimedia.

5、At the receive end,the DCE performs the reverse function.




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