
参考论文:Retina blood vessel segmentation with a convolution neural network (U-net) Retina blood vessel segmentation with a convolution neural network (U-net)

import os, sys
import ConfigParser#config file to read from
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
#name of the experiment!!
name_experiment = config.get('experiment name', 'name')
nohup = config.getboolean('testing settings', 'nohup')   #std output on log file?#create a folder for the results if not existing already
result_dir = name_experiment
print "\n1. Create directory for the results (if not already existing)"
if os.path.exists(result_dir):pass
elif sys.platform=='win32':os.system('md ' + result_dir)
else:os.system('mkdir -p ' + result_dir)# finally run the prediction
if nohup:print "\n2. Run the prediction with nohup (no GPU)"os.system(' nohup python -u ./src/retinaNN_predict.py > ' +'./'+name_experiment+'/'+name_experiment+'_prediction.nohup')
else:print "\n2. Run the prediction without nohup (no GPU)"os.system(run_GPU +' python ./src/retinaNN_predict.py')


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