




(1)由于是联机游戏,双人对战,所以网络部分采用了客户端/服务器的模式。采用的Socket基类为MFC中封装的 CAsyncSocket。


a)chess MFC界面和游戏响应部分

b)nettask 网络交互部分

c)AIStratege 电脑玩家算法部分






#pragma once
#include <afxwin.h>#define VACANT TRUE
#define IMVACANT FALSE#define NONE 0
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK 2#define LINENUM 15//控件
#define IDC_BUTTONCHOOSE 0x00100001
#define IDC_BUTTONNEWGAME 0x00100002//网络传输信息的MsgID
#define NETMSG_ONEPUT 2class CMySocket;
struct OnePut
{int x;int y;int Player;
struct NetMsg
{int MsgID;OnePut aput;
};class ChessBoard
public:void Initialize(CPoint LUpoint);//用左上角在客户区的位置初始化它public://棋盘在客户区内的范围限制int TopBund;int LeftBund;int RightBund;int BottomBund;int GridGap;int ChessRidius=15;
public:int NofLine = LINENUM;int BrdWidth = 600; //设置为(NofLine-1)的整数倍合适int BrdHeight = 600;
};class ChessApp :public CWinApp
public:virtual BOOL InitInstance();
class ChessFrame :public CFrameWnd
protected:afx_msg void OnPaint();afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);afx_msg void ChooseWhite();afx_msg void NewGame();DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()
private:int nput = 0;//已经放置的棋子数量OnePut* allput=NULL;//存放所有的棋子(对应位置和颜色)int* gridstate = NULL; //存放棋盘上所有位置的占用状态ChessBoard m_CBoard;int m_nWndWidth = 1000;int m_nWndHeight = 700;int ThisPlayer=BLACK;
public: // 创建棋盘void CreateChessBoard(CDC &dc);bool isInChessBoard(CPoint &point);// 放置一个棋子void PutAChess(CPoint &location, int player);void PlotAChess(CPoint &location, int player);//画一个棋子void DrawAllChess();//画出所有棋子// 将Location转换为一个PointCPoint LocationToPoint(CPoint &location);// 将Point转换为一个LocationCPoint PointToLocation(CPoint &point);// 根据一个location获取一个rectCRect GetChessRectByLocation(CPoint &location);public:void OnAIPlayer();public:CString m_strServName="";int m_nServPort = 1000;CMySocket m_sConnectSocket;//用来与服务器端连接的套接字//用来处理与服务器端的通信void OnCloseConnect();void OnConnect();void OnReceive();void SendMsg(NetMsg &amsg);public://控件CButton m_btnchoose;CButton m_btnnewgame;afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);


#include "nettask.h"
#include "chess.h"#include "AIStratege.h"//实例化一个应用程序对象,有且仅有一个
ChessApp myapp;BOOL ChessApp::InitInstance()
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类//创建窗口ChessFrame* myframe = new ChessFrame;myframe->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);myframe->UpdateWindow();m_pMainWnd = myframe;//return CWinApp::InitInstance();//创建客户机端套接字对象的底层套接字,使用默认的参数if (!AfxSocketInit()) //初始化!!!{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failed to Initialize Sockets"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);return FALSE;}if (!myframe->m_sConnectSocket.Create()){        CString   str;str.Format(TEXT("Error   Code:%d "), CSocket::GetLastError());AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failed   to   Create   Socket!\n ") + str);return FALSE;}//调用套接字类的成员函数,连接到服务器myframe->m_sConnectSocket.Connect(myframe->m_strServName, myframe->m_nServPort);return TRUE;
{//创建一个自定义风格的窗口CString strWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS,AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW),(HBRUSH)(COLOR_3DFACE + 1),AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_WINLOGO));CreateEx(0, strWndClass, TEXT("Five VS Five"), WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SYSMENU | WS_CAPTION | WS_MINIMIZEBOX,CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL);SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, m_nWndWidth, m_nWndHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREDRAW);//控件CRect rect(800, 20, 860, 50);m_btnchoose.Create(TEXT("执白"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, rect, this, IDC_BUTTONCHOOSE);rect = CRect(880, 20, 940, 50);m_btnnewgame.Create(TEXT("新局"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, rect, this, IDC_BUTTONNEWGAME);//初始化allput = new OnePut[LINENUM*LINENUM];gridstate = new int[LINENUM*LINENUM];for (int i = 0; i < LINENUM*LINENUM; ++i){gridstate[i] = NONE;}CPoint pt(20, 20);m_CBoard.Initialize(pt);m_sConnectSocket.SetParent(this);
{delete[] allput;delete[] gridstate;gridstate = NULL;allput = NULL;
}void ChessFrame::OnPaint()
{CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting// TODO: 在此处添加消息处理程序代码// 不为绘图消息调用 CFrameWnd::OnPaint()CreateChessBoard(dc);DrawAllChess();
}// 创建棋盘
void ChessFrame::CreateChessBoard(CDC &dc)
{// TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.//CRect rect;//GetClientRect(&rect);//客户区大小怎么确定的???////CString str;//str.Format(TEXT("h=%d,w=%d"), rect.Height(), rect.Width());//AfxMessageBox(str);CRect wdbound(m_CBoard.LeftBund, m_CBoard.TopBund, m_CBoard.RightBund, m_CBoard.BottomBund);CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 3, RGB(10, 10, 10));CBrush brush(RGB(215, 115, 5));CPen* oldpen = dc.SelectObject(&pen);CBrush* oldbrush = dc.SelectObject(&brush);dc.Rectangle(wdbound);//画出边界//画出格子CPen pen1(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(50, 50, 50));dc.SelectObject(&pen1);for (int i = m_CBoard.TopBund; i < m_CBoard.BottomBund; i += m_CBoard.GridGap){dc.MoveTo(m_CBoard.LeftBund, i);dc.LineTo(m_CBoard.RightBund, i);}for (int i = m_CBoard.LeftBund; i < m_CBoard.RightBund; i += m_CBoard.GridGap){dc.MoveTo(i, m_CBoard.TopBund);dc.LineTo(i, m_CBoard.BottomBund);}dc.SelectObject(oldpen);dc.SelectObject(oldbrush);}bool ChessFrame::isInChessBoard(CPoint &point)
{return (point.y > m_CBoard.TopBund&&point.y<m_CBoard.BottomBund&&point.x>m_CBoard.LeftBund&&point.x < m_CBoard.RightBund);
}void ChessFrame::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
{// TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值if (isInChessBoard(point)){CPoint location = PointToLocation(point);NetMsg amsg;amsg.aput.x = location.x;amsg.aput.y = location.y;amsg.aput.Player = ThisPlayer;amsg.MsgID = NETMSG_ONEPUT;SendMsg(amsg);}//PutAChess(location, BLACK);CFrameWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
}void ChessFrame::ChooseWhite()
{if (ThisPlayer == WHITE){ThisPlayer = BLACK;m_btnchoose.SetWindowTextW(TEXT("执白"));}else{ThisPlayer = WHITE;m_btnchoose.SetWindowTextW(TEXT("执黑"));}}//新建一局
void ChessFrame::NewGame()
{//发送一个消息:NetMsg amsg;amsg.MsgID = NETMSG_NEWGAME;SendMsg(amsg);
}void ChessBoard::Initialize(CPoint LUpoint)
{GridGap = BrdWidth / (NofLine - 1);BrdWidth = GridGap * (NofLine - 1); //重设为GridGap的整数倍BrdHeight = BrdWidth;//设置棋盘在客户区内的范围TopBund = LUpoint.y;LeftBund = LUpoint.x;RightBund = BrdWidth + LeftBund;BottomBund = BrdHeight + TopBund;
}// 放置一个棋子
void ChessFrame::PutAChess(CPoint &location, int player)
{// TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.if (gridstate[location.y*LINENUM + location.x] == NONE){allput[nput].x = location.x;allput[nput].y = location.y;allput[nput].Player = player;gridstate[location.y*LINENUM + location.x] = player;nput++;//重绘上一个棋子if (nput > 1){CPoint lastlocation(allput[nput - 2].x, allput[nput - 2].y);PlotAChess(lastlocation, allput[nput-2].Player);}PlotAChess(location, player);//画标记CClientDC dc(this);CRect rect = GetChessRectByLocation(location);dc.SetROP2(R2_NOT);//设置绘图模式dc.MoveTo((rect.left + rect.right) / 2.0, rect.top + rect.Height()/4);dc.LineTo((rect.left + rect.right) / 2.0, rect.bottom - rect.Height() / 4);dc.MoveTo(rect.left + rect.Height() / 4, (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2.0);dc.LineTo(rect.right - rect.Height() / 4, (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2.0);}
void ChessFrame::PlotAChess(CPoint &location, int player)
{//画出当前的棋子CClientDC dc(this);CBrush brush1(RGB(0, 0, 0));CBrush brush2(RGB(255, 255, 255));CRect rect = GetChessRectByLocation(location);if (player == WHITE)dc.SelectObject(&brush2);elsedc.SelectObject(&brush1);dc.Ellipse(&rect);
}void ChessFrame::DrawAllChess()
{CClientDC dc(this);CBrush brush1(RGB(0, 0, 0));CBrush brush2(RGB(255, 255, 255));CRect rect;CPoint location;int player;for (int i = 0; i < nput; ++i){location.x = allput[i].x;location.y = allput[i].y;player = allput[i].Player;rect = GetChessRectByLocation(location);if (player == WHITE)dc.SelectObject(&brush2);elsedc.SelectObject(&brush1);dc.Ellipse(&rect);}
}// 将Location转换为一个Point
CPoint ChessFrame::LocationToPoint(CPoint &location)
{// TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.int x, y;x = location.x*m_CBoard.GridGap+m_CBoard.LeftBund;y=location.y*m_CBoard.GridGap+m_CBoard.TopBund;return CPoint(x,y);
}// 将Point转换为一个Location
CPoint ChessFrame::PointToLocation(CPoint &point)
{// TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.//还需要处理点击在棋盘外面的情况int x,y;x = 1.0*(point.x - m_CBoard.LeftBund) / m_CBoard.GridGap + 0.5;y = 1.0*(point.y - m_CBoard.TopBund) / m_CBoard.GridGap + 0.5;return CPoint(x,y);
}// 根据一个location获取一个rect
CRect ChessFrame::GetChessRectByLocation(CPoint &location)
{// TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.CPoint point;point = LocationToPoint(location);return CRect(point.x-m_CBoard.ChessRidius,point.y- m_CBoard.ChessRidius,point.x+ m_CBoard.ChessRidius,point.y+ m_CBoard.ChessRidius);
}void ChessFrame::OnAIPlayer()
{CPoint location;location =CallAIPlayer(gridstate,LINENUM,nput);if (location.x > -1&&location.y>-1){//画出当前的棋子CClientDC dc(this);CBrush brush1(RGB(180, 180, 180));CRect rect = GetChessRectByLocation(location);dc.SelectObject(&brush1);dc.Ellipse(&rect);}
void ChessFrame::OnCloseConnect()
}void ChessFrame::OnConnect()
{}void ChessFrame::OnReceive()
{char *pBuf = new char[1025];//客户机的数据接收缓冲区int nBufSize = 1024;//可接收的最大长度int nReceived; //实际接收到的数据长度NetMsg*  pamsg;//接收套接字中的服务器发来的消息nReceived = m_sConnectSocket.Receive(pBuf, nBufSize);if (nReceived != SOCKET_ERROR) //判断接收成功{pBuf[nReceived] = NULL; //如果接收成功,将字符串的结尾置为空pamsg = (NetMsg*)pBuf; //把消息复制到变量中//解析接收到的消息switch (pamsg->MsgID){case NETMSG_ONEPUT:{CPoint location(pamsg->aput.x, pamsg->aput.y);PutAChess(location, pamsg->aput.Player);}break;case NETMSG_NEWGAME://接收到新建局的消息for (int i = 0; i < LINENUM*LINENUM; ++i){nput = 0;gridstate[i] = NONE;}Invalidate();break;default:break;}}else{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("数据接收错误!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);}
}void ChessFrame::SendMsg(NetMsg &amsg)
{int nLen; //消息的长度int nSent; //被发送的消息的长度nLen = sizeof(NetMsg); //获得消息的长度nSent = m_sConnectSocket.Send(LPCTSTR(&amsg), nLen);//(char*)&acput 发送消息,并返回实际发送的字节长度if (nSent != SOCKET_ERROR) //检测是否发送成功{//AfxMessageBox(TEXT("数据发送成功!"));}else{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("数据发送错误!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);}
}void ChessFrame::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
{// TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值switch (nChar){case VK_SPACE:OnAIPlayer();break;default:break;}//CFrameWnd::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);


#pragma once
#include <afxsock.h>class ChessFrame;class CMySocket :public CAsyncSocket
public:CMySocket();~CMySocket();private:ChessFrame* m_pFrm;public:virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode);virtual void OnConnect(int nErrorCode);virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode);void SetParent(ChessFrame* pFrm);


#include <afxsock.h>
#include "nettask.h"
#include "chess.h"CMySocket::CMySocket()
{m_pFrm = NULL;
{m_pFrm = NULL;
}void CMySocket::SetParent(ChessFrame* pFrm)
{m_pFrm = pFrm;
}void CMySocket::OnClose(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnCloseConnect();//CAsyncSocket::OnClose(nErrorCode);
}void CMySocket::OnConnect(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnConnect();//CAsyncSocket::OnConnect(nErrorCode);
}void CMySocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnReceive();//CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode);


#pragma once
#include <afxwin.h>int chessscore(int x, int y, int player, int* gridstate,int line);   //棋盘权值函数
CPoint CallAIPlayer(int* gridstate,int line, int nput);


#include<math.h>#include "AIStratege.h"CPoint CallAIPlayer(int* gridstate,int line,int nput)//nput相邻数目
{int i, j, cscore, cscorel, pscore, pscorel, row1, col1, row2, col2, x, y;cscore = pscore = 0; row1 = row2 = col1 = col2 = 0;CPoint aput;if (nput == 1){srand((unsigned)time(NULL));row1 = rand() % line;col1 = rand() % line;while (gridstate[row1*line+ col1]!=0){row1 = rand() % line;col1 = rand() % line;}//一个返回点aput.x = col1; aput.y = row1;return aput;}else{for (i = 0; i < line; i++){for (j = 0; j < line; j++){if (gridstate[i*line + j] == 0){cscorel = chessscore(i, j, 1,gridstate,line);if (cscorel > cscore){cscore = cscorel;row1 = i;col1 = j;}pscorel = chessscore(i, j, 2, gridstate,line);if (pscorel > pscore){pscore = pscorel;row2 = i;col2 = j;}}}}if (nput == 3){//一个返回点aput.x = col1; aput.y = row1;return aput;}else{if (cscore >= pscore){//一个返回点aput.x = col1; aput.y = row1;return aput;}else{//一个返回点aput.x = col2; aput.y = row2;return aput;}}}aput.x = -1; aput.y = -1;return aput;
}int chessscore(int x, int y, int player,int* gridstate,int line)   //棋盘权值函数
{int count3, count4, sumscore = 0;char u, d, l, r, lu, ld, ru, rd;    //u上 d下 l左 r右 lu左斜上 ld左斜下 ru右斜上 rd右斜下int row, col, count1, count2;   //1表示横向 2表示竖向 3表示斜上方向 4表示斜下方向count1 = count2 = count3 = count4 = 1;l = r = u = d = lu = ld = ru = rd = 0;gridstate[x*line + y] = player;      //模拟下棋/*---------------------------------------①判断横向棋子并记录空格子---------------------------*/row = x, col = y + 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col < line){count1++;col++;}while (col < line && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){r++;col++;}row = x, col = y - 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col >= 0){count1++;col--;}while (col >= 0 && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){l++;col--;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*-------------------------------------②判断竖向棋子并记录空格子---------------------------*/row = x + 1, col = y;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && row < line){count2++;row++;}while (row < line && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){d++;row++;}row = x - 1, col = y;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && row >= 0){count2++;row--;}while (row >= 0 && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){u++;row--;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*------------------------------------③判断斜上向棋子并记录空格子--------------------------*/row = x - 1, col = y + 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col < line && row >= 0){count3++;col++;row--;}while (col < line && row >= 0 && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){ru++;col++; row--;}row = x + 1, col = y - 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col >= 0 && row < line){count3++;col--;row++;}while (col >= 0 && row < line && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){ld++;col--;row++;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*-----------------------------------④判断斜下向棋子并记录空格子---------------------------*/row = x + 1, col = y + 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col < line && row < line){count4++; col++; row++;}while (col < line && row < line && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){rd++; col++; row++;}row = x - 1, col = y - 1;while (gridstate[row*line + col] == player && col >= 0 && row >= 0){count4++; col--; row--;}while (col >= 0 && row >= 0 && gridstate[row*line + col] == 0){lu++; col--; row--;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/gridstate[x*line + y] = 0;//恢复为空置状态if (count1 >= 5 || count2 >= 5 || count3 >= 5 || count4 >= 5)    //判断五子{return sumscore = 5000000;}if ((count1 == 4 && count2 == 4 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count1 == 4 && count3 == 4 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count1 == 4 && count4 == 4 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && rd >= 1 && lu >= 1)|| (count2 == 4 && count3 == 4 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count2 == 4 && count4 == 4 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)|| (count3 == 4 && count4 == 4 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1))   //判断双活四{return sumscore = 4000000;}if ((count1 == 4 && l >= 1 && r >= 1) || (count2 == 4 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count3 == 4 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1) || (count4 == 4 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1))   //判断活四{return sumscore = 800000;}if ((count1 == 4 && ((l == 0 && r >= 1) || (l >= 1 && r == 0)))|| (count2 == 4 && ((u == 0 && d >= 1) || (u >= 1 && d == 0)))|| (count3 == 4 && ((ld == 0 && ru >= 1) || (ld >= 1 && ru == 0)))|| (count4 == 4 && ((lu == 0 && rd >= 1) || (lu >= 1 && rd == 0)))){sumscore = sumscore + 35000;  //成四}if ((count1 == 3 && count2 == 3 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count1 == 3 && count3 == 3 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count1 == 3 && count4 == 3 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && rd >= 1 && lu >= 1)|| (count2 == 3 && count3 == 3 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count2 == 3 && count4 == 3 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)|| (count3 == 3 && count4 == 3 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1))   //判断双活三{return sumscore + 400000;}if ((count1 == 3 && l >= 1 && r >= 1) || (count2 == 3 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count3 == 3 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1) || (count4 == 3 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)){sumscore = sumscore + 60000;return sumscore;}     //判断活三if ((count1 == 2 && count2 == 2 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count1 == 2 && count3 == 2 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count1 == 2 && count4 == 2 && l >= 1 && r >= 1 && rd >= 1 && lu >= 1)|| (count2 == 2 && count3 == 2 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1)|| (count2 == 2 && count4 == 2 && u >= 1 && d >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)|| (count3 == 2 && count4 == 2 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)){sumscore = sumscore + 20000;   //判断双活二}if ((count1 == 2 && l >= 1 && r >= 1) || (count2 == 2 && u >= 1 && d >= 1)|| (count3 == 2 && ru >= 1 && ld >= 1) || (count4 == 2 && lu >= 1 && rd >= 1)){sumscore = sumscore + 10000;     //单活二}return sumscore;



#pragma once
#include <afxwin.h>class CMySocket;
struct OnePut
{int x;int y;int Player;
struct NetMsg
{int MsgID;OnePut aput;
};class CServApp :public CWinApp
public:virtual BOOL InitInstance();
};class CServFrm :public CFrameWnd
public:CServFrm();public://afx_msg void OnPaint();DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()public:CString m_strServName= "";int m_nServPort = 1000;// 用来监听客户机端连接请求的套接字CMySocket m_sListenSocket;// 用来与客户端连接的套接字int Nconnect = 0;//CString rSocketAddress1;//UINT rSocketPort1;//CString rSocketAddress2;//UINT rSocketPort2;CMySocket m_sConnectSocket1;CMySocket m_sConnectSocket2;void OnCloseListen();void OnAccept();void OnRecieve(CMySocket &socket);void SendMsg(NetMsg &amsg);


#include "CMysocket.h"
#include "ChessServ.h"CServApp myapp;BOOL CServApp::InitInstance()
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类CServFrm* servfrm = new CServFrm;servfrm->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);servfrm->UpdateWindow();m_pMainWnd = servfrm;if (!AfxSocketInit()) //初始化!!!{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failed to Initialize Sockets"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);return FALSE;}if (servfrm->m_sListenSocket.Create(servfrm->m_nServPort))AfxMessageBox(TEXT("成功创建listen"));elseAfxMessageBox(TEXT("创建listen失败"));//开始监听if(servfrm->m_sListenSocket.Listen())AfxMessageBox(TEXT("服务器开启监听"));else{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("服务器开启监听失败"));return FALSE;}return TRUE;
{CRect rect(200, 200, 600, 500);Create(NULL, TEXT("ChessServ"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, rect);//网络部分开始m_sConnectSocket1.SetParent(this);m_sConnectSocket2.SetParent(this);m_sListenSocket.SetParent(this);
}//void CServFrm::OnPaint()
//}void CServFrm::OnCloseListen()
}void CServFrm::OnAccept()
{Nconnect++;if (Nconnect < 2){m_sListenSocket.Accept(m_sConnectSocket1);//rSocketAddress1 = rSocketAddress;//rSocketPort1 = rSocketPort;//CString   str;//str.Format(TEXT("rSocketProt:%d "), rSocketPort);//AfxMessageBox(rSocketAddress+str);//输出  1000}        else{m_sListenSocket.Accept(m_sConnectSocket2);//rSocketAddress2 = rSocketAddress;//rSocketPort2 = rSocketPort;//CString   str;//str.Format(TEXT("rSocketProt:%d "), rSocketPort);//AfxMessageBox(rSocketAddress+str);//输出  1000}AfxMessageBox(TEXT("服务器收到一个连接"));
}void CServFrm::OnRecieve(CMySocket &socket)
{char *pBuf = new char[1025];//客户机的数据接收缓冲区int nBufSize = 1024;//可接收的最大长度int nReceived; //实际接收到的数据长度NetMsg* pamsg;//CString   str;//str.Format(TEXT("rSocketProt:%d "), rSocketPort);//AfxMessageBox(rSocketAddress + str);//输出127.0.0.1  1000//接收套接字中的服务器发来的消息//int playerid = 0;//if (rSocketAddress == rSocketAddress1 && rSocketPort == rSocketPort1)//{nReceived = socket.Receive(pBuf, nBufSize);// playerid = 1;//}       //else if (rSocketAddress == rSocketAddress2 && rSocketPort == rSocketPort2)//{//   nReceived = m_sConnectSocket2.Receive(pBuf, nBufSize);//   playerid = 2;//}if (nReceived != SOCKET_ERROR) //判断接收成功{pBuf[nReceived] = NULL; //如果接收成功,将字符串的结尾置为空pamsg = (NetMsg*)pBuf; //把消息复制到变量中//解析接收到的消息//处理接收到的信息//AfxMessageBox(TEXT("服务器收到一个信息"));//OnePut bput;//bput.x = acput->x + 1;//bput.y = acput->y + 1;//bput.Player = TRUE;SendMsg(*pamsg);}else{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("数据接收错误!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);}}void CServFrm::SendMsg(NetMsg &amsg)
{int nLen; //消息的长度int nSent; //被发送的消息的长度nLen = sizeof(NetMsg); //获得消息的长度nSent = m_sConnectSocket2.Send(LPCTSTR(&amsg), nLen);//(char*)&acput 发送消息,并返回实际发送的字节长度nSent = m_sConnectSocket1.Send(LPCTSTR(&amsg), nLen);//(char*)&acput 发送消息,并返回实际发送的字节长度if (nSent != SOCKET_ERROR) //检测是否发送成功{}else{AfxMessageBox(TEXT("数据发送错误!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);}


#pragma once
#include <afxsock.h>class CServFrm;
class CMySocket : public CAsyncSocket
public:CMySocket();~CMySocket();virtual void OnAccept(int nErrorCode);virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode);virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode);private:CServFrm* m_pFrm;public:void SetParent(CServFrm* pFrm);


#include "CMysocket.h"
#include "ChessServ.h"CMySocket::CMySocket()
{m_pFrm = NULL;
{m_pFrm = NULL;
}void CMySocket::OnAccept(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnAccept();//CAsyncSocket::OnAccept(nErrorCode);
}void CMySocket::OnClose(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnCloseListen();//CAsyncSocket::OnClose(nErrorCode);
}void CMySocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode)
{// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类if (nErrorCode == 0) m_pFrm->OnRecieve(*this);//CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode);
}void CMySocket::SetParent(CServFrm* pFrm)
{m_pFrm = pFrm;

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