c++ cleartype

ClearType is font-smoothing technology built into Windows to help make text more readable on LCD monitors. If your text is looking a little blurry, tweaking your ClearType settings can definitely help.

ClearType是Windows内置的字体平滑技术,可帮助使文本在LCD监视器上更具可读性。 如果您的文本看起来有点模糊,那么调整ClearType设置绝对可以帮助您。

There are a few issues that can cause slight blurriness. For starters, you should always use your monitor’s native resolution. Windows uses the native resolution by default, but some games and other apps can lower it and then not reset it properly when they’re done. Also, Windows doesn’t always handle high-DPI displays well without a little tweaking. If neither of those are the cause of your blurry font troubles, the chances are that tweaking your ClearType settings will help.

有些问题可能会导致轻微的模糊。 对于初学者,您应该始终使用显示器的本机分辨率 。 Windows默认情况下使用本机分辨率,但是某些游戏和其他应用程序可以降低本机分辨率,然后在完成后无法正确将其重置。 同样,Windows在进行一些微调后也无法始终很好地处理高DPI显示 。 如果这些都不是字体模糊问题的原因,那么调整ClearType设置将很有帮助。

The instructions in this article apply to Windows 7, 8, and 10, where the ClearType tuner is built in. If you’re still using Windows XP or Vista, you’ll need to download the ClearType Tuner PowerToy for XP (which also works in Vista) and follow the the instructions in this guide. It works very similarly to the built in tuner we’re discussing here.

本文中的说明适用于内置了ClearType调谐器的Windows 7、8和10。如果您仍在使用Windows XP或Vista,则需要下载ClearType Tuner PowerToy for XP(也可以使用)在Vista中),然后按照本指南中的说明进行操作。 它的工作方式与我们在此处讨论的内置调谐器非常相似。

什么是ClearType? (What Is ClearType?)

ClearType is a font smoothing technology first introduced with Windows XP. It is designed to smooth the fonts on your screen with subpixel rendering so that they are more readable on LCD displays. Fonts can easily look jagged and pixelated on LCD screens since they have fixed pixels. This was not a problem with earlier CRT screens, which do not have fixed pixels.

ClearType是Windows XP首次引入的字体平滑技术。 它旨在通过亚像素渲染来平滑屏幕上的字体,从而使它们在LCD显示屏上更具可读性。 字体具有固定的像素,因此在LCD屏幕上很容易出现锯齿状和像素化现象。 对于没有固定像素的早期CRT屏幕,这不是问题。

ClearType uses multiple color shading on text to make it look more readable, whereas traditional text rendering only shows only black pixels that can often appear jagged on an LCD display. So, at 500% magnification, standard text rendering looks like this:

ClearType在文本上使用多种颜色底纹,以使其看起来更具可读性,而传统的文本呈现仅显示通常在LCD显示器上呈锯齿状的黑色像素。 因此,在500%的放大率下,标准文本呈现如下所示:

When you enable ClearType, text rendering look like this. Notice the color shading around the characters, which gives the fonts a much smoother look on LCD screens.

启用ClearType时,文本呈现如下所示。 注意字符周围的颜色阴影,这使字体在LCD屏幕上看起来更加平滑。

When you bump down the zoom to normal levels, you can see the difference in readability when ClearType is turned off (on the left) and turned on (on the right).


如何打开或关闭ClearType (How to Turn ClearType On or Off)

ClearType is enabled by default in Windows 7, 8, and 10. To turn ClearType on or off, you’ll need to launch the ClearType Text Tuner. Hit Start, type “cleartype,” and then select “Adjust ClearType text.”

Windows 7、8和10中默认启用ClearType。要打开或关闭ClearType,您需要启动ClearType文本调谐器。 点击开始,键入“ cleartype”,然后选择“ Adjust ClearType text”。

To turn ClearType on or off, just select or clear the “Turn on ClearType” option and then click “Next.”

要打开或关闭ClearType,只需选择或清除“ Turn on ClearType”选项,然后单击“下一步”。

If you’re turning ClearType off, the wizard will act like it’s going to run you through the ClearType tuning process, but then will give you the opportunity to finish and save your settings. If you’re turning ClearType on—or just want to leave ClearType on and tune it—the wizard will step you through the tuning process (which we’ll cover next).

如果您要关闭ClearType,该向导的行为将像在ClearType调整过程中一样使您运行,但是随后您将有机会完成并保存设置。 如果您要打开ClearType或只是想打开ClearType并对其进行调整,则向导将引导您完成调整过程(我们将在后面介绍)。

调整显示器的ClearType (Tune ClearType for Your Display)

In the ClearType Text Tuner, when the “Turn on ClearType” option is enabled and you click “Next,” you’ll get the opportunity to tune ClearType for your display. If you have more than one monitor, you’ll get the the choice of whether to tune all your monitors in turn or just the one you select. We’re just going to tune one in this example, because all the tuner does is run you through all the same steps again for each monitor you have. If you only have one monitor, you won’t see this screen.

在ClearType文本调谐器中,启用“打开ClearType”选项并单击“下一步”后,您将有机会为您的显示调整ClearType。 如果您有多台显示器,则可以选择是依次调整所有显示器还是仅调整一个显示器。 在本例中,我们将只对其中一个进行调整,因为调谐器所做的全部工作都是针对您拥有的每台显示器再次执行所有相同的步骤。 如果只有一台显示器,则不会看到此屏幕。

The first thing the tuner will do is make sure the display is set to its native resolution. If it isn’t, you’ll need to change this first. If you’re unsure how, read through our guide to using your monitor’s native resolution.

调谐器要做的第一件事是确保将显示设置为其原始分辨率。 如果不是,则需要先进行更改。 如果不确定如何使用,请通读我们的指南以使用显示器的原始分辨率 。

Next, you’ll be taken through 4 or 5 screens (depending on your version of Windows) where you’re asked to choose the text that looks best to you out of several examples. The highlighted selection is your current setting, but you can click the example that looks best on each screen and then click “Next.” Just use your best judgment and pick the one that feels right to you.

接下来,将带您进入4个或5个屏幕(取决于Windows版本),在该屏幕中,系统会要求您从几个示例中选择最适合您的文本。 突出显示的选择是您当前的设置,但是您可以单击每个屏幕上看起来最合适的示例,然后单击“下一步”。 只需使用您的最佳判断,然后选择适合您的判断即可。

When you’re done, click “Finish.” If you have more than one monitor and elected to tune them all, you’ll be taken through the same tuning steps for the next monitor. Otherwise, you’re done and the tuner will close.

完成后,单击“完成”。 如果您有多个监视器并且选择对它们全部进行调整,则将对下一台监视器执行相同的调整步骤。 否则,您完成了,调谐器将关闭。

Tuning ClearType can definitely help you get the best looking text on your display. Even if you’re not having issues with blurriness, you might want to run through the tuning options just to see whether you optimize your onscreen reading experience.

调整ClearType绝对可以帮助您在显示器上获得最佳外观的文本。 即使您没有模糊的问题,您也可能想通过调整选项来查看是否优化了屏幕阅读体验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28790/tweak-cleartype-in-windows-7/

c++ cleartype

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