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import subprocess
import logging
import re# ======================================= refer to: https://www.askpython.com/python-modules/python-system-command
def run_cmd_with_output(cmd, logger = None):"""run cmd and print output.refer to : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40222793/python-subprocess-check-output-stderr-usage"""# shell=True是为了让cmd为string(而非list,我更喜欢用string)的时候能正常执行p = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)# 一定要decode,不然output的type会是bytes!output = p.stdout.decode('utf-8')# 获取stderr!error = p.stderr.decode('utf-8')return output# 不输出output的,还是挺简单的。一行代码搞定
def run_cmd_without_output(cmd, logger = None):if logger:logger.info(f"cmd: {cmd}")res = subprocess.call(cmd, shell = True)


# 下面这个,其实还是挺好用,但是不能得到stderr,遂弃之
# def run_cmd_with_output_old(cmd, logger = None):
#     """
#     run cmd and print output.
#     But the subprocess.check_output cannot get stderr.
#     So I'd like to create a new method according to : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40222793/python-subprocess-check-output-stderr-usage
#     Quote:
#     >subprocess.check_output will raise the exception you see if there's a non-zero exit code. It sound like what you're trying to get is a simple way of reading STDERR, which in that case the easiest thing is to use subprocess.run and pipe STDOUT and STDERR
#     """
#     if logger:
#         logger.info(f"cmd: {cmd}")#     # if re.search(f"java {JAVA_ARGS} -cp(.*)gumtree", cmd, re.I | re.DOTALL):
#     #     print("debug here.")#     # command = "pip install pymysql" #command to be executed
#     res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True) #, stderr= subprocess.STDOUT
#     output = res.decode('utf-8')#     # if logger:
#     #     # too large
#     #     #logger.info(f"Output (Decoded string): {output}") #decoded result
#     # else:
#     #     # print("Return type: ", type(res)) #type of the value returned
#     #     print("Decoded string: ", output) #decoded result#     return output







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