

# ......
Checking geometry...Overall domain bounding box (-0.50095 -0.499013 -1) (0.55 0.499013 1.1)Mesh has 3 geometric (non-empty/wedge) directions (1 1 1)Mesh has 3 solution (non-empty) directions (1 1 1)Boundary openness (4.31927e-16 3.08134e-16 1.46623e-16) OK.Max cell openness = 2.90386e-16 OK.Max aspect ratio = 3.69768 OK.Minimum face area = 0.000292504. Maximum face area = 0.00215511.  Face area magnitudes OK.Min volume = 8.27995e-06. Max volume = 7.0365e-05.  Total volume = 1.14596.  Cell volumes OK.Mesh non-orthogonality Max: 39.9086 average: 4.756Non-orthogonality check OK.Face pyramids OK.Max skewness = 3.7248 OK.Coupled point location match (average 0) OK.Mesh OK.



faceSet faces(mesh, "skewFaces", mesh.nFaces()/100+1);
if (mesh.checkFaceSkewness(true, &faces))
{noFailedChecks++;label nFaces = returnReduce(faces.size(), sumOp<label>());if (nFaces > 0){Info << "  <<Writing " << nFaces<< " skew faces to set " << faces.name() << endl;faces.instance() = mesh.pointsInstance();faces.write();}


Skewness is defined as the difference between the shape of the cell and the shape of an equilateral cell of equivalent volume. Highly skewed cells can decrease accuracy and destabilize the solution. For example, optimal quadrilateral meshes will have vertex angles close to 90 degrees, while triangular meshes should preferably have angles of close to 60 degrees and have all angles less than 90 degrees. A general rule is that the maximum skewness for a triangular/tetrahedral mesh in most flows should be kept below 0.95, with an average value that is less than 0.33. A maximum value above 0.95 may lead to convergence difficulties and may require changing the solver controls, such as reducing under-relaxation factors and/or switching to the pressure-based coupled solver.


Normalized Equiangular Skewness
In the normalized angle deviation method, skewness is defined (in general) as
max[θmax−θe180−θe,θe−θminθe]max\left[\frac{\theta_{max}-\theta_e}{180-\theta_e}, \frac{\theta_e-\theta_{min}}{\theta_e} \right] max[180−θe​θmax​−θe​​,θe​θe​−θmin​​]
θmax\theta_{max}θmax​ = largest angle in the face or cell
θmin\theta_{min}θmin​ = smallest angle in the face or cell
θe\theta_{e}θe​ = angle for an equiangular face/cell (such as 60 for a triangle, 90 for a quad, and so on)
The cell skewness will be the maximum skewness computed for any face. For example, an ideal pyramid (skewness=0) is one in which the 4 triangular faces are equilateral (and equiangular) and the quadrilateral base face is a square.



  • meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshCheck/polyMeshCheck.C
  • meshes/primitiveMesh/primitiveMeshCheck/primitiveMeshCheck.C


tmp<scalarField> tskewness = primitiveMeshTools::faceSkewness(...)


Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::primitiveMeshTools::faceSkewness
(const primitiveMesh& mesh,const pointField& p,const vectorField& fCtrs,const vectorField& fAreas,const vectorField& cellCtrs
{const labelList& own = mesh.faceOwner();const labelList& nei = mesh.faceNeighbour();tmp<scalarField> tskew(new scalarField(mesh.nFaces()));scalarField& skew = tskew.ref();forAll(nei, facei){skew[facei] = faceSkewness(mesh,p,fCtrs,fAreas,facei,cellCtrs[own[facei]],cellCtrs[nei[facei]]);}// Boundary faces: consider them to have only skewness error.// (i.e. treat as if mirror cell on other side)for (label facei = mesh.nInternalFaces(); facei < mesh.nFaces(); facei++){skew[facei] = boundaryFaceSkewness(mesh,p,fCtrs,fAreas,facei,cellCtrs[own[facei]]);}return tskew;



  • 读取网格信息
  • 使用faceSkewness()函数计算所有面元的Skewness
  • 根据面元与网格单元的对应关系,将每个面元的Skewness映射到对应的网格单元上,并只保留最大的Skewness
  • 输出网格单元上保存的Skewness


#include "IFstream.H"
#include "OFstream.H"
#include "fvCFD.H"
#include "primitiveMesh.H"
#include "primitiveMeshTools.H"
#include "meshSearch.H"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{#include "setRootCase.H"#include "createTime.H"#include "createMesh.H"const pointField &p = mesh.points();    // All pointsconst vectorField &C = mesh.C();        // All cell centersconst vectorField &fC = mesh.Cf();      // All face centersconst vectorField &fA = mesh.Sf();      // All face area vectors/* const faceList &faces = mesh.faces(); */const labelList &faceOwn = mesh.faceOwner();        // face owner cellconst labelList &faceNei = mesh.faceNeighbour();    // face neighbour cell/*  Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::primitiveMeshTools::faceSkewness(const primitiveMesh& mesh,const pointField& p,const vectorField& fCtrs,const vectorField& fAreas,const vectorField& cellCtrs)*/// Calculate the skewness of all faces.scalarField fskewness =primitiveMeshTools::faceSkewness(mesh, p, fC, fA, C);// Initialize the skewness of all cells.scalarField cskewness = mesh.V();forAll(cskewness, cellId) {cskewness[cellId] = 0.0;}// Calculate the skewness of all cells.label faceNeiId = 0;forAll(fskewness, faceId) {cskewness[faceOwn[faceId]]= max(cskewness[faceOwn[faceId]], fskewness[faceId]);if (mesh.isInternalFace(faceId)) {cskewness[faceNei[faceNeiId]]= max(cskewness[faceNei[faceNeiId]], fskewness[faceId]);faceNeiId++;}}// Print.double avg = 0;int num = 0;forAll(cskewness, cellId) {/* Info << cellId << "\t" << cskewness[cellId] << endl; */avg += cskewness[cellId];num++;}avg /= num;Info << avg << endl;return 0;


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