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class Solution {public int lengthLongestPath(String input) {String[] list = input.split("\\n");Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); // 栈中记录累计长度int maxLen = 0;for (String s : list) {int d = getDepth(s); // 获取当前目录的depthwhile (d < stack.size()) { // 不断出栈,直到当前目录被可以包含在栈顶元素中stack.pop();}if (s.contains(".")) { // filemaxLen = Math.max((stack.isEmpty() ? -1 : stack.peek()) + s.length() - d + 1, maxLen); // -1是由于根目录没有前导/,+1是计算包含前导/的长度} else { // dirstack.push((stack.isEmpty() ? -1 : stack.peek()) + s.length() - d + 1);}}return maxLen;}public int getDepth(String s) {int d = 0;while (s.startsWith("\t")) {d++;s = s.substring(1);}return d;}

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