    1.Design your profuct for Customers
    This topic is always discussed among software developers,But how to practise?This is a big problem,For example,Our PM alway go deep into the SPEC,He always collect all the customer's requirment(Alway not ALL in fact) ,and then have a tradeoff,Which ones will be covered in the SPEC.The flow as below:
    Collect Requirement->Trade Off->Market Segmentation->Position->Prototype Development->Feed Back,Perhaps this is a circle.In the Marketing:
    From the picture,We can see the process of generalized product development,How dose it implemented in software development,Perhaps there a big gap in the middle of the process link. What make so ?I think there are not so much feedback in fact.So perhaps we can do better!In fact this is what said in XP as Customer Cooperation,Continue Feedback.So we can see the XP is not a new development method.


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