
Name: Nationality: China (Mainland)

Current Place: Tianhe Height/Weight: 186 cm 80 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 27 years

Career Objective and Work experience

Application type: 01

Preferred job title: President Assistant/General Manager Assistant: President Assistant 、 Marketing/Sales/Business Development Director: 、 Sales Director:

Working life: 6 Title: Middle title

Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a day

Expected salary: ¥12,000--¥20,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Beijing Shanghai

Work Experience : Company's name: Guolong GroupBegin and end date: 2010-04-2011-02

Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: FMCG(Food,Drink,Comestics)

Job Title: Xingan Baobei Product Team Sales Director

Job description: 1. Responsible for developing & improving national agent and franchiser ;

2. developing sales channels, and procurement ;

3. Planning according to the marketing research, analyzing and make the annual selling plan;

4. Make the annul strategy including sales strategy, brand strategy in order to build brand, and lead the training to the underlines;

5. make the advertising plan to lift the brand awareness

Reasons for leaving:

Educational Background

Name of School: JInqiao College

Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2005-07-01

Name of Major 1: Accounting Name of Major 2:

Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

2010-08 2010-08 Shenzhen Top Management Co. Excellent leadership Graduated Certification

Language AbilityForeign Language: English Level: excellent

Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: perfect

Relevant skills and abilities

1. Good-affinity and hard-working

2. Be happy to accept challenging

3. Improve self timely

4. acute observer

5. Proficient in driving car

6. Proficient in MS software

7. Proficient in ORACLE system

Self-recommendation letter

6-years sales & marketing working experience; excellent in new market developing,; rich experience in marketing, account development & team management; accept frequent business trip; good-looking and strong communication skills; familiar with training skills, logical thinking & quick-learner

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