Chapter 6
  Users Are People, Too
  A lot of programmers stop there. They write software for themselves, are pleased with the end result, and then declare victory.
  First you need to get users to notice your software
  Then you’ll need to think about what people experience when they start using your software.
  Finally, we’ll look at how to interact productively with them once they’re firmly engaged with your creation.
  Managing Public Perception
  Because, as programmers, the marketer represents the antithesis of engineering culture. We’re obsessed with truth. We look at the marketing guy and all we see are lies, and we don’t like being lied to. We want order, predictability, and accurate statements when it comes to making decisions.
  Programmers tend to have an overdeveloped sense of logic, but most humans are driven equally by logic and emotion. The marketing folks are masters of emotional manipulation, and that’s why they’re so effective: they mix the facts with feelings to get attention. If you want to get new people to use your software, you have to care about their emotional perception of your software. You cannot change the way people make decisions.
  Apple Inc. is the undisputed master of making technology appeal to the emotions of nontechnical people.
  Pay Attention to First Impressions
  What is your software like to a newbie? Is it welcoming and does it encourage exploration? Conversely, for an expert who sits down to an initial session with your software, does it appear familiar and sensible? At first glance, does your app scream instant productivity, or steep learning curve and countless tears? More specifically, what does a user experience in the first 30 seconds after launching your software? Don’t just give an intellectual answer (“she sees a menu of choices, with a login box”) but give an emotional answer too. How does a new user feel after a minute? Empowered or just confused? What can you do to improve that feeling? Step back a level and look at your product’s website. Does it seem professional and inviting, like a good storefront? You need to take these things seriously for your software to be taken seriously.
  Underpromise and Overdeliver
  Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
  How Usable Is Your Software?
  engineers are not the audience of your software. The corollary is that you, as an engineer, are a terrible evaluator of your software’s usability.
  Consider Barrier to Entry
  How hard is
  it to get going for the first time? If your users can’t easily try it out, you won’t have any. A first-time user usually isn’t thinking about whether your software is more or less powerful than a competitor’s; she just wants to get something done. Quickly
  That first minute with a product is critical.
  If your product is a web application, make sure it loads quickly!
  Measure Usage, Not Users
  You’ll often hear someone say, “Hey, my product has had 3 million downloads—that’s 3 million happy users!” Wait; back up. How many of those 3 million users are actually using your software? That’s what we mean by “usage.”
  Speed Matters
  Don’t Be All Things
  Some of the best software succeeds because it defines the problem narrowly and solves it well. Instead of solving every problem badly, it solves really common problems for most users and does it really well.
  Don’t Be Lazy 不要懒惰
  Making software easy for users can
  be a great annoyance to the programmer. Focus on the user, not what’s convenient for you to code.
  Having too many options is overwhelming.
  Hide Complexity 不要让你的软件看起来非常复杂
  Managing Your Relationship with Users
  Believe it or not, many users want to have a relationship with your company or team. Happy users want to know what’s going on with your software’s evolution; angry users want a place to complain.
  Trust is your most sacred resource.

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