Paul Iddon 老兄的BLOG里面写了一篇使用Trace32来帮助MDT排错的文章。


Checking the logs during a deployment using MDT is a very powerful way to solve problems encountered during a build.

In older versions of MDT and BDD the deployments always came with a command prompt so you could at least work out something out.

With MDT 2010 that command prompt was taken out. Now to get a command prompt a user would have to press F8.

By looking at the logs we can find out a lot of information about your deployment.

The easiest way to view the logs is to use Trace32, Trace32 is a tool mainly used for SCCM deployments you can find it here within the System Centre Configuration Manager 2007 Toolkit V2 – You can find it here…

As you may know, when a deployment fails, it usual comes with a pink screen with some unrecognisable numbers and nothing else. By looking at the logs we can find out a lot more about the issues encountered during a deployment.

The deployment logs can be found in the following locations.

During deployment – before partition


During deployment – after partition


Once deployment ends


By using trace32 you can get meaningful logs instead of the normal jumble of words within a notepad.

How to add Trace32 to the litetouch image

Create a directory called Extras within your deployment share, and add the trace32 file to it.

Within MDT open the deployment share properties.

Within the Windows PE settings add the path to your extras folder within the extra directory to add field.

Click apply and regenerate your deployment share. Replace your boot images in WDS etc.

The next time you boot into PE, press F8 and type cd\

Then open trace32 from that directory. You can then browse to your log files and see your logs populate in real time.

Dynamically viewing logs from a remote share

MDT has a property which allows logs to be added to a remote share.

By adding the following line to the customsettings file or to the deployment database, you can view your logs remotely.


Using these tools have helped me to troubleshoot my deployments, hopefully they should solve your deployment issues.


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