1. 把上一步生成的Enzyme.gro和Enzyme.top文件改个名字

cp Enzyme.top topol.top
cp Enzyme.gro complex.gro

2. 能量最小化


; minim.mdp - used as input into grompp to generate real_em.tpr
; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator  = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization)
emtol       = 1000.0        ; Stop minimization when the maximum force < 1000.0 kJ/mol/nm
emstep      = 0.01          ; Minimization step size
nsteps      = 50000         ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions
nstlist         = 1         ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
cutoff-scheme   = Verlet ; Buffered neighbor searching
ns_type         = grid ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
coulombtype     = PME ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
rcoulomb        = 1.0       ; Short-range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw            = 1.0       ; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off
pbc             = xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions in all 3 dimensionsgmx grompp -f em_real.mdp -c complex.gro -r complex.gro -p topol.top -o em.tpr
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm em






=nm:做正则振动分析( 必须双精度版)。

(2)emtol: 能量极小化时最大受力小于多少就认为收敛(kJ/mol/nm).默认为10.0。


(3)emstep: 最陡下降法最大步长(nm)。默认0.01。

(4)nsteps: 动力学或能量极小化的步数上限,指定最大迭代次数。


gmx grompp -f em_real.mdp -c complex.gro -r complex.gro -p topol.top -o em.tpr
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm em

3. NVT平衡


title                   = NVT
define                  = -DPOSRES ; position restrain the protein; Run parameters
integrator              = md ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps                  = 50000     ; 2 * 50000 = 100 ps
dt                      = 0.002     ; 2 fs; Output control
nstxout                 = 500       ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout                 = 500       ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy               = 500       ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog                  = 500       ; update log file every 1.0 ps; Bond parameters
continuation            = no        ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm    = shake ; holonomic constraints
constraints             = h-bonds ; bonds involving H are constrained
shake-SOR               = no
shake-tol               = 0.0001 ; Nonbonded settings
cutoff-scheme           = Verlet ; Buffered neighbor searching
ns_type                 = grid ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist                 = 10        ; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet
rcoulomb                = 1.0       ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw                    = 1.0       ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
DispCorr                = EnerPres ; account for cut-off vdW scheme; Electrostatics
coulombtype             = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics
pme_order               = 4         ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing          = 0.16      ; grid spacing for FFT; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl                  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps                 = Protein Non-Protein ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t                   = 0.1     0.1           ; time constant, in ps
ref_t                   = 300     300           ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl                  = no        ; no pressure coupling in NVT; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc                     = xyz ; 3-D PBC; Velocity generation
gen_vel                 = yes       ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
gen_temp                = 300       ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed                = -1        ; generate a random seed


需要注意的是,前面我们利用的AmberTools来产生top文件,因此如果我们这里用POSRES来做位置约束的话,需要将topol.top文件中的ifdef flexible修改为ifdef POSRES,否则此步中会出现warning。


gmx grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -r em.gro -p topol.top -o nvt.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm nvt  

4. NPT平衡


title                   = NPT
define                  = -DPOSRES ; position restrain the protein; Run parameters
integrator              = md ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps                  = 50000     ; 2 * 50000 = 100 ps
dt                      = 0.002     ; 2 fs; Output control
nstxout                 = 500       ; save coordinates every 1.0 ps
nstvout                 = 500       ; save velocities every 1.0 ps
nstenergy               = 500       ; save energies every 1.0 ps
nstlog                  = 500       ; update log file every 1.0 ps; Bond parameters
continuation            = yes       ; Restarting after NVT
constraint_algorithm    = shake ; holonomic constraints
constraints             = h-bonds ; bonds involving H are constrained
shake-SOR               = no
shake-tol               = 0.0001 ; Nonbonded settings
cutoff-scheme           = Verlet ; Buffered neighbor searching
ns_type                 = grid ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist                 = 10        ; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet scheme
rcoulomb                = 1.0       ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw                    = 1.0       ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
DispCorr                = EnerPres ; account for cut-off vdW scheme; Electrostatics
coulombtype             = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics
pme_order               = 4         ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing          = 0.16      ; grid spacing for FFT; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl                  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps                 = Protein Non-Protein ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t                   = 0.1     0.1           ; time constant, in ps
ref_t                   = 300     300           ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl                  = Parrinello-Rahman ; Pressure coupling on in NPT
pcoupltype              = isotropic ; uniform scaling of box vectors
tau_p                   = 2.0                   ; time constant, in ps
ref_p                   = 1.0                   ; reference pressure, in bar
compressibility         = 4.5e-5                ; isothermal compressibility of water, bar^-1
refcoord_scaling        = com; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc                     = xyz ; 3-D PBC; Velocity generation
gen_vel                 = no        ; Velocity generation is off


gmx grompp -f npt.mdp -c nvt.gro -r nvt.gro -t nvt.cpt -p topol.top -o npt.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm npt 

5. 成品模拟


title                   = MD
; Run parameters
integrator              = md ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps                  = 50000000    ; 2 * 50000000 = 100000 ps (100 ns)
dt                      = 0.002     ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout                 = 0         ; suppress bulky .trr file by specifying
nstvout                 = 0         ; 0 for output frequency of nstxout,
nstfout                 = 0         ; nstvout, and nstfout
nstenergy               = 5000      ; save energies every 10.0 ps
nstlog                  = 5000      ; update log file every 10.0 ps
nstxout-compressed      = 5000      ; save compressed coordinates every 10.0 ps
compressed-x-grps       = System ; save the whole system
; Bond parameters
continuation            = yes       ; Restarting after NPT
constraint_algorithm    = shake ; holonomic constraints
constraints             = h-bonds ; bonds involving H are constrained
shake-SOR               = no
shake-tol               = 0.0001
; Neighborsearching
cutoff-scheme           = Verlet ; Buffered neighbor searching
ns_type                 = grid ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist                 = 10        ; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet scheme
rcoulomb                = 1.0       ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw                    = 1.0       ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype             = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics
pme_order               = 4         ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing          = 0.16      ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl                  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps                 = Protein Non-Protein ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t                   = 0.1     0.1           ; time constant, in ps
ref_t                   = 300     300           ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl                  = Parrinello-Rahman ; Pressure coupling on in NPT
pcoupltype              = isotropic ; uniform scaling of box vectors
tau_p                   = 2.0                   ; time constant, in ps
ref_p                   = 1.0                   ; reference pressure, in bar
compressibility         = 4.5e-5                ; isothermal compressibility of water, bar^-1
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc                     = xyz ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr                = EnerPres ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel                 = no        ; Velocity generation is off




(3)integrator: 决定当前任务干什么。

=md (默认) :leap-frog( md蛙跳算法)方式做动力学。




(4) tinit:动力学开始的时间(ps)。    默认0

(5) dt:动力学步长(ps)。默认0.001 (1fs),一般我们都使用0.002。


(7)init-step: 起始步数, 对非平衡模拟, 精确重启或重做某部分模拟时, 设定为重启步编号。

(8)nstxout = 0:输出trr坐标10000

nstvout = 0:输出trr速度 10000

nstfout = 0:输出trr受力 10000

nstxtcout = 5000:如果这个数比前三者小的多,那么其就会很大,比trr都大。

compressed-x-precision =5000:写入xtc轨迹的精确度。默认为 (1000)

compressed-x-grps:选择输出到xtc文件里的group, 默认为system。该参数只影响xtc轨迹,不影响trr轨迹。如果想在做动力学的时候就只把蛋白写入轨迹文件中,可以mdp中设compressed-x-grps = non-water。一般我们用体系即可。之后再根据需要用trjconv来处理获得包含水的轨迹文件。



(9)constraini-algorithm            ;设定约束算法




gmx grompp -f md.mdp -c npt.gro -r npt.gro -t npt.cpt -p topol.top -o md.tpr
gmx mdrun -deffnm md 


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