zune linux

Before selling your Zune HD online or to another individual, you’ll probably want to erase all of its content. Here we show you how to erase all of the content through the Zune Desktop Player.

在在线上出售Zune HD或将其出售给其他人之前,您可能需要删除其所有内容。 在这里,我们向您展示如何通过Zune Desktop Player擦除所有内容。

Plug the Zune into your computer and launch the Zune Player. Then click on the Zune icon on the lower left corner of the screen.

将Zune插入计算机,然后启动Zune Player。 然后单击屏幕左下角的Zune图标。

In the next screen click on Settings.


Now in Device Settings click the Erase all content button under Player Options.


Click Yes to the confirmation message.


Now wait while all of the music, photos, apps, videos…etc are erased.


After it’s complete you’ll be returned to the device screen and you’ll see there is no content on the player.


If you previously named your Zune and are selling it, you’ll probably want to change the name of the Zune as well.


Before shipping it in the mail make sure you completely turn it off by holding down the power button on top for 3 seconds. It will then display a Power Off screen to slide down. You might also want to boot it into Recovery Mode too. Turn it off completely and while it’s booting hold down both the Media buttons on the left side and the Home button. This will reset it and the new user will need to plug it in and set it up again through Zune Desktop Player as if it were brand new.

在邮寄之前,请确保按住顶部的电源按钮3秒钟,以将其完全关闭。 然后,它将显示电源关闭屏幕以向下滑动。 您可能还希望将其引导到恢复模式。 将其完全关闭,然后在启动时同时按住左侧的Media(媒体)按钮和Home(主页)按钮。 这将重置它,新用户将需要插入它并通过Zune Desktop Player再次设置它,就像它是全新的一样。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24484/quick-tip-erase-all-content-from-your-zune-hd-before-selling-it/

zune linux

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