zune linux

If you don’t want to pay the monthly fee for a Zune Pass, one option is buying a pre-paid Zune card. Here we take a look at how to redeem the Zune card points so you can get music for your Zune or Zune HD.

如果您不想支付Zune Pass的月费,一种选择是购买预付的Zune卡。 在这里,我们看一下如何兑换Zune卡积分,以便您可以获取Zune或Zune HD的音乐。

Of course the first thing you will need to do is buy a Zune card. You can find them for different amounts at most retail locations that sell Zune’s like Walmart, Best Buy…etc. When you purchase the card make sure the cashier activates it.

当然,您需要做的第一件事就是购买Zune卡。 您可以在大多数出售Zune的零售地点(如沃尔玛,百思买等)找到不同价格的商品。 购买卡时,请确保收银员将其激活。

Now open up your Zune desktop software and sign in if you aren’t already. Go into Settings \ Account and under Microsoft Points click on Redeem Code.

现在打开您的Zune桌面软件,如果尚未登录,请登录。 进入“设置\帐户”,然后在“ Microsoft Points”下单击“兑换代码”。

Now enter the code from the back of the card that you scratch off and hit Next.


After entering in your code successfully it asks for your contact information, which seems odd considering you’re using a prepaid card. You may want to enter in a fictitious address and phone number if concerned about privacy…then click Next. The only thing you might want to enter in legitimately is your email address to get a confirmation email.

成功输入代码后,它会询问您的联系信息,考虑到您使用的是预付卡,这似乎很奇怪。 如果您担心隐私,则可能要输入一个虚构的地址和电话号码,然后单击“下一步”。 您唯一想合法输入的就是您的电子邮件地址,以获取确认电子邮件。

You’re given a Thank you message…


And back in your Account Settings you’ll see the points have been added.


Now you can go shopping for music, videos, TV shows, and more at the Zune Marketplace.

现在,您可以在Zune Marketplace上购买音乐,视频,电视节目等内容。

If you don’t want to give up your credit card info and pay the monthly fee for the Zune Pass, using prepaid card to purchase music as you go is a good alternative.

如果您不想放弃自己的信用卡信息并支付Zune Pass的月费,则使用预付卡随身购买音乐是一个不错的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12901/redeem-pre-paid-zune-card-points-for-zune-marketplace-media/

zune linux

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