
Yesterday Google released an updated Gmail application for Android 2.2 phones that supports the Priority Inbox feature—and more importantly, allows you to change your notifications to only alert you for important email. Let’s take a look.

昨天Google发行了更新的Android 2.2手机Gmail应用程序,该应用程序支持“优先收件箱”功能-更重要的是,它允许您更改通知以仅在收到重要电子邮件时提醒您。 让我们来看看。

Note: If you’ve never used Priority Inbox, you should really give it a try—it rearranges your email into what is and isn’t important, and you can customize how it classifies messages easily. The idea is that it learns over time, so if you send a lot of emails back and forth with somebody, it will know that they are probably important—you can manually adjust the settings as well.

注意:如果您从未使用过“优先收件箱”,则应该尝试一下-将电子邮件重新排列为重要内容和不重要内容,并且可以自定义其如何轻松地对邮件进行分类。 这个想法是随着时间的推移而不断学习的,因此,如果您与某人来回发送大量电子邮件,它将知道它们可能很重要-您也可以手动调整设置。

To update the Gmail application, you’ll want to head into the Market and access Menu –> Downloads, where you should see Gmail in the list, and it should let you update from there. If you don’t see an update, you’re either not running Android 2.2, or it has already updated automatically.

要更新Gmail应用程序,您需要进入市场并访问菜单->下载,您应该在列表中看到Gmail,并应从那里进行更新。 如果没有看到更新,则说明您未运行Android 2.2,或者它已经自动更新。

将优先收件箱设置为默认收件箱以启用仅重要通知 (Set Priority Inbox as Default Inbox to Enable Important-Only Notifications)

Open up the Gmail application, hit Menu –> More –> Settings, and you’ll be able to check the box for Priority Inbox to make it the default inbox. This means that every time you open Gmail, it’s going to show Priority Inbox instead of your regular inbox.

打开Gmail应用程序,依次单击“菜单”->“更多”->“设置”,然后可以选中“优先收件箱”框,使其成为默认收件箱。 这意味着每次打开Gmail时,它都会显示优先收件箱,而不是常规收件箱。

If you scroll down a bit, you’ll notice that the Email notifications, if you have them enabled, are now set to Priority Inbox instead of the regular one.


访问优先收件箱(无默认设置) (Accessing Priority Inbox (Without Setting as Default))

If you still want to have all your notifications for every single email, you don’t have to set Priority Inbox as default, and you can still access the folder by heading to Labels –> Priority Inbox. You’ll probably also note that if you do change the default, this is how you can get back to your normal Inbox as well.

如果仍然希望每一封电子邮件都具有所有通知,则不必将“优先收件箱”设置为默认值,并且仍然可以通过转到“标签”->“优先收件箱”来访问该文件夹。 您可能还会注意到,如果您确实更改了默认值,这也可以使您回到正常的收件箱。

It’s also worth noting that anytime you have an email that shows up with the wrong importance, you can choose Mark Important or Not Important from the menu to adjust the settings while you’re on the go.


更改优先收件箱的同步设置 (Change the Sync Setting for Priority Inbox)

One thing I noticed right after making the switch is that Priority Inbox doesn’t sync all by default—it’s only going to sync the last 4 days. If you want to make this change to All, you should head into Menu –> More –> Settings –> Synchronization within the Gmail application and change the value there.

切换后,我立即注意到的一件事是,默认情况下,“优先收件箱”不会全部同步-只会同步最近4天。 如果要将此项更改为“全部”,则应转到Gmail应用程序中的菜单->更多->设置->同步,然后在其中更改值。

Enjoy your more streamlined email experience. Personally I turn off the notifications on my phone, since they are a huge distraction.

享受更加简化的电子邮件体验。 就个人而言,我会关闭手机上的通知,因为它们会分散您的注意力。




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