c ++明明的随机数

Problem statement:


Write an application code that will suggest movies from a list randomly and there won't be any repeat while suggesting the movies. That means the same movie won't be suggested twice though it will be done randomly. Input will be a movie list.

编写应用程序代码,以随机建议列表中的电影,并且在建议电影时不会重复。 这意味着尽管会随机播放同一部电影,但不会两次被推荐。 输入将是电影列表。

Prerequisite: Shuffling a given array in O(n) time using Fisher-Yates algorithm

先决条件: 使用Fisher-Yates算法在O(n)时间内对给定数组进行混洗



Movie suggestion list can be


We can use Fisher-Yates random shuffling algorithm to solve this problem. Firstly, we need to create a map to store indexes of the movies as we will shuffle based on their indexes.

我们可以使用Fisher-Yates随机改组算法来解决此问题。 首先,我们需要创建一个地图来存储电影的索引,因为我们将根据电影的索引进行随机播放。

So the map will be:


1   "D-DAY"
5   "BARFI"
6   "RAAZI"
7   "PIKU"

So our movie list will be converted as: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]


Then we will shuffle using the Fisher-Yates algorithm


At each step iteration, we will suggest movie[i]. Below is the detailed algorithm for suggesting movie randomly

在每一步迭代中,我们都会建议movie [i] 。 以下是随机建议电影的详细算法

The detailed algorithm will be,


For i=n-1 to 1
Pick and element in the range [0,i-1] randomly
Swap the randomly picked element with a[i]
// since it's not going to be reshuffled again
// as we are decrementing i ,
// thus it's guaranteed that it won't be suggested twice
Recommend movie[a[i]]
Decrement i
End for loop

So, how this guarantees unique suggestion each time?


Because, we are fixing the ith element after the swap and decrementing i, so that the movie that got suggested never takes part again in swaps.

因为,我们在交换之后固定了 i 元素,并减小了i ,以便所建议的电影再也不会参与交换。

C++ Implementation:

C ++实现:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void recommend_movie_randomly(vector<string> movies)
map<int, string> mymap;
int n = movies.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mymap[i] = movies[i];
vector<int> arr(n); //stores the indexes
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
arr[i] = i;
//shiffling randomly and suggesting movie
//at each iteartion
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
//j will be a random no with in range 0 to i-1
int j = rand() % i;
//swap ith index with jth
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
//suggest the ith movie now
cout << "Suggesting next movie...\n";
cout << mymap[arr[i]] << endl;
int main()
//input list
vector<string> movie_list{ "D-DAY", "RAINCOAT", "OCTOBER", "LUNCHBOX", "BARFI", "RAAZI", "PIKU" };
cout << "Recommending movies randomly from the list\n";
return 0;



Recommending movies randomly from the list
Suggesting next movie...
Suggesting next movie...
Suggesting next movie...
Suggesting next movie...
Suggesting next movie...
Suggesting next movie...

Also tagged in: Synopsys

还标记在: Synopsys

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/icp/suggesting-movie-randomly-from-a-list-cpp-program.aspx

c ++明明的随机数

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