数据透视表 筛选

When you create a pivot table in Excel, it doesn't matter if there are filters applied in the source data table. The pivot table includes all the data, whether it's hidden or not. But, if you'd like to create a pivot table from filtered list visible rows only, you can try this technique.

在Excel中创建数据透视表时,源数据表中是否应用了筛选器都没有关系。 数据透视表包括所有数据,无论是否隐藏。 但是,如果您只想从过滤后的列表可见行创建数据透视表,则可以尝试此技术。

Excel版本 (Excel Versions)

This technique uses new features in Excel, that are found in Excel for Office 365. Be sure that your version of Excel has the new functions, such as SORT and UNIQUE. I don't want you to waste your time trying something that won't work for you!

此技术使用Excel for Office 365中提供的Excel中的新功能。请确保您的Excel版本具有新功能,例如SORT和UNIQUE。 我不想让您浪费时间尝试对您不起作用的事情!

To check for the new functions:


  • Select a blank cell, then type: =SO

    选择一个空白单元格,然后键入: = SO

  • If the screen tip shows SORT and SORTBY, you have the new functions.如果屏幕提示显示SORT和SORTBY,则您具有新功能。

命名Excel表 (Named Excel Table)

In this example, the source data that we want to use for the pivot table is a named Excel table -- Sales_Data.

在此示例中,我们要用于数据透视表的源数据是一个命名的Excel表 -Sales_Data。

There are 100 records in the table, and it's currently filtered to show 2 of the sales rep names (Smith and Riaz), and all of the categories except Cookies.


NOTE: If your pivot table source data has a huge number of records, the following technique could slow down your workbook

注意 :如果您的数据透视表源数据具有大量的记录,以下技术可能会减慢您的工作簿

制作数据透视表 (Make a Pivot Table)

If I create a pivot table from the Sales_Data table, it will include all 100 records, not just the visible row records.


All the sales rep names are listed, and all the categories are included.


来自筛选清单的枢纽 (Pivot From Filtered List)

To create a pivot table from filtered list visible rows only, I'll do these steps:


  • Add a new column in the Sales_Data table.在Sales_Data表中添加一个新列。
  • In that column, use a formula to mark the visible rows在该列中,使用公式标记可见行
  • On another sheet, get the source data headings在另一张纸上,获取源数据标题
  • Use a new function to pull visible rows from the Sales_Data table使用新功能从Sales_Data表中提取可见行
  • Create a dynamic named range, based on pulled data and headings根据提取的数据和标题创建一个动态的命名范围
  • Create a pivot table based on the dynamic named range根据动态命名范围创建数据透视表

标记可见行 (Mark the Visible Rows)

The first step is to add a new column in the Sales_Data table, to mark the visible rows, using the SUBTOTAL function.


  • In cell J3, type the heading – Vis

    在单元格J3中,键入标题– Vis

  • In cell J4, start this SUBTOTAL formula, with 2 (Count) as the function number:在单元格J4中,以2(Count)作为函数编号开始此SUBTOTAL公式:
  • =SUBTOTAL(2,

    = SUBTOTAL(2,

  • Then, click on cell I4, which has the number of Orders, and type a closing bracket.然后,单击具有订单数量的单元格I4,然后键入一个右括号。
  • =SUBTOTAL(2,[@Orders])

    = SUBTOTAL(2,[@ Orders])

  • Press Enter, to add the formula to all the cells in the Vis column (even the hidden rows)按Enter键,将公式添加到“可见”列中的所有单元格(即使是隐藏的行)

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

All the visible rows show 1 as the formula result in column J.


But, if you use formulas to do a COUNT and a SUM for column J, you'll see that the numbers are different.


There are 100 numbers in column J, but only 24 of those numbers are a 1.


The SUBTOTAL function ignores values that are hidden by a filter (and manually hidden rows, in some cases), so for non-visible rows, the result in column J is zero. For example:

SUBTOTAL函数将忽略由过滤器隐藏的值( 在某些情况下为手动隐藏的行 ),因此对于不可见的行,J列中的结果为零。 例如:

  • row 18 is visible, so it returns a 1第18行可见,因此返回1
  • row 19, is hidden by the filter, so it returns a zero第19行被过滤器隐藏,因此返回零

开始新工作表 (Start a New Sheet)

We'll create a new worksheet, and build a new source for the pivot table there.


  • Insert a new worksheet插入一个新的工作表
  • Name the sheet – DataFiltered命名工作表– DataFiltered

To build a pivot table, the data needs headings, so we'll use the ones from the Sales_Data table.


  • In cell A1 on the new sheet, type an equal sign在新工作表的单元格A1中,键入一个等号
  • Go to the FoodSales sheet, and click on cell A3, which has the first heading cell in the Sales_Data table.转到FoodSales工作表,然后单击单元格A3,该单元格在Sales_Data表中具有第一个标题单元格。
  • Press Enter, to complete the formula按Enter键以完成公式

Next, follow these steps to get the rest of the headings


  • Select cell A1, which has the link to the first heading选择具有第一个标题链接的单元格A1
  • Point to the fill handle, at the bottom right corner of cell A1指向单元格A1右下角的填充手柄
  • Drag across to column J, to get the rest of the Sales_Data table headings拖到列J,以获取其余的Sales_Data表标题
  • (optional) Format the heading cells in bold font(可选)将标题单元格设置为粗体

获取过滤的数据 (Get the Filtered Data)

Next, we'll use a new Excel function  -- FILTER -- to pull the visible rows from the Sales_Data table


  • Select cell A2, and start the formula:选择单元格A2,然后启动公式:



The first argument is the array – what we want to filter.

第一个参数是数组 –我们要过滤的内容。

Type the name of the table that we want to filter – Sales_Data, then type a comma

键入我们要过滤的表的名称– Sales_Data,然后键入逗号


= FILTER(Sales_Data,

The next argument is include – our rule for which records to return in the results. We want the rows where there is a 1 in the Vis column.

下一个参数是include –我们的规则,即要在记录中返回结果。 我们希望Vis列中的行为1。

  • Go to the FoodSales sheet, and click at the top of the Vis column heading cell转到FoodSales工作表,然后单击“ Vis”列标题单元顶部的
  • The table name and column name are added to the formula表名和列名已添加到公式中


= FILTER(Sales_Data, Sales_Data [Vis]

  • Type our rule for that column: =1

    输入该列的规则: = 1


= FILTER(Sales_Data,Sales_Data [Vis] = 1

  • Type a closing bracket, then press Enter to complete the formula输入右括号,然后按Enter键以完成公式

动态过滤数据数组 (Dynamic Array of Filtered Data)

Even though you only entered the formula in cell A2, the formula results are in a dynamic array, that spills down and across, in as many cells as needed.


There is a thin blue border around the dynamic array


动态数组中的单元 (Cells in the Dynamic Array)

If you click in any cell in the dynamic array, other than cell A2,


  • you can see the formula in light grey font in the formula bar您可以在编辑栏中看到浅灰色字体的公式
  • you can't make any changes to the formula您不能对公式进行任何更改

If you select cell A2, where the formula was entered, you can edit the formula, as usual


创建动态命名范围 (Create a Dynamic Named Range)

Now that we have headings and filtered data, we'll create a dynamic named range to use as the pivot table's source data.


To refer to a dynamic array in a formula, use the array's starting cell, followed by the spill operator – #


In this example, here's the dynamic array reference:



$ A $ 2#

We'll use that reference in an OFFSET formula, to create the dynamic range:


  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Formulas tab, then click the Define Name command在Excel功能区上,单击“公式”选项卡,然后单击“定义名称”命令
  • For the Name, type: PivotUse

    对于名称,键入: PivotUse

  • Leave the Scope as Workbook将范围保留为工作簿
  • In the Refers to box, enter this OFFSET formula:在“引用”框中,输入以下抵消公式:

=OFFSET(DataFiltered!$A$2#,-1,0, ROWS(DataFiltered!$A$2#)+1, COLUMNS(DataFiltered!$A$2#))

= OFFSET(DataFiltered!$ A $ 2#,-1,0,ROWS(DataFiltered!$ A $ 2#)+ 1,COLUMNS(DataFiltered!$ A $ 2#))

  • Click OK, to complete the name单击确定,完成名称

抵消公式如何工作 (How the OFFSET Formula Works)

The OFFSET function returns a range that:


  • Starts at the dynamic array从动态数组开始
  • Goes up one row (-1)上移一列(-1)
  • Moves over 0 columns移动超过0列
  • Includes the number of rows in the dynamic array, plus 1 for the heading row包括动态数组中的行数,标题行另加1
  • Includes the number of columns in the dynamic array包括动态数组中的列数

If the filters on the Sales_Data table are changed, the number of rows in the dynamic array will change.


Our dynamic named range, PivotUse, will adjust to those changes automatically


创建数据透视表 (Create the Pivot Table)

The final step is to create a pivot table, based on the dynamic named range.


  • Insert a new sheet, and name it PivotVis插入一个新的工作表,并将其命名为PivotVis
  • Select any cell on the new sheet选择新工作表上的任何单元格
  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Insert tab在Excel功能区上,单击“插入”选项卡
  • Click the Pivot Table command单击数据透视表命令
  • In the Create PivotTable dialog box, click in the Table/Range box, and press the F3 key on your keyboard在“创建数据透视表”对话框中,单击“表/范围”框,然后按键盘上的F3键
  • In the Paste Name list, click on PivotUse, and click OK在“粘贴名称”列表中,单击“ PivotUse”,然后单击“确定”。
  • For the location, choose the PivotVis sheet对于位置,选择“ PivotVis”表
  • Click OK to create the pivot table.单击“确定”创建数据透视表。

将字段添加到数据透视表 (Add Fields to the Pivot Table)

Next, use the PivotTable Field List to add the fields that you want to show in the pivot table.


If you include the Rep and Category fields, you'll see that they only include the items from the visible rows in the Sales_Data table.


更改Sales_Data过滤器 (Change the Sales_Data Filters)

If you change the filters in the Sales_Data table, be sure to refresh the pivot table after you've finished making the changes.


For example, filter the data so it only shows sales in the East region.


The dynamic array updates automatically, and now there are only 14 rows on that sheet.


However, pivot tables don't refresh automatically, so you can do that step manually.


Right-click on the pivot table, and click Refresh.


After the refresh, only the East region records are showing. Riaz didn't make any sales in that region, so Smith is the only rep in the filtered data, and in the refreshed pivot table.

刷新后,仅显示东部地区的记录。 Riaz在该地区没有任何销售,因此Smith是过滤后的数据以及刷新的数据透视表中的唯一代表。

获取样本文件 (Get the Sample File)

To see how the pivot table from filtered list visible rows technique works, go to the Pivot Table Source Data page on my Contextures site.

若要查看来自过滤列表可见行的数据透视表技术如何工作, 请转到 Contextures网站上的“ 数据透视表源数据”页面 。

In the Download section, get the Filtered Source Data sample file. The zipped file is in xlsx format, and does not contain any macros.

在“下载”部分中,获取“ 过滤的源数据”样本文件 。 压缩文件为xlsx格式,不包含任何宏。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2020/03/05/pivot-table-from-filtered-list-visible-rows/

数据透视表 筛选



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