2015年10月 Oracle 发布Oracle 12c beta 1,2016年2月发布beta 2,9月发布beta 3, 现在终于等来了 12cR2.


目前在Oracle Cloud上已经可以使用12cR2的版本。 不过在官网的下载页面最新的下载版本还是:。https://www.cndba.cn/Dave/article/329

Oracle 官方文档已经更新到12cR2了,想研究12cR2 新特性的同学,可以先阅读文档,12cR2离发布已经不远了。




Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), the latest generation of the world’s most popular database, is now available in the Oracle Cloud. It provides businesses of all sizes with access to the world’s fastest, most scalable and reliable database technology in a cost-effective and flexible Cloud environment. 12.2 can seamlessly scale from entry-level to the largest database workloads, enabling customers to take advantage of proven enterprise class capabilities to run database development, small to midsized business applications, and departmental and large mission-critical applications in the Cloud.

12.2 introduces new and enhanced functionality, particularly in these three areas:https://www.cndba.cn/Dave/article/329

From Disk-Based to In-Memory Databases for high performance real-time analytics

From Data Warehouse to Big Data for insightful analysis of transactional and other data sourceshttps://www.cndba.cn/Dave/article/329

From On-Premises to Database Optimized Cloud for greater agility, elasticity and lower IT costs

Designed for the Cloud, Oracle Database 12c Release 2 on Oracle Cloud offers customers the opportunity to take full advantage of In-Memory for real-time analytics, Big Data sources for greater insight and Multitenant to lower costs and increase agility, without having to make changes to existing applications. Customers can take all their in-house developed Oracle applications, all their Oracle ISV applications, and just run them on Oracle Cloud without incurring any application changes. This is particularly important, as customers can utilize all their existing applications, developer skills, and administrator skills, and get the same support for their Oracle Databases both on-premises and on Oracle Cloud.https://www.cndba.cn/Dave/article/329


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