



“ The long-awaited second edition of Wesley Chun’s Core Python
Programming proves to be well worth the wait—its deep and broad coverage
and useful exercises will help readers learn and practice good Python.”
—Alex Martelli, author of Python in a Nutshell and editor of Python
——亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martelli)《Python in a Nutshell》一书作
者,以及《Python Cookbook》的编辑
“There has been lot of good buzz around Wesley Chun’s Core Python
Programming. It turns out that all the buzz is well earned. I think this
is the best book currently available for learning Python. I would recommend
Chun’s book over Learning Python (O’Reilly), Programming Python
(O’Reilly), or The Quick Python Book (Manning).”
—David Mertz, Ph.D., IBM DeveloperWorks?
的书超越《Learning Python》(O’Reilly出版社),《Programming Python》
(O’Reilly社),以及《Quick Python Book》(Manning出版社)”
——大卫·梅尔兹(David Mertz),哲学博士,IBM DeveloperWorks
“I have been doing a lot of research [on] Python for the past year
and have seen a number of positive reviews of your book. The sentiment
expressed confirms the opinion that Core Python Programming is now
considered the standard introductory text.”
—Richard Ozaki, Lockheed Martin
——理查德·尾崎(Richard Ozaki),洛克西德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)
“ The long-awaited second edition of Wesley Chun’s Core Python
Programming proves to be well worth the wait—its deep and broad coverage
and useful exercises will help readers learn and practice good Python.”
—Alex Martelli, author of Python in a Nutshell and editor of Python
——亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martelli)《Python in a Nutshell》一书作
者,以及《Python Cookbook》的编辑
“There has been lot of good buzz around Wesley Chun’s Core Python
Programming. It turns out that all the buzz is well earned. I think this
is the best book currently available for learning Python. I would recommend
Chun’s book over Learning Python (O’Reilly), Programming Python
(O’Reilly), or The Quick Python Book (Manning).”
—David Mertz, Ph.D., IBM DeveloperWorks?
的书超越《Learning Python》(O’Reilly出版社),《Programming Python》
(O’Reilly社),以及《Quick Python Book》(Manning出版社)”
——大卫·梅尔兹(David Mertz),哲学博士,IBM DeveloperWorks
“I have been doing a lot of research [on] Python for the past year
and have seen a number of positive reviews of your book. The sentiment
expressed confirms the opinion that Core Python Programming is now
considered the standard introductory text.”
—Richard Ozaki, Lockheed Martin
——理查德·尾崎(Richard Ozaki),洛克西德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)
Edit By Vheavens
Edit By Vheavens 
“Finally, a book good enough to be both a textbook and a reference
on the
Python language now exists.”
—Michael Baxter, Linux Journal
——迈克尔·巴克斯特(Michael Baxter),《Linux Journal》
“Very well written. It is the clearest, friendliest book I have come
across yet for explaining Python, and putting it in a wider context. It
does not presume a large amount of other experience. It does go into some
important Python topics carefully and in depth. Unlike too many beginner
books, it never condescends or tortures the reader with childish
hide-and-seek prose games. [It] sticks to gaining a solid grasp of Python
syntax and structure.”
—http://python.org bookstore Web site
——http://python.org 网上书店
“[If ] I could only own one Python book, it would be Core Python
Programming by Wesley Chun. This book manages to cover more topics in more
depth than Learning Python but includes it all in one book that also more
than adequately covers the core language. [If] you are in the market for
just one book about Python, I recommend this book. You will enjoy reading
it, including its wry programmer’s wit. More importantly, you will learn
Python. Even more importantly, you will find it invaluable in helping you
in your day-to-day Python programming life. Well done, Mr. Chun!”
—Ron Stephens, Python Learning Foundation
“Finally, a book good enough to be both a textbook and a reference
on the
Python language now exists.”
—Michael Baxter, Linux Journal
——迈克尔·巴克斯特(Michael Baxter),《Linux Journal》
“Very well written. It is the clearest, friendliest book I have come
across yet for explaining Python, and putting it in a wider context. It
does not presume a large amount of other experience. It does go into some
important Python topics carefully and in depth. Unlike too many beginner
books, it never condescends or tortures the reader with childish
hide-and-seek prose games. [It] sticks to gaining a solid grasp of Python
syntax and structure.”
—http://python.org bookstore Web site
——http://python.org 网上书店
“[If ] I could only own one Python book, it would be Core Python
Programming by Wesley Chun. This book manages to cover more topics in more
depth than Learning Python but includes it all in one book that also more
than adequately covers the core language. [If] you are in the market for
just one book about Python, I recommend this book. You will enjoy reading
it, including its wry programmer’s wit. More importantly, you will learn
Python. Even more importantly, you will find it invaluable in helping you
in your day-to-day Python programming life. Well done, Mr. Chun!”
—Ron Stephens, Python Learning Foundation
Edit By Vheavens
Edit By Vheavens 
编程》。它涵盖了《Learning Python》的全部主题,但是却更加深入宽泛,所以
——罗恩·斯蒂芬(Ron Stephens),Python学习基金
“I think the best language for beginners is Python, without a doubt.
My favorite book is Core Python Programming.”
—s003apr, MP3Car.com Forums
“Personally, I really like Python. It’s simple to learn, completely

intuitive, amazingly flexible, and pretty darned fast. Python has only

just started to claim mindshare in the Windows world, but look for it to
start gaining lots of support as people discover it. To learn Python, I’d
start with Core PythonProgramming by Wesley Chun.”
— Bill Boswell, MCSE, Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine
——比尔·博斯韦尔(Bill Boswell),微软认证系统工程师,《微软认证
“If you learn well from books, I suggest Core Python Programming. It
is by far the best I’ve found. I’m a Python newbie as well and in three
months time I’ve been able to implement Python in projects at work
(automating MSOffice, SQL DB stuff, etc.).”
编程》。它涵盖了《Learning Python》的全部主题,但是却更加深入宽泛,所以
——罗恩·斯蒂芬(Ron Stephens),Python学习基金
“I think the best language for beginners is Python, without a doubt.
My favorite book is Core Python Programming.”
—s003apr, MP3Car.com Forums
“Personally, I really like Python. It’s simple to learn, completely
intuitive, amazingly flexible, and pretty darned fast. Python has only
just started to claim mindshare in the Windows world, but look for it to
start gaining lots of support as people discover it. To learn Python, I’d
start with Core PythonProgramming by Wesley Chun.”
— Bill Boswell, MCSE, Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine
——比尔·博斯韦尔(Bill Boswell),微软认证系统工程师,《微软认证
“If you learn well from books, I suggest Core Python Programming. It
is by far the best I’ve found. I’m a Python newbie as well and in three
months time I’ve been able to implement Python in projects at work
(automating MSOffice, SQL DB stuff, etc.).”
Edit By Vheavens
Edit By Vheavens 
—ptonman, Dev Shed Forums
作的项目(微软Office自动化,SQL DB填充等等)中应用Python了。”
——ptonman,Dev Shed论坛
“Python is simply a beautiful language. It’s easy to learn, it’s
cross-platform, and it works. It has achieved many of the technical goals
that Java strives for.A one-sentence description of Python would be: ‘All
other languages appear to have evolved over time—but Python was designed.’
And it was designed well. Unfortunately, there aren’t a large number of
books for Python. The best one I’ve run across so far is Core Python
—Chris Timmons, C. R. Timmons Consulting
——克里斯·提曼斯(Chris Timmons),C. R. Timmons咨询公司
“If you like the Prentice Hall Core series, another good full-blown
treatment to consider would be Core Python Programming. It addresses in
elaborate concrete detail many practical topics that get little, if any,
coverage in other books.”
—Mitchell L Model, MLM Consulting
“如果你喜欢Prentice Hall Core系列,那么《Python核心编程》就称得上

——米切尔·L·莫多(Mitchell L Model),MLM咨询公司


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