If you want to send an email to a contact or several contacts, you might want to keep some of the recipient email addresses private using the Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) Field. Here’s how to do it in Outlook 2010.

如果要将电子邮件发送给一个或多个联系人,则可能需要使用“密件抄送”(“密件抄送”)字段将某些收件人电子邮件地址保密。 这是在Outlook 2010中执行此操作的方法。

It’s not enabled by default, but adding it as a field for all future emails is a simple process.


Launch Outlook and under the Home tab click on the New E-mail button.


When the new mail window opens click on the Options tab and in the Show Fields column select Bcc.


The Bcc field will appear and you can then put the contacts in there who you want to receive the mail secretly or don’t want to show a certain email address.


Now anytime you compose a message, the Bcc field is included. For more on the Bcc field check out the blog post from Mysticgeek – Keep Your Email Contacts Private.

现在,无论何时撰写邮件,都将包含“密件抄送”字段。 有关“密件抄送”字段的更多信息,请查看Mysticgeek的博客文章-“保持电子邮件联系人不公开”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15612/how-to-use-bcc-blind-carbon-copy-in-outlook-2010/

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