Are you looking for an eye catching way to keep your audience interested in your PowerPoint presentations? Today we’ll take a look at how to add animation effects to objects in PowerPoint 2010.

您是否正在寻找一种引人注目的方法,以使您的听众对您的PowerPoint演示文稿感兴趣? 今天,我们来看看如何在PowerPoint 2010中向对象添加动画效果。

Select the object you wish to animate and then click the More button in the Animation group of the Animation tab.


Animations are grouped into four categories. Entrance effects, Exit effects, Emphasis effects, and Motion Paths. You can get a Live Preview of how the animation will look by hovering your mouse over an animation effect.

动画分为四类。 入口效果,出口效果,强调效果和运动路径。 将鼠标悬停在动画效果上,即可获得动画外观的实时预览。

When you select a Motion Path, your object will move along the dashed path line as shown on the screen. (This path is not displayed in the final output) Certain aspects of the Motion Path effects are editable. When you apply a Motion Path animation to an object, you can select the path and drag the end to change the length or size of the path. The green marker along the motion path marks the beginning of the  path and the red marks the end.

选择“运动路径”时,对象将沿着虚线路径移动,如屏幕上所示。 (此路径未显示在最终输出中)“运动路径”效果的某些方面是可编辑的。 将“运动路径”动画应用于对象时,可以选择路径并拖动其末端以更改路径的长度或大小。 运动路径上的绿色标记标记路径的开始,红色标记结束。

The effects can be rotated by clicking and the bar near the center of the effect.


You can display additional effects by choosing one of the options at the bottom.


This will pop up a Change Effect window. If you have Preview Effect checked at the lower left you can preview the effects by single clicking.

这将弹出“更改效果”窗口。 如果在左下方选中了“预览效果”,则可以单击一下来预览效果。

Apply Multiple Animations to an Object


Select the object and then click the Add Animation button to display the animation effects. Just as we did with the first effect, you can hover over to get a live preview. Click to apply the effect. The animation effects will happen in the order they are applied.

选择对象,然后单击“添加动画”按钮以显示动画效果。 就像我们对第一个效果所做的一样,您可以将鼠标悬停以获取实时预览。 单击以应用效果。 动画效果将按照其应用顺序进行。

Animation Pane


You can view a list of the animations applied to a slide by opening the Animation Pane. Select the Animation Pane button from the Advanced Animation group to display the Animation Pane on the right. You’ll see that each animation effect in the animation pane has an assigned number to the left.

您可以通过打开“动画窗格”来查看应用于幻灯片的动画列表。 从“高级动画”组中选择“动画窗格”按钮,以在右侧显示“动画窗格”。 您会看到“动画”窗格中的每个动画效果在左侧都有一个分配的数字。

Timing Animation Effects


You can change when your animation starts to play. By default it is On Click. To change it, select the effect in the Animation Pane and then choose one of the options from the Start dropdown list. With Previous starts at the same time as the previous animation and After Previous starts after the last animation.

您可以更改动画开始播放的时间。 默认情况下,它是“单击”。 要对其进行更改,请在“动画窗格”中选择效果,然后从“开始”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 “上一个”与上一个动画同时开始,而“上一个”则在上一个动画之后开始。

You can also edit the duration that the animations plays and also set a delay.


You can change the order in which the animation effects are applied by selecting the effect in the animation pane and clicking Move Earlier or Move Later from the Timing group on the Animation tab.


Effect Options


If the Effect Options button is available when your animation is selected, then that particular animation has some additional effect settings that can be configured. You can access the Effect Option by right-clicking on the the animation in the Animation Pane, or by selecting Effect Options on the ribbon.

如果在选择动画时“效果选项”按钮可用,则该特定动画具有一些可以配置的其他效果设置。 您可以通过右键单击“动画”窗格中的动画或通过选择功能区上的“效果选项”来访问“效果选项”。

The available options will vary by effect and not all animation effects will have Effect Options settings. In the example below, you can change the amount of spinning and whether the object will spin clockwise or counterclockwise.

可用选项会因效果而异,并且并非所有动画效果都具有“效果选项”设置。 在下面的示例中,您可以更改旋转量以及对象是顺时针还是逆时针旋转。

Under Enhancements, you can add sound effects to your animation. When you’re finished click OK.

在增强功能下,您可以向动画中添加声音效果。 完成后,单击“确定”。

Animating Text


Animating Text works the same as animating an object. Simply select your text box and choose an animation.

动画文本的工作方式与动画对象相同。 只需选择您的文本框,然后选择一个动画。

Text does have some different Effect Options. By selecting a sequence, you decide whether the text appears as one object, all at once, or by paragraph.

文本确实有一些不同的效果选项。 通过选择一个序列,可以确定文本是一次显示还是全部显示为一个对象。

As is the case with objects, there will be different available Effect Options depending on the animation you choose. Some animations, such as the Fly In animation, will have directional options.

与对象一样,根据您选择的动画,会有不同的可用“效果选项”。 某些动画(例如“飞入”动画)将具有方向选项。

Testing Your Animations


Click on the Preview button at any time to test how your animations look.


You can also select the Play button on the Animation Pane.




Animation effects are a great way to focus audience attention on important points and hold viewers interest in your PowerPoint presentations. Another cool way to spice up your PPT 2010 presentations is to add video from the web. What tips do you guys have for making your PowerPoint presentations more interesting?

动画效果是一种将观众的注意力集中在重要点上并使观众对您的PowerPoint演示文稿感兴趣的好方法。 为PPT 2010演示文稿增添趣味的另一种很酷的方法是从网络添加视频 。 你们有哪些技巧可以使您的PowerPoint演示文稿更有趣?


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