
If you sign most of your emails the same way, you can easily specify a default signature to automatically insert into new email messages and replies and forwards. This can be done directly in the Signature editor in Outlook 2013.

如果您以相同的方式对大多数电子邮件签名,则可以轻松地指定默认签名,以自动插入新的电子邮件以及回复和转发中。 可以直接在Outlook 2013中的签名编辑器中完成此操作。

We recently showed you how to create a new signature. You can also create multiple signatures for each email account and define a different default signature for each account. When you change your sending account when composing a new email message, the signature would change automatically as well.

最近,我们向您展示了如何创建新签名 。 您还可以为每个电子邮件帐户创建多个签名,并为每个帐户定义不同的默认签名。 当您在撰写新电子邮件时更改发送帐户时,签名也会自动更改。

NOTE: To have a signature added automatically to new email messages and replies and forwards, you must have a default signature assigned in each email account. If you don’t want a signature in every account, you can create a signature with just a space, a full stop, dashes, or other generic characters.

注意:要将签名自动添加到新的电子邮件以及答复和转发中,必须在每个电子邮件帐户中分配一个默认签名。 如果不想在每个帐户中都签名,则可以使用空格,句号,破折号或其他通用字符来创建签名。

To assign a default signature, open Outlook and click the File tab.


Click Options in the menu list on the left side of the Account Information screen.


On the Outlook Options dialog box, click Mail in the list of options on the left side of the dialog box.

在“ Outlook选项”对话框上,在对话框左侧的选项列表中单击“邮件”。

On the Mail screen, click Signatures in the Compose messages section.


To change the default signature for an email account, select the account from the E-mail account drop-down list on the top, right side of the dialog box under Choose default signature. Then, select the signature you want to use by default for New messages and for Replies/forwards from the other two drop-down lists. Click OK to accept your changes and close the dialog box.

要更改电子邮件帐户的默认签名,请从“选择默认签名”对话框右上方的“电子邮件帐户”下拉列表中选择该帐户。 然后,从其他两个下拉列表中选择默认情况下要用于新消息和答复/转发的签名。 单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭对话框。

Click OK on the Outlook Options dialog box to close it.

单击“ Outlook选项”对话框上的“确定”将其关闭。

You can also access the Signatures and Stationery dialog box from the Message window for new emails and drafts. Click New Email on the Home tab or double-click an email in the Drafts folder to access the Message window.

您也可以从“消息”窗口访问“签名和信纸”对话框,以获取新的电子邮件和草稿。 单击“主页”选项卡上的“新建电子邮件”,或在“草稿”文件夹中双击电子邮件以访问“消息”窗口。

Click Signature in the Include section of the New Mail Message window and select Signatures from the drop-down menu.


In the next few days, we will be covering how to use the features of the signature editor next, and then how to insert and change signatures manually, backup and restore your signatures, and modify a signature for use in plain text emails.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/173611/how-to-assign-a-default-signature-in-outlook-2013/


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