Google Calendar is a great way to share appointments, and synchronize your schedule with others. Here we show you how to view your Google Calendar in Outlook 2010 too.

Google日历是共享约会并与他人同步日程安排的好方法。 在这里,我们还向您展示了如何在Outlook 2010中查看Google日历。

Google Calendar


Log into the Google Calendar and under My Calendars click on Settings.


Now click on the calendar you want to view in Outlook.


Scroll down the page and click on the ICAL button from the Private Address section, or Calendar Address if it’s a public calendar…then copy the address to your clipboard.


Outlook 2010


Open up your Outlook calendar, click the Home tab on the Ribbon, and under Manage Calendars click on Open Calendar \ From Internet…


Now enter the link location into the New Internet Calendar field then click OK.


Click Yes to the dialog box that comes up verifying you want to subscribe to it.


If you want more subscription options click on the Advanced button. Here you can name the folder, type in a description, and choose if you want to download attachments.

如果需要更多订阅选项,请单击“高级”按钮。 您可以在此处命名文件夹,输入描述,然后选择是否要下载附件。

That is all there is to it! Now you will be able to view your Google Calendar in Outlook 2010.

这就是全部! 现在,您将能够在Outlook 2010中查看Google日历。

You’ll also be able to view your local computer and the Google Calendar side by side…


Keep in mind that this only gives you the ability to view the Google Calendar…it’s read-only. Any changes you make on the Google Calendar site will show up when you do a send/receive.

请记住,这仅使您能够查看Google日历…它是只读的。 您在Google日历网站上进行的任何更改都会在您发送/接收时显示。

If live out of Outlook during the day, you might want the ability to view what is going on with your Google Calendar(s) as well. If you’re an Outlook 2007 user, check out our article on how to view your Google Calendar in Outlook 2007.

如果白天不使用Outlook,您可能还希望能够查看Google日历的运行状况。 如果您是Outlook 2007用户,请查看有关如何在Outlook 2007中查看Google日历的文章 。


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