

$ head PRSice.summary
Phenotype   Set Threshold   PRS.R2  Full.R2 Null.R2 Prevalence  Coefficient Standard.Error  P   Num_SNP
-   Base    0.00115005  0.232258    0.232258    0   -   17.1644 6.99987 0.0142024   133


$ head PRSice.best
FID IID In_Regression PRS
1328 NA06984 Yes 0.0386390029
13291 NA06986 Yes -0.136642922
1418 NA12272 Yes -0.140312974
1421 NA12287 Yes -0.154526751
1330 NA12340 Yes -0.0851375861
1353 NA12546 Yes -0.0950059013
1423 NA11920 Yes -0.0717307965
1451 NA12776 Yes -0.0865534231
13291 NA07435 Yes -0.104468725




HapMap_3_r3_1.bed  HapMap_3_r3_1.bim  HapMap_3_r3_1.fam

1. 将数据转为plink文本文件

 plink --bfile HapMap_3_r3_1 --recode --out a1


2. 对基因型数据进行质控


  • geno 0.1 # SNP 缺失率大于10%
  • maf 0.05 # maf大于0.05
  • mind 0.1 # 样本缺失率大于10%
  • hwe 1e-5 # 哈温平衡P值大于1e-5


plink --file a1 --mind 0.1 --geno 0.1 --hwe 1e-5 --maf 0.05 --recode --out b1


PLINK v1.90b6.26 64-bit (2 Apr 2022)           www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
Logging to b1.log.
Options in effect:--file a1--geno 0.1--hwe 1e-5--maf 0.05--mind 0.1--out b1--recode1031523 MB RAM detected; reserving 515761 MB for main workspace.
.ped scan complete (for binary autoconversion).
Performing single-pass .bed write (1457897 variants, 165 people).
--file: b1-temporary.bed + b1-temporary.bim + b1-temporary.fam written.
1457897 variants loaded from .bim file.
165 people (80 males, 85 females) loaded from .fam.
112 phenotype values loaded from .fam.
0 people removed due to missing genotype data (--mind).
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked).
Before main variant filters, 112 founders and 53 nonfounders present.
Calculating allele frequencies... done.
Warning: 225 het. haploid genotypes present (see b1.hh ); many commands treat
these as missing.
Total genotyping rate is 0.997378.
0 variants removed due to missing genotype data (--geno).
Warning: --hwe observation counts vary by more than 10%.  Consider using
--geno, and/or applying different p-value thresholds to distinct subsets of
your data.
--hwe: 2 variants removed due to Hardy-Weinberg exact test.
344283 variants removed due to minor allele threshold(s)
1113612 variants and 165 people pass filters and QC.
Among remaining phenotypes, 56 are cases and 56 are controls.  (53 phenotypes
are missing.)
--recode ped to b1.ped + b1.map ... done.




 awk '{print $1,$2,$6}' b1.ped >phe.txt


library(tidyverse)d1 = fread("phe.txt",na.strings = "-9")
head(d1)dd = d1 %>% drop_na(V3)set.seed(123)re1 = dd %>% sample_n(42) %>% select(V1,V2)
head(dd)re2 = dd %>% filter(!V2 %in% re1$V2) %>% select(V1,V2)
head(re2)fwrite(re1,"name_target.txt",col.names = F,sep = " ",quote = F)
fwrite(re2,"name_base.txt",col.names = F,sep = " ",quote = F)

3. 提取base和target数据集


plink --file b1 --keep name_base.txt --recode --out base_datplink --file b1 --keep name_target.txt --recode --out target_dat


$ plink --file b1 --keep name_base.txt --recode --out base_dat
PLINK v1.90b6.26 64-bit (2 Apr 2022)           www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
Logging to base_dat.log.
Options in effect:--file b1--keep name_base.txt--out base_dat--recode1031523 MB RAM detected; reserving 515761 MB for main workspace.
.ped scan complete (for binary autoconversion).
Performing single-pass .bed write (1113612 variants, 165 people).
--file: base_dat-temporary.bed + base_dat-temporary.bim +
base_dat-temporary.fam written.
1113612 variants loaded from .bim file.
165 people (80 males, 85 females) loaded from .fam.
112 phenotype values loaded from .fam.
--keep: 70 people remaining.
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked).
Before main variant filters, 70 founders and 0 nonfounders present.
Calculating allele frequencies... done.
Warning: 75 het. haploid genotypes present (see base_dat.hh ); many commands
treat these as missing.
Total genotyping rate in remaining samples is 0.997139.
1113612 variants and 70 people pass filters and QC.
Among remaining phenotypes, 36 are cases and 34 are controls.
--recode ped to base_dat.ped + base_dat.map ... done.$ plink --file b1 --keep name_target.txt --recode --out target_dat
PLINK v1.90b6.26 64-bit (2 Apr 2022)           www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
Logging to target_dat.log.
Options in effect:--file b1--keep name_target.txt--out target_dat--recode1031523 MB RAM detected; reserving 515761 MB for main workspace.
.ped scan complete (for binary autoconversion).
Performing single-pass .bed write (1113612 variants, 165 people).
--file: target_dat-temporary.bed + target_dat-temporary.bim +
target_dat-temporary.fam written.
1113612 variants loaded from .bim file.
165 people (80 males, 85 females) loaded from .fam.
112 phenotype values loaded from .fam.
--keep: 42 people remaining.
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked).
Before main variant filters, 42 founders and 0 nonfounders present.
Calculating allele frequencies... done.
Warning: 1 het. haploid genotype present (see target_dat.hh ); many commands
treat these as missing.
Total genotyping rate in remaining samples is 0.997773.
1113612 variants and 42 people pass filters and QC.
Among remaining phenotypes, 20 are cases and 22 are controls.
--recode ped to target_dat.ped + target_dat.map ... done.

4. 对base数据进行GWAS分析



awk '{print $1,$2,$5}' base_dat.ped >cov1.txt


$ head cov1.txt
1328 NA06989 2
1377 NA11891 1
1349 NA11843 1
1330 NA12341 2
1418 NA12275 2
13292 NA07051 1
1354 NA12400 2
1451 NA12777 1
1353 NA12383 2
1418 NA12273 2


awk '{print $1,$2,$6}' base_dat.ped >phe1.txt


$ head phe1.txt
1328 NA06989 2
1377 NA11891 2
1349 NA11843 1
1330 NA12341 2
1418 NA12275 1
13292 NA07051 2
1354 NA12400 2
1451 NA12777 2
1353 NA12383 2
1418 NA12273 1


plink --file base_dat --pca 3


$ head plink.eigenvec
1328 NA06989 -0.00375153 -0.143377 -0.335978
1377 NA11891 0.00185169 -0.0483789 -0.168089
1349 NA11843 -0.0239135 0.0350353 0.0549738
1330 NA12341 -0.0333797 -0.0264783 0.0933901
1418 NA12275 -0.0184984 -0.156233 0.121645
13292 NA07051 -0.0219551 -0.0393832 -0.0171629
1354 NA12400 -0.0358468 -0.103815 -0.0732348
1451 NA12777 -0.0237697 -0.0013729 0.125297
1353 NA12383 -0.0167586 0.050416 -0.0170558
1418 NA12273 -0.0388465 -0.00396318 -0.204234


awk '{print $3,$4,$5}' plink.eigenvec >pca.txt
paste cov1.txt pca.txt |sed 's/\s\+/ /g' >covar.txt


$ head covar.txt
1328 NA06989 2 -0.00375153 -0.143377 -0.335978
1377 NA11891 1 0.00185169 -0.0483789 -0.168089
1349 NA11843 1 -0.0239135 0.0350353 0.0549738
1330 NA12341 2 -0.0333797 -0.0264783 0.0933901
1418 NA12275 2 -0.0184984 -0.156233 0.121645
13292 NA07051 1 -0.0219551 -0.0393832 -0.0171629
1354 NA12400 2 -0.0358468 -0.103815 -0.0732348
1451 NA12777 1 -0.0237697 -0.0013729 0.125297
1353 NA12383 2 -0.0167586 0.050416 -0.0170558
1418 NA12273 2 -0.0388465 -0.00396318 -0.204234



plink --file base_dat --pheno phe1.txt --logistic --covar covar.txt --out re1 --hide-covar


$ head re1.assoc.logisticCHR         SNP         BP   A1       TEST    NMISS         OR         STAT            P1   rs3131972     742584    A        ADD       70      2.484        1.712      0.086971   rs3131969     744045    A        ADD       70       4.38        2.429      0.015131   rs1048488     750775    C        ADD       69      2.646        1.811      0.070111  rs12562034     758311    A        ADD       70     0.9018      -0.1598       0.87311  rs12124819     766409    G        ADD       70     0.9347      -0.1684       0.86631   rs4040617     769185    G        ADD       70      3.977        2.277      0.022781   rs4970383     828418    A        ADD       70      1.974        1.238       0.21581   rs4475691     836671    T        ADD       70      1.474       0.6384       0.52321   rs1806509     843817    C        ADD       70      2.549        2.247      0.02465


odds=p1−podds = \frac{p}{1-p}odds=1−pp​
p=odds1+oddsp = \frac{odds}{1+odds}p=1+oddsodds​

由图可知,概率P的最小值为0,最大值为1,中间值为0.5, 它对应的对数优势比分别是无穷小,无穷大和0.即:

  • P=0, log(odds) = -Inf(负无穷大)
  • P = 0.5, log(odds) = 0
  • P = 1, log(odds) = Inf(正无穷大)


5. target计算PRS


awk '{print $1,$2,$5}' target_dat.ped >cov1.txt
awk '{print $1,$2,$6}' target_dat.ped >phe1.txt
plink --file target_dat --pca 3
awk '{print $3,$4,$5}' plink.eigenvec >pca.txt
paste cov1.txt pca.txt |sed 's/\s\+/ /g' >covar.txtawk '{$6=-9;print $0}' target_dat.ped >t.ped
mv t.ped target_dat.ped



plink --file target_dat --make-bed --out target_bi


 Rscript PRSice.R --dir re1 --prsice ./PRSice_linux --base re1.assoc.logistic --target target_bi --thread 1 --stat OR --binary-target T --pheno phe1.txt


5. PRS结果说明


$ head PRSice.summary
Phenotype   Set Threshold   PRS.R2  Full.R2 Null.R2 Prevalence  Coefficient Standard.Error  P   Num_SNP
-   Base    0.00115005  0.232258    0.232258    0   -   17.1644 6.99987 0.0142024   133


$ head PRSice.best
FID IID In_Regression PRS
1328 NA06984 Yes 0.0386390029
13291 NA06986 Yes -0.136642922
1418 NA12272 Yes -0.140312974
1421 NA12287 Yes -0.154526751
1330 NA12340 Yes -0.0851375861
1353 NA12546 Yes -0.0950059013
1423 NA11920 Yes -0.0717307965
1451 NA12776 Yes -0.0865534231
13291 NA07435 Yes -0.104468725




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