vue 文本显示组件

Vue高亮输入 (Vue Highlightable Input)

Highlight and style specific words as you're typing.


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安装 (Install)

npm install vue-highlightable-input --save

用法 (Usage)

在您的模板中添加以下内容: (In your template add this:)

<highlightable-input highlight-style="background-color:yellow" :highlight-enabled="highlightEnabled" :highlight="highlight" v-model="msg"

在您的组件中添加以下内容: (In your component add this:)

import HighlightableInput from "vue-highlightable-input"
export default {name: 'HelloWorld',components : {HighlightableInput},data() {return {msg: '',highlight: [{text:'chicken', style:"background-color:#f37373"},{text:'noodle', style:"background-color:#fca88f"},{text:'soup', style:"background-color:#bbe4cb"},{text:'so', style:"background-color:#fff05e"},"whatever",{start: 2, end: 5, style:"background-color:#f330ff"}],highlightEnabled: true}},

道具 (Props)

Name Required Type Default Description Reactive
highlight Yes String or Array null The string or list of words to highlight. This can be a single string value, a RegExp or you can do an array of strings or RegExp or array of Highlight Objects or array of Range Objects. Yes
highlightEnabled No Boolean true If true, will highlight the text Yes
highlightStyle No String background-color:yellow If no style is provided for text, this will act as the global styling for the highlight. Yes
highlightDelay No Number 500 Determines how long in milliseconds to wait before processing the highlights. Setting this to a low value is fine for small text but setting it higher may improve performance significantly for larger text Yes
caseSensitive No Boolean false If true, will treat highlight strings with case sensitivity. Can be overrided per highlight object. Yes
value No String null Raw text value. Yes
fireOn No String keydown The dom event on which the highlight event should be fired. This can be any event that the div content editable can handle. No (only because the listener is being added in mounted)
名称 需要 类型 默认 描述 React性
突出 字符串或数组 空值 要突出显示的字符串或单词列表。 这可以是单个字符串值,RegExp,也可以是字符串数组或RegExp或Highlight Objects数组或Range Objects数组。
highlightEnabled 没有 布尔型 真正 如果为true,则会突出显示文字
HighlightStyle 没有 背景颜色:黄色 如果没有为文本提供样式,则它将用作突出显示的全局样式。
HighlightDelay 没有 500 确定在处理突出显示之前要等待的毫秒数。 将此值设置为较小的值对于较小的文本来说很好,但是将其设置为较高的值可能会明显改善较大的文本的性能
区分大小写 没有 布尔型 如果为true,将以区分大小写的方式对待突出显示的字符串。 可以被每个高亮对象覆盖。
没有 空值 原始文字值。
开火 没有 按键 应当触发亮点事件的dom事件。 这可以是可编辑div内容可以处理的任何事件。 否(仅因为已在安装中添加了侦听器)

高亮对象 (Highlight Object)

{text:'chicken', // Requiredstyle:"background-color:#f37373" // OptionalcaseSensitive: true // Optional defaults to False

范围对象 (Range Object)

{start:1, // Requiredend: 9,  // Requiredstyle:"background-color:#f37373" // Optional

End must be greater than start. The range end is exlusive in other words ==> start, end)

结束必须大于开始。 范围结束是排他性的,换句话说==>开始,结束)

大事记 (Events)

Name Description
@input Just like a regular input html element you can use this to react to input events
名称 描述
@输入 就像常规的输入html元素一样,您可以使用它来响应输入事件

Note, that you can also you v-model


一些注意事项 (Some notes)

  • This is not meant to be used for large scale text highlight because of how inefficient div contentEditable is and also the fact the algorithm I'm using is stupidly inefficient (try entering like a lot of text for highlighting)

    这不适合用于大规模文本突出显示,因为div contentEditable效率很低,而且我使用的算法效率非常低(尝试输入很多文本来突出显示)

  • Good use cases for this are something like what does (they probably have a more efficient algorithm though) for highlighting recognized entities on the fly.


  • Let me know what other use cases you might have!



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