你看标题hhhh, 我也想笑


就是 你的程序没保存,但是结果不对,找不到问题,不妨看看这个hhhhh

两年前有幸上过程润伟老师讲的CUDA C高性能编程引论,当时的课只有一周,不过,老师讲的风趣幽默,以至于我先在一些重要的点都记得hhhh


dim3 threads_per_block(64, 64, 1);
dim3 number_of_blocks(16, 16, 1);





创建一个包装 CUDA 函数调用的宏对于检查错误十分有用。以下是一个宏示例,可以在余下练习中随时使用: (摘自NVIDIA官方CUDA C编程教学notebook)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>inline cudaError_t checkCuda(cudaError_t result)
{if (result != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "CUDA Runtime Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(result));assert(result == cudaSuccess);}return result;
}int main()
{/** The macro can be wrapped around any function returning* a value of type `cudaError_t`.*/checkCuda( cudaDeviceSynchronize() )


  dim3 tblocks(32, 16, 1);dim3 grid((nj/tblocks.x)+1, (ni/tblocks.y)+1, 1);cudaError_t ierrSync, ierrAsync;// Execute the modified version using same datafor (istep=0; istep < nstep; istep++) {step_kernel_mod<<< grid, tblocks >>>(ni, nj, tfac, temp1, temp2);ierrSync = cudaGetLastError();ierrAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // Wait for the GPU to finishif (ierrSync != cudaSuccess) { printf("Sync error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(ierrSync)); }if (ierrAsync != cudaSuccess) { printf("Async error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(ierrAsync)); }// swap the temperature pointers 和理解无关的玩意儿temp_tmp = temp1;temp1 = temp2;temp2= temp_tmp;}

上边那个玩意儿还不如 cudaGetLastError 有用hhh,另外我也懒得解释上边这几句都啥意思了,大家一看就懂,这个写法其实还可以封装一下,今天就只在这里做个记录


原问题是将 step_kernel_mod 改写核函数,并调用

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>// Simple define to index into a 1D array from 2D space
#define I2D(num, c, r) ((r)*(num)+(c))/** `step_kernel_mod` is currently a direct copy of the CPU reference solution* `step_kernel_ref` below. Accelerate it to run as a CUDA kernel.*/void step_kernel_mod(int ni, int nj, float fact, float* temp_in, float* temp_out)
{int i00, im10, ip10, i0m1, i0p1;float d2tdx2, d2tdy2;// loop over all points in domain (except boundary)for ( int j=1; j < nj-1; j++ ) {for ( int i=1; i < ni-1; i++ ) {// find indices into linear memory// for central point and neighboursi00 = I2D(ni, i, j);im10 = I2D(ni, i-1, j);ip10 = I2D(ni, i+1, j);i0m1 = I2D(ni, i, j-1);i0p1 = I2D(ni, i, j+1);// evaluate derivativesd2tdx2 = temp_in[im10]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[ip10];d2tdy2 = temp_in[i0m1]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[i0p1];// update temperaturestemp_out[i00] = temp_in[i00]+fact*(d2tdx2 + d2tdy2);}}
}void step_kernel_ref(int ni, int nj, float fact, float* temp_in, float* temp_out)
{int i00, im10, ip10, i0m1, i0p1;float d2tdx2, d2tdy2;// loop over all points in domain (except boundary)for ( int j=1; j < nj-1; j++ ) {for ( int i=1; i < ni-1; i++ ) {// find indices into linear memory// for central point and neighboursi00 = I2D(ni, i, j);im10 = I2D(ni, i-1, j);ip10 = I2D(ni, i+1, j);i0m1 = I2D(ni, i, j-1);i0p1 = I2D(ni, i, j+1);// evaluate derivativesd2tdx2 = temp_in[im10]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[ip10];d2tdy2 = temp_in[i0m1]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[i0p1];// update temperaturestemp_out[i00] = temp_in[i00]+fact*(d2tdx2 + d2tdy2);}}
}int main()
{int istep;int nstep = 200; // number of time steps// Specify our 2D dimensionsconst int ni = 200;const int nj = 100;float tfac = 8.418e-5; // thermal diffusivity of silverfloat *temp1_ref, *temp2_ref, *temp1, *temp2, *temp_tmp;const int size = ni * nj * sizeof(float);temp1_ref = (float*)malloc(size);temp2_ref = (float*)malloc(size);temp1 = (float*)malloc(size);temp2 = (float*)malloc(size);// Initialize with random datafor( int i = 0; i < ni*nj; ++i) {temp1_ref[i] = temp2_ref[i] = temp1[i] = temp2[i] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX/100.0f);}// Execute the CPU-only reference versionfor (istep=0; istep < nstep; istep++) {step_kernel_ref(ni, nj, tfac, temp1_ref, temp2_ref);// swap the temperature pointerstemp_tmp = temp1_ref;temp1_ref = temp2_ref;temp2_ref= temp_tmp;}// Execute the modified version using same datafor (istep=0; istep < nstep; istep++) {step_kernel_mod(ni, nj, tfac, temp1, temp2);// swap the temperature pointerstemp_tmp = temp1;temp1 = temp2;temp2= temp_tmp;}float maxError = 0;// Output should always be stored in the temp1 and temp1_ref at this pointfor( int i = 0; i < ni*nj; ++i ) {if (abs(temp1[i]-temp1_ref[i]) > maxError) { maxError = abs(temp1[i]-temp1_ref[i]); }}// Check and see if our maxError is greater than an error boundif (maxError > 0.0005f)printf("Problem! The Max Error of %.5f is NOT within acceptable bounds.\n", maxError);elseprintf("The Max Error of %.5f is within acceptable bounds.\n", maxError);free( temp1_ref );free( temp2_ref );free( temp1 );free( temp2 );return 0;

NVIDIA 教程给的标准答案:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>// Simple define to index into a 1D array from 2D space
#define I2D(num, c, r) ((r)*(num)+(c))__global__
void step_kernel_mod(int ni, int nj, float fact, float* temp_in, float* temp_out)
{int i00, im10, ip10, i0m1, i0p1;float d2tdx2, d2tdy2;int j = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;int i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;// loop over all points in domain (except boundary)if (j > 0 && i > 0 && j < nj-1 && i < ni-1) {// find indices into linear memory// for central point and neighboursi00 = I2D(ni, i, j);im10 = I2D(ni, i-1, j);ip10 = I2D(ni, i+1, j);i0m1 = I2D(ni, i, j-1);i0p1 = I2D(ni, i, j+1);// evaluate derivativesd2tdx2 = temp_in[im10]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[ip10];d2tdy2 = temp_in[i0m1]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[i0p1];// update temperaturestemp_out[i00] = temp_in[i00]+fact*(d2tdx2 + d2tdy2);}
}void step_kernel_ref(int ni, int nj, float fact, float* temp_in, float* temp_out)
{int i00, im10, ip10, i0m1, i0p1;float d2tdx2, d2tdy2;// loop over all points in domain (except boundary)for ( int j=1; j < nj-1; j++ ) {for ( int i=1; i < ni-1; i++ ) {// find indices into linear memory// for central point and neighboursi00 = I2D(ni, i, j);im10 = I2D(ni, i-1, j);ip10 = I2D(ni, i+1, j);i0m1 = I2D(ni, i, j-1);i0p1 = I2D(ni, i, j+1);// evaluate derivativesd2tdx2 = temp_in[im10]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[ip10];d2tdy2 = temp_in[i0m1]-2*temp_in[i00]+temp_in[i0p1];// update temperaturestemp_out[i00] = temp_in[i00]+fact*(d2tdx2 + d2tdy2);}}
}int main()
{int istep;int nstep = 200; // number of time steps// Specify our 2D dimensionsconst int ni = 200;const int nj = 100;float tfac = 8.418e-5; // thermal diffusivity of silverfloat *temp1_ref, *temp2_ref, *temp1, *temp2, *temp_tmp;const int size = ni * nj * sizeof(float);temp1_ref = (float*)malloc(size);temp2_ref = (float*)malloc(size);cudaMallocManaged(&temp1, size);cudaMallocManaged(&temp2, size);// Initialize with random datafor( int i = 0; i < ni*nj; ++i) {temp1_ref[i] = temp2_ref[i] = temp1[i] = temp2[i] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX/100.0f);}// Execute the CPU-only reference versionfor (istep=0; istep < nstep; istep++) {step_kernel_ref(ni, nj, tfac, temp1_ref, temp2_ref);// swap the temperature pointerstemp_tmp = temp1_ref;temp1_ref = temp2_ref;temp2_ref= temp_tmp;}dim3 tblocks(32, 16, 1);dim3 grid((nj/tblocks.x)+1, (ni/tblocks.y)+1, 1);cudaError_t ierrSync, ierrAsync;// Execute the modified version using same datafor (istep=0; istep < nstep; istep++) {step_kernel_mod<<< grid, tblocks >>>(ni, nj, tfac, temp1, temp2);ierrSync = cudaGetLastError();ierrAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // Wait for the GPU to finishif (ierrSync != cudaSuccess) { printf("Sync error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(ierrSync)); }if (ierrAsync != cudaSuccess) { printf("Async error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(ierrAsync)); }// swap the temperature pointerstemp_tmp = temp1;temp1 = temp2;temp2= temp_tmp;}float maxError = 0;// Output should always be stored in the temp1 and temp1_ref at this pointfor( int i = 0; i < ni*nj; ++i ) {if (abs(temp1[i]-temp1_ref[i]) > maxError) { maxError = abs(temp1[i]-temp1_ref[i]); }}// Check and see if our maxError is greater than an error boundif (maxError > 0.0005f)printf("Problem! The Max Error of %.5f is NOT within acceptable bounds.\n", maxError);elseprintf("The Max Error of %.5f is within acceptable bounds.\n", maxError);free( temp1_ref );free( temp2_ref );cudaFree( temp1 );cudaFree( temp2 );return 0;

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