QImage 类提供独立于硬件的图像表示 (允许直接访问像素数据,且可以用作描绘设备)。

QImage 是为 I/O 和直接像素访问和操作而设计和优化的。

因为 QImage 是 QPaintDevice 的子类,所以 QPainter 可用于直接在图像上绘图。在 QImage 上使用 QPainter 时,可以在当前 GUI 线程之外的另一个线程中执行绘画。

QImage 类支持由 Format 枚举描述的几种图像格式。这些包括单色、8 位、32 位和 alpha 混合图像。

QImage 提供了一组函数,可用于获取有关图像的各种信息。还有几个函数可以转换图像。

QImage 对象可以通过值传递,因为 QImage 类使用隐式数据共享。 QImage 对象也可以流式传输和比较。

1.QImage(const QSize &size, Format format);

QImage::QImage(const QSize &size, Format format): QPaintDevice()
{d = QImageData::create(size, format);
}QImageData * QImageData::create(const QSize &size, QImage::Format format)
{if (size.isEmpty() || format <= QImage::Format_Invalid || format >= QImage::NImageFormats)return nullptr;                             // invalid parameter(s)Q_TRACE_SCOPE(QImageData_create, size, format);int width = size.width();int height = size.height();int depth = qt_depthForFormat(format);auto params = calculateImageParameters(width, height, depth);if (!params.isValid())return nullptr;QScopedPointer<QImageData> d(new QImageData);switch (format) {case QImage::Format_Mono:case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:d->colortable.resize(2);d->colortable[0] = QColor(Qt::black).rgba();d->colortable[1] = QColor(Qt::white).rgba();break;default:break;}d->width = width;d->height = height;d->depth = depth;d->format = format;d->has_alpha_clut = false;d->is_cached = false;d->bytes_per_line = params.bytesPerLine;d->nbytes = params.totalSize;d->data  = (uchar *)malloc(d->nbytes);if (!d->data)return nullptr;d->ref.ref();return d.take();
}QImageData::calculateImageParameters(qsizetype width, qsizetype height, qsizetype depth)
{ImageSizeParameters invalid = { -1, -1 };if (height <= 0)return invalid;// calculate the size, taking care of overflowsqsizetype bytes_per_line;if (mul_overflow(width, depth, &bytes_per_line))return invalid;if (add_overflow(bytes_per_line, qsizetype(31), &bytes_per_line))return invalid;// bytes per scanline (must be multiple of 4)bytes_per_line = (bytes_per_line >> 5) << 2;    // can't overflowqsizetype total_size;if (mul_overflow(height, bytes_per_line, &total_size))return invalid;qsizetype dummy;if (mul_overflow(height, qsizetype(sizeof(uchar *)), &dummy))return invalid;                                 // why is this here?
#if 1 || QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) // ### can only fix this if QImage dimensions are not int anymore// Disallow images where width * depth calculations might overflowif (width > (INT_MAX - 31) / depth)return invalid;
#endifreturn { bytes_per_line, total_size };



2.QSize size() const;

QSize QImage::size() const
{return d ? QSize(d->width, d->height) : QSize(0, 0);

3.int width() const;

int QImage::width() const
{return d ? d->width : 0;

4.int height() const;

int QImage::height() const
{return d ? d->height : 0;

5.int dotsPerMeterX() const;

int QImage::dotsPerMeterX() const
{return d ? qRound(d->dpmx) : 0;

6.int dotsPerMeterY() const;

int QImage::dotsPerMeterY() const
{return d ? qRound(d->dpmy) : 0;

7.QRect rect() const;

QRect QImage::rect() const
{return d ? QRect(0, 0, d->width, d->height) : QRect();

8.bool valid(int x, int y) const;

/*!\overloadReturns \c true if QPoint(\a x, \a y) is a valid coordinate pairwithin the image; otherwise returns \c false.
bool QImage::valid(int x, int y) const
{return d&& x >= 0 && x < d->width&& y >= 0 && y < d->height;

9.QPoint offset() const;

/*!\fn QPoint QImage::offset() constReturns the number of pixels by which the image is intended to beoffset by when positioning relative to other images.\sa setOffset(), {QImage#Image Information}{Image Information}
QPoint QImage::offset() const
{return d ? d->offset : QPoint();

10.void setOffset(const QPoint&);

void QImage::setOffset(const QPoint& p)
{if (!d)return;detach();if (d)d->offset = p;

void QImage::detach()
{if (d) {if (d->is_cached && d->ref.loadRelaxed() == 1)QImagePixmapCleanupHooks::executeImageHooks(cacheKey());if (d->ref.loadRelaxed() != 1 || d->ro_data)*this = copy();if (d)++d->detach_no;}



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