
  • 前言
    • 如何评价一个解?
    • 通过计算出的冲突来找它的邻居解
  • 数据的格式
  • 局部搜索
    • 概述
    • 补充
    • 代码
  • 模拟退火
    • 概述
    • 补充
    • 代码
  • 总结以及不足之处









0: 1 3 4 9 18 7 2 5
1: 16 5 7 2 17
2: 17 5 8
3: 7 18 5 2 11 17 10 13  9 16 4 12
4: 17 19 11 13 16 14 18 8
5: 17 9 15 8 2 10 13 6 3 12 4 14 11 7 0
6: 9 4 12 7
7: 11 16 15 17  6 18  4  8 10 14  1 13  0 19  9
8: 5  4  3  1  7 12 19  0  6 13
9: 12  1 10 17   6 13  0  5  7 11  3 19  2 15  4 18
10: 6  2 18  8 16 11  0  1 17  4 15  3 13
11: 7 17  8 13 12  2 14  9 18 15 19  1  4  0
12: 5  6 15 18 14  9  0  8 19 10
13: 0 19  9 10  2 11 18 15 12 16  1  4  5  7  6 17 14
14: 2  3 11 19 10 18  1
15: 18  8  9 16  2  3 14
16: 1 12  6  0  7 19 17  9  8 15
17: 16  2  1 12  5  7
18: 3 13  6 11  4 19  8 17 16 10  0  7  2  1 12 15  5  9 14
19: 11  1  7




这里将先前读取到的数据存储在字典之中,在将它转化为numpy矩阵进行存储,为的是后面方便直接使用numba来加速计算,性能提升的十分明显,这里在get_one_color_set_conflict(graph, color_set)函数中使用了,有兴趣的可以关闭对比试下效果。



可以使用随机的初始值{0: [1, 3, 5], 2: [2, 4, 8], 1: [6, 7, 9]},计算出冲突的节点,这里使用冲突对来表示各个颜色集合中的冲突{0: [[1, 3]], 1: [[7, 9]], 2: [[4, 8]]},共计有三对6个冲突节点,那么可以构造它的邻域解共计12个:
0: [3, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8],
1: [6, 7, 9, 1]
}, {
0: [1, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8],
1: [6, 7, 9, 3]
}, {
0: [3, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8, 1],
1: [6, 7, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8, 3],
1: [6, 7, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5, 7],
2: [2, 4, 8],
1: [6, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5, 9],
2: [2, 4, 8],
1: [6, 7]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8, 7],
1: [6, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5],
2: [2, 4, 8, 9],
1: [6, 7]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5, 4],
2: [2, 8],
1: [6, 7, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5, 8],
2: [2, 4],
1: [6, 7, 9]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5],
2: [2, 8],
1: [6, 7, 9, 4]
}, {
0: [1, 3, 5],
2: [2, 4],
1: [6, 7, 9, 8]

依次对这些邻域解进行评估,选择出当前邻域中最优的那一个解,也就是冲突数量最少的那个,再使用该解进行下一次迭代 ,直至求出0冲突的全局最优解。



import random
import timeimport numba as nb
import numpy as npdef get_graph(path):g = {}f = open(path, 'r')f.readline()data = f.readlines()for i in data:i = i.split()node = int(i.pop(0)[:-1])i = list(map(int, i))# print(node[:-1],i)g[node] = i# print(g)return gdef get_random_solution(color_num, city_list):c = {}city_num = len(city_list)random_color_list = [random.randrange(0, color_num) for i in range(city_list[0], city_list[-1] + 1)]for i in range(city_num):c.setdefault(random_color_list[i], [])c[random_color_list[i]].append(city_list[i])# print(c)return cdef get_one_color_set_conflict1(graph, color_set):  # 检查当前颜色集合中各个城市之间的冲突color_size = len(color_set)conflict_pairs = []count = 0for i in range(color_size - 1):g_list = graph[color_set[i]]# print(g_list)# g_list=np.array(g_list)# print(g_list)for j in range(i + 1, color_size):if color_set[j] in g_list:conflict_pairs.append([color_set[i], color_set[j]])count += 1# print(color_set[i],color_set[j])return count, conflict_pairs@nb.njit()
def get_one_color_set_conflict(graph, color_set):  # 检查当前颜色集合中各个城市之间的冲突color_size = len(color_set)conflict_pairs = []count = 0for i in range(color_size - 1):for j in range(i + 1, color_size):if graph[color_set[i], color_set[j]] == 1:conflict_pairs.append([color_set[i], color_set[j]])count += 1# print(color_set[i],color_set[j])return count, conflict_pairsdef get_conflict_count(graph, color_solution):  # 对每个颜色解决方案判断冲突conflict_pairs = {}count = 0# print("conflict pairs: ")  #!!!!!for i in range(len(color_solution)):try:# color_solution_i_t = get_np_array_color_solution()t, conflict_pairs[i] = get_one_color_set_conflict(graph,np.array(color_solution[i]) )count += texcept KeyError:print("随机生成的解没有覆盖所有颜色,重新运行生成随机解!")exit(-1)# print(count,"对冲突:",conflict_pairs) #!!!!!return count, conflict_pairsdef get_neighbors(color_solution, conflict_pairs):color_num = len(color_solution)neighbors_set = []count = 0for k, v in conflict_pairs.items():# print(k,v)for i in v:other_color_list = [m for m in range(color_num)]other_color_list.remove(k)for m in other_color_list:for j in range(2):# neighbor = copy.deepcopy(color_solution)neighbor = {}for x, y in color_solution.items():neighbor[x] = y[:]neighbor[k].remove(i[j])neighbor[m].append(i[j])# print(neighbor)count += 1neighbors_set.append(neighbor)# print(count,neighbors_set)    #!!!!!return neighbors_setdef iteration(graph, color_solution):current_conflict_num, current_conflict_pairs = get_conflict_count(graph, color_solution)best_num = current_conflict_numbest_solution = color_solutionprint("冲突数:", current_conflict_num, "\n当前解:", color_solution, "\n冲突对:", current_conflict_pairs)  # *****neighbors = get_neighbors(color_solution, current_conflict_pairs)# print("邻居:",len(neighbors))for i in neighbors:# print("当前解:",i) #!!!!!num, conflict_pairs = get_conflict_count(graph, i)if num < best_num or num == 0:best_num = numbest_solution = i# print("best: ",best_num,best_solution)    #!!!!!return best_num, best_solutiondef graph_to_mat(graph):city_num = len(graph) + 1m = np.zeros((city_num, city_num))for k, v in graph.items():for i in v:m[k, i] = 1# print(m[498,:])return mdef run(graph, color_num):min = 999not_change_count = 0city_list = list(map(int, list(graph.keys())))color_solution = get_random_solution(color_num, city_list)while len(color_solution) < color_num:print("随机生成的解没有覆盖所有颜色,重新运行生成随机解!")color_solution = get_random_solution(color_num, city_list)print("random color solution: ", color_solution)graph = graph_to_mat(graph)for i in range(iter_num):print("当前第", i + 1, "轮,迭代开始:")  # ******conflict_num, color_solution = iteration(graph, color_solution)if conflict_num == 0:print("!!!最佳解:", color_solution)return Trueif conflict_num < min:min = conflict_numelse:not_change_count += 1if not_change_count == conflict_num * color_num * 2 + 1:print("最小冲突数:", min, " 目前无解,提前结束。")return Falsereturn Falseif __name__ == '__main__':g = get_graph(r'data.txt')iter_num = 200color_num = 4flag = Falsel1 = []# while flag==False:for run_count in range(1, 888):t1 = time.time()flag = run(g, color_num)t2 = time.time()l1.append(t2 - t1)print("第", run_count, "次用时:", l1[run_count - 1])print("当前已使用时间:", l1, "总用时:", sum(l1))if flag:breakelse:print("重启,第", run_count + 1, "次启动,重新选择初始解。")







import random
import timeimport numba as nb
import numpy as npdef get_graph(path):g = {}f = open(path, 'r')f.readline()data = f.readlines()for i in data:i = i.split()node = int(i.pop(0)[:-1])i = list(map(int, i))# print(node[:-1],i)g[node] = i# print(g)return gdef get_random_solution(color_num, city_list):c = {}city_num = len(city_list)random_color_list = [random.randrange(0, color_num) for i in range(city_list[0], city_list[-1] + 1)]for i in range(city_num):c.setdefault(random_color_list[i], [])c[random_color_list[i]].append(city_list[i])# print(c)return cdef get_one_color_set_conflict1(graph, color_set):  # 检查当前颜色集合中各个城市之间的冲突color_size = len(color_set)conflict_pairs = []count = 0for i in range(color_size - 1):g_list = graph[color_set[i]]# print(g_list)# g_list=np.array(g_list)# print(g_list)for j in range(i + 1, color_size):if color_set[j] in g_list:conflict_pairs.append([color_set[i], color_set[j]])count += 1# print(color_set[i],color_set[j])return count, conflict_pairs@nb.njit()
def get_one_color_set_conflict(graph, color_set):  # 检查当前颜色集合中各个城市之间的冲突color_size = len(color_set)conflict_pairs = []count = 0for i in range(color_size - 1):for j in range(i + 1, color_size):if graph[color_set[i], color_set[j]] == 1:conflict_pairs.append([color_set[i], color_set[j]])count += 1# print(color_set[i],color_set[j])return count, conflict_pairsdef get_conflict_count(graph, color_solution):  # 对每个颜色解决方案判断冲突conflict_pairs = {}count = 0# print("conflict pairs: ")  #!!!!!for i in range(len(color_solution)):try:# color_solution_i_t = get_np_array_color_solution()t, conflict_pairs[i] = get_one_color_set_conflict(graph, np.array(color_solution[i]))count += texcept KeyError:print("随机生成的解没有覆盖所有颜色,重新运行生成随机解!")exit(-1)# print(count,"对冲突:",conflict_pairs) #!!!!!return count, conflict_pairsdef get_neighbors(color_solution, conflict_pairs):color_num = len(color_solution)neighbors_set = []count = 0for k, v in conflict_pairs.items():# print(k,v)for i in v:other_color_list = [m for m in range(color_num)]other_color_list.remove(k)for m in other_color_list:for j in range(2):# neighbor = copy.deepcopy(color_solution)neighbor = {}for x, y in color_solution.items():neighbor[x] = y[:]neighbor[k].remove(i[j])neighbor[m].append(i[j])# print(neighbor)count += 1neighbors_set.append(neighbor)# print(count,neighbors_set)    #!!!!!return neighbors_setdef iteration(graph, color_solution, T):current_conflict_num, current_conflict_pairs = get_conflict_count(graph, color_solution)best_num = current_conflict_numbest_solution = color_solution# print("冲突数:", current_conflict_num, "\n当前解:", color_solution, "\n冲突对:", current_conflict_pairs)  # *****neighbors = get_neighbors(color_solution, current_conflict_pairs)# print("邻居:",len(neighbors))for i in neighbors:# print("当前解:",i) #!!!!!num, conflict_pairs = get_conflict_count(graph, i)delta = num - best_numif delta < 0 or np.exp(-delta / T) > np.random.rand(1):best_num = numbest_solution = i# print("best: ",best_num,best_solution)    #!!!!!return best_num, best_solutiondef graph_to_mat(graph):city_num = len(graph) + 1m = np.zeros((city_num, city_num))for k, v in graph.items():for i in v:m[k, i] = 1# print(m[498,:])return mdef run(graph, color_num):# min = 999# not_change_count = 0T = 100count = 1alpha = 0.98city_list = list(map(int, list(graph.keys())))color_solution = get_random_solution(color_num, city_list)while len(color_solution) < color_num:print("随机生成的解没有覆盖所有颜色,重新运行生成随机解!")color_solution = get_random_solution(color_num, city_list)print("random color solution: ", color_solution)graph = graph_to_mat(graph)while T > 0.01:for i in range(iter_num):# print("当前第", i + 1, "轮,迭代开始:")  # ******conflict_num, color_solution = iteration(graph, color_solution, T)if conflict_num == 0:print("!!!最佳解:", color_solution)return True# if conflict_num < min:#     min = conflict_num# else:#     not_change_count += 1# if not_change_count == conflict_num * color_num * 2 + 1:#     print("最小冲突数:", min, " 目前无解,提前结束。")#     return FalseT = T * alphacount += 1print("------------第", count, "次降温:", T)return Falseif __name__ == '__main__':g = get_graph(r'data.txt')iter_num = 200color_num = 3flag = Falsel1 = []# while flag==False:for run_count in range(1, 2):t1 = time.time()flag = run(g, color_num)t2 = time.time()l1.append(t2 - t1)print("第", run_count, "次用时:", l1[run_count - 1])print("当前已使用时间:", l1, "总用时:", sum(l1))if flag:breakelse:print("重启,第", run_count + 1, "次启动,重新选择初始解。")


  • 里面有些许小bug未进行修复。例如说在模拟退火中若遍历完所有的邻居都没有找到一个结果,这时函数没有进行返回(None?),后面的代码就会无法继续向下运行。
  • 对非常规的随机解处理方式不恰当,例如说某个解中没有该颜色的节点,这会导致后面字典索引的异常。
  • 计算冲突节点的时候使用的是冲突对,如[1,2],[2,3],这样在计算邻域解的时候会产生额外重复的邻域解,进行不必要的计算,浪费了时间。
  • numba,yyds!

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