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Altium Designer 14.1.5 Build 30772

CAX/EDA  Sinapse  2个月前 (12-08)  5593浏览  3评论

智能系统设计自动化的全球领导者及3D PCB 设计解决方案(Altium Designer)和嵌入软件开发(TASKING)供应商Altium有限公司近日宣布推出其旗舰产品Altium Designer的最新版本Altium Designer 14。

Altium Designer  14着重关注PCB核心设计技术,提供以客户为中心的全新平台,进一步夯实了Altium在原生3D PCB设计系统领域的领先地位。Altium Designer现已支持软性和软硬复合设计,将原理图捕获、3D PCB布线、分析及可编程设计等功能集成到单一的一体化解决方案中。

 Altium Designer 14独特的原生3D视觉支持技术,可以在更小、更流动的空间内加速处理和通信过程,从而实现电子设计的创新。这一强化平台可实现更小的电子设计封装,从而在降低物料和制作成本的同时增加耐用性。

  施耐德电气集团旗下Pelco公司的PCB设计工程师Narinder Kumar 表示:“我使用Altium软件产品已经近30年了。就我个人而言,我认为软硬复合设计是过去三年中最酷的新特性之一。Altium一直致力于在产品中提供突破性的技术和功能以满足客户需求。软硬复合设计这一功能我期待了很久,我非常喜欢这一功能。”


  ● 软性和软硬复合PCB板的设计支持——新版本能够实现软性和软硬复合板设计,包括先进的层堆栈管理技术

  ● 支持嵌入式PCB元件——标准元件在制造过程中可安置于电路板内层,从而实现微型化设计


  ● 简化高速设计规则,可实现差分对宽度设置的自动和制导调整,从而维持对阻抗的稳定性

  ● 增强的过孔阵列技术(Via Stitching):强化了PCB编辑器的过孔阵列功能,能够将过孔阵列布局约束在用户定义区域


  ● CadSoft Eagle导入工具——由于有些设计并未使用Altium Designer,出于兼容性的考虑,Altium推出CadSoft Eagle导入工具,从而方便客户使用其他格式的设计文件

  ● Autodesk AutoCAD 导入/导出——最新技术支持设计文件在AutoCAD的  *.DWG 和*.DXF格式之间的相互转换。升级的导入/导出界面支持AutoCAD最新版本及更多对象类型

  ● 直接使用IC管脚的IBIS模型,便于运用Altium Designer进行信号完整性分析

Altium Designer 14.1.5 Build 30772 | 1.7 Gb

Altium announced the new version of its flagship product, Altium Designer 14. The new release is focused on core PCB design technologies, and features support for flex and rigid-flex design, including schematic capture, 3D PCB layout, analysis and programmable design.

According to the company, the platform allows for smaller packaging of electronic designs, which in turn leads to lower cost of materials and production, and increased durability.

The new release includes the ability to handle the challenges of flex and rigid-flex designs, including advanced layer stack management. Support for embedded PCB components allows for more design miniaturization opportunities by placing standard components on an inner layer of the circuit board during fabrication.

Simplification of high speed design rules, including automated and guided adjustment of differential pair width-gap settings ensuring pair impedance is maintained. The capabilities of the PCB Editor’s via-stitching have been enhanced to include the ability to constrain the via-stitching pattern to a user defined area.

Altium has also introduced an importer for CadSoft Eagle so customers can use design files in other formats. The importer/exporter interfaces have been upgraded to support the latest versions of AutoCAD and a wider range of object types.

The key highlights of this release include:

- Support for Flex and Rigid-Flex Design

- Enhanced Layer Stack Management

- Support for Embedded Components

- Differential Pair Routing Improvements

- Via Stitching within a User-Defined Area

- AutoCAD Importer/Exporter Enhancements

- CadSoft EAGLE Importer

- Ibis Model Implementation Editor

- Preferences-based Control over Vendor Tool Usage

- Supplier Support for TME

- Support for Xilinx Vivado Toolchain

- New Installation System

- Browser-based F1 Resource Documentation

What’s New in Altium Designer 14: this

About Altium

Altium believes that anyone who wants to make a difference using electronic products should be able to do so. And we help designers do this by giving them everything they need to be able to make this difference. We develop, create and sell electronics design tools – software and development hardware – that unify the entire electronics design process in one application, that is easy to use and as affordable as we can make it. This unified electronics design environment – it’s called Altium Designer – is the result of years of development work but is now just one part of AltiumLive, a web-based portal that is the means by which we help professional electronics designers connect people and devices. The two go hand-in-hand. Altium Designer and AltiumLive together create an ecosystem that is greater than the sum of the parts. They bridge the gap that separates the design of a product and how that product is manufactured.

Name: Altium Designer

Version: 14.1.5 Build 30772

Home: www.altium.com

Interface: english

OS: Windows Seven / 8

Size: 1.7 Gb

Altium Designer 14.1.5 Build 30772

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Altium Designer 14.1.5 Build 30772

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Altium.Designer.14.0.9.build.30380.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/33726914

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