

Dear leaders:


First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.

I am a about to graduate in 20xx Student xxxxxxxxxx, the school is a computer professional.

University for four years, I learned a wealth of expertise and their ability to exercise. Through four years of studying, I have the C language, assembly language, compiler principle, Powerbuilder, database theory, and object-oriented C + + and VC + +, etc. have a certain understanding of Windows programming. I also had extra-curricular learning Delphi programming, ASP dynamic pages and web-based database. Learn the computer must have a strong level of foreign language, I am fairly good results in the continuity of the state through the four examinations in English, is now capable of reading and translation of computer data. Also worth mentioning is the use of spare time I had to pass Microsoft's MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer).

Into the school since, I take full advantage of a wide range of spare time to participate in social practice. Have been done in two Internet companies, such as network management and technicians work part-time. Accumulated a wealth of practical experience, especially in network management and maintenance.

If fortunate enough to join, I can your company's local area network dedicated to the design and implementation, as well as maintenance, WAN or LAN switching and routing design and maintenance.

Finally once again thank you for your patience in reading my cover letter.




Richard Anderson

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


To work in the well known company as a computer operator and there by monitor and control numerous computer systems, equipments, peripherals and networks efficiently.


Bachelor of Computer Programming, XYZ Institute,1999

Professional Certifications:

Certificate in Tally, Sams Institute, 20xx


Expertise in installation of various software and operating systems namely UNIX, Windows.

Expertise in the usage of oracle database and MS office tools namely word, Power point, MS- Excel, Ms-Access

Knowledge and certification in Tally

Expert in using search engine tools and Internet.


XYZ Company, Sep 20xx - Present

Employer Job-content

Compose & type correspondence.

Maintain record of incoming & outgoing correspondence.

Make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, & all the correspondence.

Submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on MS office.

All accounting work.

ABC Software Pvt. Ltd., Aug 20xx - Dec 20xx

Computer Operator/Office assistant

Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries.

Maintains records, files & other references materials and perform related clerical duties.

Search files, documents and maintain library for information.

Drafting of letters & Noting for approval of proposal.

Report preparation

Some sort of Data Entry related work.

All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.


dear leaders:

hello! i am a computer science graduates. thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to read this i lette, provided me with a chance of success. as a secondary school student, i love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. in the three years of study and life, i studied the content ranging from basic computer knowledge to use and many other aspects. of these knowledge, i have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering, this is a professional tool, and the ability to make use of this tool is the most important, in parallel with a variety of courses relevant and practical in practice, with a certain degree of practical ability and technology. work in schools, strengthen the ability of life skills training, learning management knowledge, management experience absorption. i was in a life full of energy at the moment, i desire in a wider world in order to expose their own, i am not satisfied with the existing level of knowledge, the expectations have been tempered in practice and improve, so i hope to be able to join your organization. i will get down to doing a job that belongs to them, to make every effort made in the work of a good result. i believe that, after their hard work and efforts, will make due contributions. enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, i will start from an early age, starting from now on, open-minded dedication, hard work, continuous learning in practice, give full play to their initiative, creativity, hard to tim's a glorious development.


sincerely salute!


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