

When you use Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) to perform an p_w_picpath capture operation of a non-U.S. English version of a Microsoft Windows operating system, the reference computer does not start Windows PE. Instead, the system starts the operating system mini-setup process.

Note This problem also occurs when you try to update a non-U.S. English version of a Windows operating system. 注意,这个问题也出现在试图升级一个非英文版本的windows



This problem occurs because the Ztibcdutility.vbs script file runs the Bcdedit.exe tool to update the boot configuration database. The Ztibcdutility.vbs script file expects a response of "Successfully" after the Bcdedit.exe operation. If the primary operating system language is not U.S. English, the returned response does not contain the English word “Successfully." Therefore, the boot configuration database is not appropriately updated. 这个问题出现是因为Ztibcdutility.vbs脚本运行Bcdedit.exe工具来升级启动配置数据库。ZtiBcdutility.vbs脚本期望Bcdedit.exe执行后回应一个“Successfully”.如果操作系统不是英文版的,回应里并不包括“successfully”(比如回应“成功”)。因此,启动配置数据库并没有得到正常更新。


To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

1. On the distribution share, double-click the Scripts folder.打开Distribution目录里的Scripts目录
2. Right-click the Ztibcdutility.vbs script file, and then click Edit编辑Ztibcdutility.vbs.
3. Locate the following code that contains the CreateNewRamDiskEntry function.

If iRetVal <> Failure ThenarrTemp = split(iRetVal, " ")sNewGuid = arrTemp(2)ElseCreateNewRamDiskEntry = iRetVal   Exit FunctionEnd If

Delete the original code, and then use the following code to replace it.

If iRetVal <> Failure ThenDim aGuidTemp
arrTemp = split(iRetVal, "{")aGuidTemp = split(arrTemp(1), "}")sNewGuid = "{" & aGuidTemp(0) & "}"ElseCreateNewRamDiskEntry = iRetVal     Exit FunctionEnd If
4. Locate the RunBCDEdit function.
5. Use the following code to replace the original RunBCDEdit function.

Function RunBcdEdit (sCommand, bCapture)Dim iRetVal, oExec, sLine,oExec1, sLine1,arrTemp1Dim resBcdEdit = oEnv.Item("SystemRoot") & "\system32\bcdedit.exe"    If not oFSO.FileExists(sBcdEdit) ThenSetBcdError ("Unable to locate bcdedit.exe")RunBcdEdit = FailureExit FunctionEnd IfsCommand = sBcdEdit & " " & sCommandSet oExec = oShell.Exec(sCommand)sLine = oExec.StdOut.ReadLineif bCapture = True TheniRetVal = sLineElseiRetVal = SuccessEnd IfRunBcdEdit = iRetVal
End Function


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.



Steps to reproduce the problem重现步骤

Method 1

1. In Windows PE, configure a Task Sequence to capture an operating system.使用TS配置抓取镜像
2. Deploy a non-U.S. English version of a Windows operating system.
After the System Preparation (Sysprep) step occurs, the computer should restart Windows PE. Instead, the computer starts the operating system mini-setup process.部署一个非英文版的windows,Sysprep后重启系统

Method 2

1. Start a Lite Touch Installation from an existing non-U.S. English version of a Windows operating system.在一个非英文版的系统里启动LTI
2. After the "Apply Windows PE" step occurs, the computer should restart Windows PE. However, the computer restarts the current operating system.“Apply windows pe”步骤发生,电脑没有重启PE,却重启了原来的操作系统



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