[1] fiction n.虚构作品;小说
[2] non-fiction n.非虚构作品,纪实性文学
[3] poem n.诗,诗体
[4] prose n.散文
[5] novel n.(长篇)小说
[6] novella n.短篇故事,中篇小说
[7]novelette n.微型小说
[8] essay n.随笔,小品文
[9] biography n.传记
[10] auto-biography n.自传

[1] blockbuster n.大片
a Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片
[2] visual and sound effect 视听效果
[3] light effect 灯光效果
[4] director n.导演
[5] shoot v.拍摄
[6] close-up 特写镜头
[7] caption/subtitle n.字幕
[8] cast n.演员表,全体演员
[9] documentary n.纪录片
[10] cartoon n.卡通片
[11] anime n.动漫
[12] romance n.爱情片
[13] horror movie n.恐怖片
[14] thriller n.惊悚片
[15] disaster n.灾难片
[16] fantasy n.奇幻片
[17] sci-fi (science-fiction) n.科幻片
[18] drama n.剧情片
[19] action n.动作片


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