In this lesson you will learn how to talk about movie experiences.


G = General audiences = 普遍级

PG = Parental guidance suggested = 建议父母陪伴观赏

PG-13 = Parents strongly cautioned = 强烈建议家长指导

R = Restricted = 限制级

NC-17 = No one 17 and under admitted 17岁以下的学生一律不得观看

词汇(Key Word )

Horror   /'hɔrɚ/  Hor ror  恐怖片

Disney   /'dɪznɪ/  Dis ney  迪斯尼影片

Romantic comedy   浪漫喜剧

Animation   /,ænɪ'meʃən/  A ni ma tion  动画片

War   /wɔr/  战争片

Action  /'ækʃən/  动作片

Adventure  /əd'vɛntʃɚ/   A dven ture 冒险片

Comedy  /'kɑmədi/  co me dy 喜剧片

Crime   /kraɪm/  cr i me  犯罪片

documentary  /'dɑkjə'mɛntri/  do cu men ta ry     纪录片

musical  音乐片

Thriller  /'θrɪlɚ/  Th ril ler  惊悚片

disgusting  /dɪs'ɡʌstɪŋ/  dis gus ting  adj. 令人厌恶的

fantasy /'fæntəsi/  fan ta sy 魔幻片

gangster   /'ɡæŋstɚ/  gan gster  警匪片   # 第二个g没有发音

soap opera  肥照剧

biography   /baɪ'ɑɡrəfi/  n. 传记;档案;个人简介

background   /'bækɡraʊnd/  back ground  n. 背景;隐蔽的位置  adj. 背景的;发布背景材料的  vt. 作…的背景

loyal   /'lɔɪəl/  n. 效忠的臣民;忠实信徒  adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的  n. (Loyal)人名;(英、德、西、匈、法)洛亚尔

grow up  成长,逐渐形成

A bite of China  舌尖上的中国

Types/Genre  类型

Setting  环境

Actor  演员

Plot 清洁

Climax  高潮

audience  /'ɔdɪəns/   au die nce    n. 观众;听众;读者;接见;正式会见;拜会

category  /'kætəɡɔri/    ca te go ry  n. 种类,分类;[数] 范畴

caution   /'kɔʃən/  cau tion   n. 小心,谨慎;警告,警示  vt. 警告

detail   /dɪˈtel/  n.细节,详情

inappropriate   /'ɪnə'proprɪət/  adj. 不适当的;不相称的

climax  /'klaɪmæks/  n. 高潮;顶点;层进法;极点

odd  /ɑd/  adj. 奇数的;古怪的;剩余的;临时的;零散的

parental   /pə'rɛntl/   pa ren tal    adj. 父母亲的,父母的;亲代的,亲本的

reaction   /rɪ'ækʃən/   re ac tion   n. 反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用

recommend   /'rɛkə'mɛnd/  re com mend  vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付  vi. 推荐;建议

sink   /sɪŋk/  vi.下沉

suitable  /'sutəbl/   adj. 适当的;相配的

in addition  另外,此外


Do  you remember your first movie?  你记得你看的第一部电影?

Have you ever watched a  horror moive?  你曾经看过一部恐怖电影?

When did you see it?  你什么时候看的?

Some material may not be suitable for children.  #   material     ma te ri al   一些内容可能不适合小孩子看

It takes place on a ship  它是发生的地方是在一条船上

It is a romance   这是一段罗曼史

What is your favorite type of movie or TV show?   你最喜欢的电影类型和TV秀是什么?

When was the last time you went to the movie theater?  你最近一次去电影院是是什么时候?

Who do you normally go with?  你通常和谁去?

A moive that makes you laugh is a comedy   

A moive about ghosts and monsters is horror  

A moive that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an action moive.

Movies about the future or space are known as sci-fi (science fiction)films.

A moive about real life is a documentary

An animation film has cartoon characters

A film about lots of travelling and exciting or dangerous events is adventure film

A film about love is romance

A moive presents facts about a person or event is a biography

A thriller film has many scary things


for  prep. (表示对象、用途等)给,对,供;以帮助,为了; 关于;代表;受雇于;意思是;支持,拥护;(表示目的或功能);因为,由于;为得到,为获取;换取;就……而言;……后(更好、更快乐等);(表示去向)往,向;(表示一段时间);(安排或预定)在……时;(表示场合);(表示距离);对(某人)来说(困难、必需、愉快等);(表示谁可以或应该做某事);以……为价格;(表示一段时间)计,达;表示一系列事件之一

since  conj. 因为;由于;既然;自…以来;自…以后    prep. 自…以来;自…以后   adv. 后来

ago  adj. 以前的;过去的  adv. 以前,以往  n. (Ago)人名;(英、西、意、塞、瑞典)阿戈

a. This house needs cleaning. We haven't cleaned it for months.  # 这里的for表示一段时间


b. I can't learn Chinese! I've studied it for two years, but I still can't have a sensible conversation

我学不会中文!我已经学了两年了,但是我仍然不能进行顺畅的交谈   # 这里的for 表示 对于(某人)来说花费了2年

c. Jim and Kevin first met ten years ago.

吉姆和凯文十年前第一次见面。  # 这里的ago表 以前

d. Where were you? I've been waiting for two hours.

你在哪里?我已经等了两个小时了。  # 这里的for和 waiting for 连用表示等待

e. I don't see my family very often. I haven't seen them since Christmas.

我不常见到我的家人。自从圣诞节后我就没见过他们。 # 这里的since表示  自从...以来

f. Louis has been learning Greek since he was fifteen.

路易斯从十五岁起就一直在学希腊语。    # 这里的since 表示  自…以来

g. Helen lived in  London a long time ago, but she has been living in Madrid since last summer.

埃伦很久以前住在伦敦,但她从去年夏天起就一直住在马德里。  # 这里的ago 表 以前,这里的since 表 自从...以来

h. My parents have had the same car for a long time. They bought it at least fifteen years ago.

我父母有一辆车已经很长时间了。他们至少15年前买的。    # 这里的ago 表 以前

# 注意时态用词

a. Guess what! Joe has just found a puppy.  你猜怎么着!乔刚刚找到一只小狗。

- Oh, really? Where did he find it?   哦,真的吗?他在哪里找到的?

b. Have you tidied  your room yet?  你把房间整理好了吗?

- Yes, and I have already fed the fish.  是的,而且我已经喂过鱼了。

c. I called you several times yesterday but you didn't answer your phone.  昨天我给你打了好几次电话,但你都没接。

- Sorry, I had a meeting in the morning and I turned off my mobile.  对不起,我早上有个会,我把手机关机了。

# simple past or present perfect

A:  Why was your flight late?  你的航班为什么晚点?

B: There was a delay  耽搁了一段时间

A: Why isn't our departure time showing on the screen?  为什么我们的起飞时间没有显示在屏幕上?  # departure  n. 离开;出发;违背

B: There has been a delay  耽搁了一段时间

A: Did you go to nightclub after the meal in the restaurant? 你在餐馆吃完饭后去夜总会了吗?

B: No, I went home  不,我回家了

A: Thanks for calling,  John. Are you calling form the office?  谢谢你打电话来,约翰。你是从办公室打来的吗?

B: No, I have gone home.   我已经回家了。

A: Sandra's just arrived.  桑德拉刚到

B: Yes, I know. I saw her.  是的,我知道,我刚看见她了   # 这里用her是因为宾格

A: How are you feeling today?  今天你感觉怎么样

B: My temperature has gone down.  我的体温下降了。

A: Where did you yesterday?  你昨天在哪里?

B: I went to the supermarket  我去超市了


Leonardo DiCaprio starred as Jack Dawson.In the film, Jack is a poor man from Chippewa Falls,Wisconsin, who has visited many parts of the would, spending some time in Pairs.

He wins two tickets for the RMS Titanic in a poker game, and travels as a third-class passenger with his friend Fabrizio.He is attracted to Rose at first sight, and  meets her when she attempts to throw herself off the stern of the ship.This enables him to mix with the first-class passengers for a night.

Kate Winslet starred as Rose DeWitt Bukater-Dawson.Rose is a 17-year-old girl, originally from Philadelphia, Who is forced into an engagement to 30-year-old Cal Hockley, so she and her mother,Ruth, can maintain their high-class status after her father's death left the family debt-ridden. Rose boards the RMS Titanic with Cal and Ruth as a first-class passenger, and meets Jack.

Leonardo DiCaprio starred as Jack Dawson.

Leonardo DiCaprio 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演杰克·道森

starred  v. 使担任主角(star的过去式);用星(形物)装饰

In the film, Jack is a poor man from Chippewa Falls,Wisconsin, who has visited many parts of the would, spending some time in Paris.


Chippewa Falls,Wisconsin  齐佩瓦瀑布(位于威斯康辛州,威斯康辛州)

He wins two tickets for the RMS Titanic in a poker game, and travels as a third-class passenger with his friend Fabrizio.


passenger  n. 旅客;乘客;过路人;碍手碍脚的人

Fabrizio  法布里齐奥(人名)

He is attracted to Rose at first sight, and  meets her when she attempts to throw herself off the stern of the ship.


attracted   被吸引的

first sight第一眼;乍看起来;初见

attempts  v. 试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式)

stern  n. 船尾

This enables him to mix with the first-class passengers for a night.


enables  v. 使能够;

mix  混

Kate Winslet starred as Rose DeWitt Bukater-Dawson.

凯特·温丝莱特在剧中饰演Rose DeWitt Bukater-Dawson。

Kate Winslet   n. 凯特·温斯莱特

Rose is a 17-year-old girl, originally from Philadelphia, Who is forced into an engagement to 30-year-old Cal Hockley, so she and her mother,Ruth, can maintain their high-class status after her father's death left the family debt-ridden. Rose boards the RMS Titanic with Cal and Ruth as a first-class passenger, and meets Jack.


originally  adv. 最初,起初;本来

Philadelphia  费城  位于美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部,是特拉华河谷都会区的中心城市,市区东起特拉华河,向西延伸到斯库基尔河以西,面积334㎞²。费城是美国最老、最具历史意义的城市之一,1790-1800年,在华盛顿建市前曾是美国的首都,因此在美国史上有非常重要的地位。

forced  adj. 被迫的;强迫的;用力的;不自然的

engagement    n. 婚约;约会;交战;诺言;进场(游戏术语)

debt-ridden  n. 债务缠身;债务高筑;负债累累;高负债   # b没有发音


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