
Whether you’re recording a voice message as a reminder of that million dollar idea or catching a snippet of a new song you know you’ll forget, the iPhone and iPad’s Voice Memos app is the perfect tool.

无论您是录制语音消息来提醒这一百万美元的想法,还是录制一段您会忘记的新歌曲,iPhone和iPad的Voice Memos应用程序都是完美的工具。

The Voice Memos app is free, and it ships with every iPhone and iPad that Apple sells. That makes it the obvious choice for recording audio. Just like Apple’s other first-party apps, the Voice Memos app has just enough power to get the job done without making things complicated. Recording audio and then sharing it is the most common use for the app, and we’re going to show you exactly how to do it.

Voice Memos应用程序是免费的,并且随Apple出售的每台iPhone和iPad一起提供。 这使其成为录制音频的明显选择。 就像Apple的其他第一方应用程序一样,Voice Memos应用程序具有足够的功能来完成工作而不会使事情复杂化。 录制音频然后共享音频是该应用程序最常见的用途,我们将向您确切演示如何做。

使用语音备忘录应用程序录制音频 (Recording Audio Using the Voice Memos App)

Open the Voice Memos app to get started and then tap the big red “Record” button. You can’t miss it.

打开语音备忘录应用程序以开始使用,然后点击红色的大“录音”按钮。 你不能错过。

To pause the recording, tap the white pill button and then tap the “Pause” button. Once paused, tap the same button to resume your recording. You’ll also see a waveform of your recording in this screen.

要暂停录制,请点击白色药丸按钮,然后点击“暂停”按钮。 暂停后,点击同一按钮以恢复录制。 您还将在此屏幕中看到录制的波形。

Tap the “Done” button when you have completed your recording.


如何播放现有录音 (How to Play an Existing Recording)

It’s no good recording these things if you never actually listen to them, but thankfully that process only requires a couple of taps. Open the Voice Memos app and tap the recording you want.

如果您从未真正听过这些东西,那么录制这些东西是不好的,但是值得庆幸的是,此过程只需要轻按几下即可。 打开语音备忘录应用程序,然后点击所需的录音。

Once selected, tap the black “Play” button and the recording will begin playing.


如何分享录音 (How to Share Recordings)

One of the most popular uses for recordings is to share them with other people, and it’s super simple to do that. Get started by opening the Voice Memos app and selecting the recording that you want to share.

录音最流行的用途之一就是与其他人共享录音,这样做非常简单。 通过打开“语音备忘录”应用并选择要共享的录音来开始使用。

Tap the three horizontal dots—otherwise known as the “More” button in iOS—and then tap the “Share” option.


Finally, select how you want to share the recording.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396978/how-to-use-voice-memos-on-iphone-and-ipad/



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