
If you want to improve your language skills through immersive practice or add an additional language to Facebook, the social media platform provides in-depth language and region settings that are accessible with just a few clicks.


如何选择Facebook的默认语言 (How to Select Facebook’s Default Language)

To open the Language and Region Settings menu, navigate to the desktop Facebook website and then click the down arrow in the top-right of the screen. In this drop-down menu, select “Settings” or “Settings & Privacy.”

要打开“语言和区域设置”菜单,请导航至桌面Facebook网站 ,然后单击屏幕右上方的向下箭头。 在此下拉菜单中,选择“设置”或“设置和隐私”。

In the sidebar on the left, select “Language and Region.” If you’re using the Facebook redesign, click the “Privacy” option from the pop-up menu. To change the language of Facebook’s interface for your account, click the “Edit” button to the right of the “Facebook Language” option.

在左侧的边栏中,选择“语言和地区”。 如果您使用的是Facebook重新设计,请从弹出菜单中单击“隐私”选项。 要更改您帐户的Facebook界面语言,请单击“ Facebook语言”选项右侧的“编辑”按钮。

Click the first drop-down menu, and select the language you want to use for all Facebook buttons, titles, menus, etc. If you select a language that hasn’t been fully implemented across all Facebook apps, a second drop-down menu will appear.


Using this menu, you can select a secondary language that Facebook will use if your first choice is not available. When you’re finished, select “Save Changes.”

使用此菜单,您可以选择如果您的第一选择不可用的话,Facebook将使用的辅助语言。 完成后,选择“保存更改”。

Remember that this will only change the language of the Facebook interface and does not change the languages of the posts you see.

请记住,这只会更改 Facebook界面的语言 ,而不会更改您看到的帖子的语言。

Additionally, if you want to change the default date, time, number, and temperature formats that the Facebook interface uses, you can click the appropriate “Edit” button next to either option under “Region Format.”


如何在Facebook中更改翻译设置 (How to Change Translation Settings in Facebook)

Facebook automatically translates the language of some posts for you. By default, English-language accounts will see their posts translated into English. You can change this language and also prevent Facebook from automatically translating posts of a chosen language.

Facebook自动为您翻译一些帖子的语言。 默认情况下,英语帐户将其帖子翻译成英语。 您可以更改此语言,还可以阻止Facebook自动翻译所选语言的帖子。

You can edit these settings by navigating to the “Language and Region” tab from your Facebook Settings page. To change the language Facebook automatically translates posts to, click the first “Edit” button under “Posts From Friends And Pages.”

您可以通过从“ Facebook设置”页面导航到“语言和区域”选项卡来编辑这些设置。 要更改Facebook自动将帖子翻译成的语言,请单击“来自好友和页面的帖子”下的第一个“编辑”按钮。

To prevent Facebook from translating posts and pages of a specific language, select the second “Edit” button. Type the languages you don’t want the option of translating from and then click the “Save Changes” button when you’re done.

为了防止Facebook翻译特定语言的帖子和页面,请选择第二个“编辑”按钮。 输入您不希望翻译的语言,然后在完成后单击“保存更改”按钮。

Lastly, you can click the third “Edit” button under “Posts From Friends And Pages” to prevent Facebook from automatically translating posts of a given language. As above, type in any language(s) and click “Save Changes.”

最后,您可以单击“来自好友和页面的帖子”下的第三个“编辑”按钮,以防止Facebook自动翻译给定语言的帖子。 如上所述,输入任何语言,然后单击“保存更改”。

These features can help make browsing Facebook posts and pages easier for those who speak multiple languages. It’s also good to know how to revert language settings visually if you’re unable to speak the language that you or another person may have changed your profile to.

这些功能可以帮助说多种语言的人轻松浏览Facebook帖子和页面。 如果您无法说出自己或其他人可能已将个人资料更改为的语言,也应该知道如何直观地还原语言设置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669066/how-to-change-your-language-settings-on-facebook/



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