
Chromebooks and Chrome OS have a full library of fun, funky themes that you can use to spice up your browsing experience. Not only that, but with features like “Surprise Me”, your background wallpaper will continuously rotate through the Google Image archive to give you a fresh image to look at each and every day.

Chromebook和Chrome操作系统拥有完整的有趣主题主题库,您可以使用它们丰富浏览体验。 不仅如此,还具有“惊喜我”之类的功能,您的背景墙纸将在Google图片存档中不断旋转,从而为您提供每一天的新鲜图像。

Here’s how to customize your Chromebook’s appearance settings to make these laptops feel like your very own.


自定义主题 (Customize Your Theme)

To start off, one of the fastest ways to change the entire look and feel of your Chrome browser is to give it a new theme.


To access the theme options, first you’ll need to bring up the notification center from the bottom right hand corner of your taskbar, where you’ll find the “Settings” button. Click this, and you’ll be taken to a screen containing the Chrome “Appearance” section, shown below.

要访问主题选项,首先您需要从任务栏的右下角调出通知中心,在这里您可以找到“设置”按钮。 点击此按钮,您将进入一个包含Chrome“外观”部分的屏幕,如下所示。

In Appearance settings, you’ll see a button that says “Get Themes”.


Click on this, and you’ll be taken to Google’s main theme portal in the Chrome OS App Store. Here you’ll find a huge variety of different different themes, everything from natural hills in the Nordic to sponsored themes like Assassin’s Creed.

单击此按钮,您将进入Chrome OS App Store中的Google主主题门户。 在这里,您会发现各种各样的不同主题,从北欧的自然山丘到刺客信条等赞助主题,应有尽有。

After the theme is installed, you’ll now see the background image and color scheme each time you open up a new tab, or when you’re already working in a selected tab in the toolbar above.


It’s in this same menu you’ll find the option to completely reset your theme if you want to install another from scratch or just want to keep things set at the default option as a personal preference.


设置您的墙纸 (Set Your Wallpaper)

To customize your wallpaper, you can find the option in the same Appearance window as the themes toggle is located in.


After choosing “Set Wallpaper”, Chrome will automatically minimize all open windows and bring up the desktop background, along with a box filled with pre-installed wallpapers.


You can either select from these by category (such as “Landscape” “Matte Colors”, “Urban”, etc), or upload your own image by navigating to the “Custom” tab.


Once inside the custom tab, you’ll be asked to choose a file that will act as the new desktop image.


After you find the file you want, simply click “Open” in the bottom right corner, and the wallpaper will automatically be applied in centered format, though you can choose from “tiled” and “stretched” as well.


If you want to keep thing a little bit more interesting, you choose the “Surprise Me” option, which will randomly sort through the bank of images available in Google Images, and select one to display each day until you turn the setting off.


The toggle can be found in the bottom-right hand corner of the standard wallpaper prompt. As long as this is on, your wallpaper will change once every 24-hours from the time you first turned it on. This means if you want it to change first thing in the morning, select the option at 8am the day before.

可以在标准墙纸提示的右下角找到该切换。 只要启用此功能,壁纸就会从您首次打开起每隔24小时更改一次。 这意味着如果您希望它在早上改变第一件事,请在前一天的上午8点选择该选项。

隐藏主页按钮和书签栏 (Hiding the Home Button and Bookmarks Bar)

Both the visibility of the home button and the bookmarks bar can be controlled from directly underneath the buttons responsible for setting your wallpaper and finding new themes.


By toggling this on and off, Chrome will only display the bookmarks bar each time you open a new tab and hide it as soon as you begin browsing to a designated site, as seen below:


对破碎的主题进行故障排除 (Troubleshooting a Broken Theme)

Sometimes, according to the version of Chrome OS you’re running, certain themes may not be compatible and will present the following error message when you attempt to install them.


If this occurs, you can either try updating your version through the online update tool, and if that doesn’t work, the theme will have been designed for an outdated build. In this case, there is no way to get it uploaded unless the designer of that specific theme updates it and sends it out to Google’s servers.

如果发生这种情况,您可以尝试通过在线更新工具更新版本,如果这种方法不起作用,则该主题将被设计为过时的版本。 在这种情况下,除非特定主题的设计者对其进行更新并将其发送到Google的服务器,否则无法将其上传。

Chrome OS continues to pride itself on being an easy to use, easy to customize operating system, and with the thousands of different layout choices and wallpapers you can find in the Chromebook Theme Store, that dedication to standing out continues to stand proud.





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